A Baby For Billionaire Knox


THEME: I love you



Mary Ann made her way to the toilet after she made sure that Knox wasn’t following her. She met Eretia stepping out of the place. Eretia gaze met hers but she tried walk away to ignore her.

“Now what are you feeling like?” Mary Ann snorted as she folded her arms.

Eretia was confused. “Let me guess.. on top of the world.” Mary Ann chuckled deviously.

“What are you saying?” Eretia scrunched up her face.

“Oh come on stop acting like you don’t know what I am saying.” Mary Ann eyed her.

“I don’t -”

“Are you happy now?” Mary Ann interrupted her.

“What do you mean?” Eretia asked.

“Mrs Elaina Martins hired you to move in with Knox and work as his maid but you tried to make him fall in love with you. You seduced him.” Mary Ann pointed out.

“You are mistaken.” Eretia countered.

“You seduced him thinking he was going to fall for you but Knox told me that he resisted you. Who do you think you are?” Mary Ann said in a tight whisper.

Eretia didn’t respond. She didn’t know what to say. Did Knox really say such words?

“Listen to me, Knox can’t love you because you guys live in separate worlds. He is rich and you are poor. He is a star and you are just his maid. A nobody to be precise. Ladies like you are called gold diggers and opportunists. Hear me well, Knox and I are bounded by a promise to each other. A promise to love each other forever. So stop being a slut and stay away from him.” Mary Ann hands dropped to her sides as she stepped closer to Eretia.

“You don’t deserve someone like him. So Miss maid look for a man who befit you.. probably a driver or a security guard would really suit you.” Mary Ann said with a wicked smile on her face. She was happy that she had hurt Eretia with her spiteful words.

Eretia was stunned. She couldn’t move or think of what to say or even do to Mary Ann who waited for her to say something. And when nothing came from Eretia, Mary Ann placed a paper in her palm. “This is enough to make you stay away from Knox.” Mary Ann said.

“My eyes are on you.” Mary Ann gritted before she walked away. Her footsteps echoing in Eretia’s ears. She watched Mary Ann leave until she couldn’t see her again.

Eretia gaze flicked down at the paper in her hand. It was a cheque of fifty thousand dollars. She leaned closer on the wall as tears burned down her cheeks. Eretia was heartbroken. She felt humiliated by Mary Ann’s words and actions. She lasted two minutes in tears before going back to the toilet to wash her face.


Thinking about it now, Mary Ann was right. She and Harry lived in separate worlds. And she is a fool to think and believe that Knox loved her and that she was starting to feel something for him too.

Eretia wondered why she didn’t think Knox Martins could be in love with another woman secretly even though his mom had said he doesn’t believe in love. He is Knox Martins, a big celebrity in the country and also an heir to a multi billionaire company. It was shocking to find out that Knox was bounded to Mary Ann by a promise. They were both in love.

A touch on Eretia skin stunned her out of thought. She looked up to meet Knox’s gaze and his hand on hers. He sat in front of her looking straight into her eyes.

Eretia looked away down at her plate but then she realized he had finished his food while she was deep in thought. She swallowed hard.

Knox cleared his throat. “Eretia, I want to apologize on Mary Ann’s behalf for calling you a maid if that’s what is making you sad.” He said.

The mention of Mary Ann made her clench her fist. She avoided his gaze in the process. “She.. she is right.” Eretia muttered.

“No.” He countered

“I am your maid.. nothing but a maid. And I think it is best to stop treating me like I am more than a maid to you. Look, I am your employee and I have no expectation of anything from you. I am just-” Eretia paused, bit her lower lip to hold back the sob in her throat.

“Believe me, I am not a gold digger or an opportunist and I am not trying to seduce you so you could love me.” She tried to defend herself from every word Mary Ann said to bring her down.

Knox was confused. He got out of chair before she knew it. “Relax… Now tell me what’s bothering you.” He whispered.

Eretia nodded slowly. She didn’t want to tell Knox anything even if it pained her to find out he was in love with Mary Ann. But why did he ask her to stay with him when he had another woman in his mind?

