A billionaire’s kiss


NYC, the city for flashy broadways, exclusive shops, expensive apartments and high flying business tycoons is where the land of opportunity lies. Or so people think so.

To me it’s the city for depression, unaffordable rent, unbearable traffic, screaming people, bustling roads and many more.

And in this concrete jungle lies one of the most world famous multi national technology companies, ATC. It’s the same company where I’d been working for over four years, listening to the same morning chant as I was doing now.

“We are the face of the company” Our VP set herself on top of a chair and shouted. “We create the connection between the buyer and the seller. We promote the goods. Without us, the ATC is nothing”

“We are-” She raised her arms up “the marketing department!”

She gave out a war cry and everyone around her clapped warily, already exhausted with this utter nonsense.

“Gosh the second hand embarrassment I feel everyday for her. I can’t-” Lexi shook her head.

“This is nothing new. Our VP is crazy” Brian yawned and stretched his arms up, getting ready for another busy working day.

“Other departments call us weirdos because of her” Lexi sat on her chair and I sat on mine, in between Lexi and Brian.

“The finance calls us the money wasting department” Brian mistakenly said it out too loud that the VP heard it from across the room.

She looked up and scowled. “That’s because they are the nerds department Mr. Scott. Don’t you ever dare utter such unholy words in here. I’ll report you to the chief” She threatened and Brian looked down in embarrassment.

“Sorry ma’am”

“I told you she has super hearing” Lexi hissed next to me. “I swear she’s not human. My money is on vampire”

“I heard werewolves have mates” Alan, who was sitting in front of us smirked. “Maybe I’m your mate sweetheart. We should fuck before the heat comes” Alan winked and I swear Lexi could’ve erupted into a pool of lava if I hadn’t wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

“Lexi relax, chief is coming” I whispered seeing the chief walking out of the elevator.

Our Chief/CMO is the head of the marketing department and the only reason we are still sane. He’s a nice guy and most importantly the only person who can tell our dearest VP to shut the hell up. Not that he ever says because- duh! He’s a nice guy.

He’s a man in his fifties and loves his family more than anything. His wife is also equally nice. She bakes us cookies, gives us gifts and even invites us to their anniversary parties every year.

“Good morning everyone” He came to a halt and gave us a big smile. “I see y’all already working very hard for the next campaign. Sorry if I disturbed you”

“Aww my heart is melting” Lexi kept a hand over her heart. “Why did he have to be 30 years older than me? Or else I would’ve married him”

“Love has no age” Brian whispered.

“Yes, but he is married” Lexi complained.

“I never said he isn’t” Brian said more angrily.

Lexi leaned to the front and looked at Brian. “Why are you all fired up? Don’t tell me you like an older woman. Is she married?”

“I don’t like anyone-”

“Guy shut up” I hissed. “Chief is talking”

They shut their mouths and focused back on what the chief was saying.

“Today all the executives have a meeting with Mr. Kingston about the new product we’re going to launch this summer” The smile in chief’s lips fell. “But unfortunately my secretary called in sick today”

I stiffened and I could see everyone else exchanging frightened glances. We knew exactly what the chief was going to say and it was nothing pleasant.

“So I was hoping if any of you could accompany me to the meeting”NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

No way. Never in a billion years.

Our CEO aka. Mr. Ian Kingston is the man you wish you’ll never meet. He’s the handsome 29 year old bachelor billionaire to everyone else except the ATC employees. To us he’s the devil himself.

He’s the chairman’s son and also one of the most leading business tycoons in the entire world. He started young and been successful ever since. Not a single failure.

The main difference he has from others in the Forbes list is that he is very silent. He only speaks to those who he thinks is important. The others, they’re just trash. He hates when others make noises or talk or do something that is out of the subject.

You’ll only make a sound if he allows you to. If not he’ll give you the death glare. The good thing is, he never scolds or shouts. But he would definitely not miss to give the HR department a call and tell to fire you the very next day.

So yeah he’s very popular for firing people. Even breathing in front of him could get you fired.

In the ATC the most riskiest and the dangerous job you could ever have is the secretary job. And it’s not the job as Mr. Kingston’s secretary, but the job as secretary of any of the executives.

Mr. Kingston’s secretary, Mr. Daniel Collins is his long time friend. So that position is out of the picture. But if you get a job as a secretary of an executive, you would have to constantly go to meetings with Mr. Kingston.

And that ends up with getting fired. No wonder our chief’s secretary called in sick. She was ditching the meeting.


My mind came reeling back to chief’s words.

“Anyone likes to volunteer?” He asked hopefully and I almost felt bad. Almost. No matter how nice the chief is, none of us would ever risk our jobs.

“Lexi, you go” Our VP called Lexi and Lexi looked at her in horror.

“Umm… ouch” She bent forward clutching her stomach. “I have periods ma’am. Oww… Oh my gosh I think I’ll pass out” She fanned herself with her hand. “I don’t think I can go… Oh my god the pain” She cried dramatically.

The VP muttered a curse under her breath and glanced at me. “Hailey, you go then”

It was my turn to look at her in horror.

“Excuse me?” I asked in shock.

The VP kept her hands on her hips and frowned at me. “Are you questioning me Evans?”

“No-i’m not ma’am. But um…”

Another thing, I’m bad at lying.

“Go then”

I couldn’t defy her order so I stood up, reluctantly.

“Hailey it’s so nice that you can come with me” The chief smiled. “Let’s go before Mr. Kingston gets mad”

I faked a smile and followed him to the elevator and up to the top floor. While we were going he explained to me what I was supposed to do. It was nothing hard. Just give him the right files at the right time and help him with setting up the presentation.

But even though it was nothing hard I feared that I would trip and fall in front of Mr. Kingston. Or do something more clumsy. I tend to do clumsy things when I’m anxious.

The elevator bell dinged and we walked out to the most deadly zone of the entire company. The CEO’s floor. He has his own staff and they call themselves the elite staff or some bull shit.

But we all knew they needed to be respected. They stay with Mr. Kingston the whole day and more likely to get fired. But they’re trained and well selected to their positions. So they knew how to work with him without losing their jobs.

1 point to them- more like 1000 points and a bow of respect for them-and a little licking of feet.

We walked to the end of the hall where the meeting room is. One side of the room is a complete glass wall and I could see the little humans walking on the streets. How nice.

The heads of other departments started filling in and they took a seat at the table. Their secretaries stayed standing behind their respective chiefs and I did the same. After everyone arrived I saw another figure, a much more handsome and young man coming in.

He looked up at the executives and my breath hitched in my throat.

It was Ian Kingston. I had never seen him this close before. It was always far away at an event or far away in the parking lot where VIP cars parked.

And up close he was gorgeous- drop dead gorgeous. He had black hair with deep blue eyes, a prominent jaw curved gracefully among the strength of his neck. He was over 6 feet tall and had strong arms, a firm chest rippling through his black suit.

He strode to the front of the room and pulled back his chair. Our chief was sitting next to the head chair so at the moment I was standing right next to Ian Kingston.

And seeing him up close I did the worst possible thing I could’ve ever done.

I hiccuped.

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