Knox settled in the chair close to hers. He held her hands and squeezed it gently.”You-”

Mary Ann threats echoed in her head. Mary Ann’s eyes are on her, watching her, waiting for her to do something bad. Eretia withdrew and stood up. Deciding that she would call Mrs Elaina Martins tonight and inform her that it was over.

Eretia was ready to cancel the contract. She would stay away from Knox to avoid any form of trouble with Mary Ann who looked dangerous despite her innocent face. Eretia knew she had tried her best to help the old lady reconcile with her son. At least there is a slight change now that Knox calls her mom. She would tender her resignation to the department not Knox and then leave without a goodbye.

Then everything would be over. She would be fine. Eretia concluded.

“Good night.” Eretia said. And She would have left if Knox hadn’t touched her wrist. She didn’t look down at him.

“I used to think love never existed until I met you. Eretia, I know this might sound crazy but I think-” Knox stopped and stood in front of her. “I am in love with you.” He admitted with sincerity in her tone.

A tear slid down her cheek as she glanced up at him. Eretia was surprised.

“I don’t need three months or anytime to figure my feelings, I know it and I am sure of it.” Knox Martins added.

“What.. what about Mary Ann?” She closed her eyes hoping to hear the worst.

“Mary Ann? She is just a friend. I don’t have anything with her aside the fact that we studied together in the same college. And she was aware that I don’t believe in love.” Knox Martins explained.

At that point, Eretia felt like a fool. She was embarrassed by the decision she had made in her heart. The decision to stay away from him.

Knox Martins cupped her face in his hands. “Listen to me, I can as well say that you made me believe in love again. I don’t know how it happened but I guess it was because you were determined to stay around despite everything I did to you. You saw me at my worst but you didn’t give up. Is that it? I don’t really know what changed me.” He whispered.

“Did you make any promise to Mary Ann?” Eretia asked without looking at him.

“What promise?” Knox screwed up his face.

“Love. A promise to love each other forever.” Eretia answered.

“No Eretia, none of that happened. And as a matter of fact I made it clear to Mary Ann that we can’t be together. And today I admitted to her that I am in love with you and she even said that she is happy for me.” Knox stated with a serious look on his face

What?! Eretia jaw dropped slightly. She thought deeply and it struck her. Mary Ann said those words to Eretia because Knox wasn’t in love with her. And he couldn’t love her in return the way she had expected. Eretia pulled away from him. She recalled that she was here to reunite Mrs Elaina Martins with her son and not to fall in love with him.

“You shouldn’t do this.” Eretia mumbled.

Knox placed a finger on her lip. “I am not going to give up on you too. It doesn’t matter if you are here for a purpose of reconnecting me with my mom or that you are working for at my office. I want to be with you and that’s why I asked you to stay with me.” He pulled her in for an embrace.

Then Eretia began to sob in his chest as she held him tightly. “I feel.. the same.. too.. but it isn’t right..” Eretia drew back when she calmed. She brought out the cheque from her jean pocket.

“What is this?” Knox collected it and he recognized the writing on the cheque. “Mary Ann gave this to you.”

Eretia nodded. “Yes.”

“When?” Knox asked.

“I guess it was after she had the discussion with you.” Eretia answered.

“Why?” He was confused.

“So I could stay away from you.” Eretia answered.

“What?!” Knox gasped in shock. “And you accepted it? Eretia, were you willing to leave me just like that?” He asked.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“I am sorry but she gave me a good reason to stay away.” Then Eretia realized how foolish the reason was to her. It was her turn to embrace him so she did. Eretia hugged him tightly.

“What reason?” He asked.

Then she explained everything to him. Knox exhaled roughly when she ended. He reached out to wipe her wet chins.

“We are just friends. I swear to you I have never promised her or any woman love. We were apart for two years until she showed up here again claiming that she moved to America because of me.”

Eretia sniffled. “Mary Ann loves you.” She whispered.

“Yes.. and Betty Lawson too.” Knox added.

“Betty?” Eretia mumbled.

“Yes but I already made it clear that I don’t love them.” Knox reassured her.

Eretia was silent. “Are you doubting me?” He asked.

“No.. no.. I believe you.” She replied.

“So are you good now?” Knox removed strands of hair from her face.

“Yes.” Eretia wiped her tears.

“Thank you for believing me.” Knox Martins leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead.

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