A billionaire’s kiss


“You’re fired” Ian said with ice lacing his tone.

Melissa leaned on one foot and folded her arms across her chest. “You can’t fire me”

Ian narrowed his eyes and looked at Daniel for answers. And Daniel was literally sweating. “Umm…” He pulled on his collar. “Chairman sent her”

Suddenly, Ian slammed his fist on the table making me jump back in shock. “Say it again” He spat, his nostrils flaring in anger.

All the colour drained out of Daniel’s face and he looked down in guilt. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop her”

Melissa smirked and her eyes traveled to me.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“So this is her” She approached me and plucked a leaf out of my hair. “The bitch who seduced my fiance”

“I think you’re mistaken. It did not happen that way. But I can give you advices on how to get him back-

“Whatever trick your pulling on him-” She stepped forward. “It’s not gonna work for that long. I’m here and I will take him back”

“Oh please” I grinned. “He’s all yours” I tittered and glanced at Ian, expecting to see him scowling at me but his eyes were fixed on Melissa, filled with hatred and malice.

Melissa glared at me and turned to the door. “All right, bring it in”

Four men walked in, dragging a table and a chair with them.

“What’s going on?” Daniel asked in shock.

Melissa shrugged. “I’m moving my table here”

Ian’s jaw tightened, his fists clenching at his side, turning his knuckles white. He grimaced and muttered a curse under his breath before storming out of the room in fury.

“You can’t move in here” Daniel snapped. “In ATC, Pas don’t stay inside the CEO’s office. Move your table out”

“Then her?” Melissa pointed to me. “She gets to stay inside and whore?”

“Excuse me?” I scrunched up my nose. “I’m a hard working employee in the marketing department, which by the way is 20 floors down. So I’m not staying here and I definitely don’t whore” I turned around. “Bye. Go get your man back. Then go to hell” I strode out and popped my head back from the door. “And don’t forget to take him with you”

It was near lunch- no it was lunch time but our VP was not letting us go.

“Do not dare move from your seat. You understand me?” She stood in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips and bellowed. “Our deadline is tomorrow. None of you can go home without finishing your work. And no lunch today”

Somebody give me money to file a law suit. Well I got several law suits to file-

She slammed a file on her desk and everyone winced at the sound. “I’m telling this specially for the ones who came late today”

Shit. I bent my head low pretending I wasn’t here.

“I don’t care who you are engaged to or who you are married to. In here it’s my rule and only I rule. It doesn’t matter if you have any personal connections to the boss or not. You do what I say”

My god. I couldn’t even look at the VP. I had my head bent so low that I thought my keyboard would swallow me up.

“Actually ma’am” Alan raised a finger up. “It’s not just the boss but actually your boss’s boss”

You die today Alan.

“Mr. Brown” VP clenched her fists at her sides. “Just shut up and do your work!”

Then at the worst moment my phone began ringing. My eyes widened in horror and I quickly cut the call seeing it was an unknown caller ID.

“Whose phone was that?” VP scanned the room, glaring at everyone.

Then my phone began ringing again. Fuck! I quickly cut it and turned it off.

“I heard it again” VP’s eyes slowly trained on us. “Which of one of you is it?”

“It’s Alan” Brian said quickly.

“WHAT?” Alan screamed like a banshee. “It’s not mine! I don’t like you anymore Brian”

“I’ve never liked you in the first place” Brian retorted.

Alan’s face reddened and he crumpled a piece of paper from his table and threw it at Brian.

Seeing it, steam blew out of VP’s ears in fury and as she was about to scream at them, the telephone on her desk rang. She muttered a curse under her breath and stomped over to take it.

As she answered, I watched her face twist from shock to awe to then grimace. She said something to the phone and looked up, directly at me with that ugly scowl of hers.

“Hailey it’s for you”

I frowned. Me?

Hesitantly, I walked over to her table and took the phone from her.


“Have lunch with me” Ian’s voice came and my eyes widened.

“No thank you” I quickly kept the phone down and smiled at the VP who was breathing down my neck.

The phone rang again.

Shit. Reluctantly I answered it.

“Come downstairs now” He demanded.

Sweat trickled down my forehead seeing the VP listening closely to our conversation. “I can’t-” I muttered. “Our VP is not letting us go” That would shut him up.

“Give her the phone”

I paled. “No”

“Give it”

I looked at the VP and she had her arms folded across her chest as she stood, glaring at me.

I gulped. “It’s umm… it’s for you” I extended her the phone and she took it from me with a frown.

She placed it against her ear and slowly I saw her entire face turning red with anger. She shot me a murderous glare and answered the phone with a small ‘yes sir’ and kept it down. I swallowed anxiously.

She glanced at me. “You can go” She spat.

After excusing myself I took my handbag and went to the lobby.

And there stood Ian, leaning against the receptionist desk, checking his watch.

I strode over to him. “You’re making me lose my job”

He straighted up and smiled. “I’m the boss here Hailey”

I scowled. “Haha very funny. So where’s your new PA?” I grinned knowing it makes him mad.

And it did. “Don’t ruin my mood”

“What are you goning to do with her?” I asked as I followed him to the parking lot.

“I’m gonna make her life a living hell”

“Like you did with mine?”

Ian turned and narrowed his eyes. “Your life is not a hell”

“Ha” I scoffed. “Don’t begin. I literally had the paparazzi chasing me today and it’s all your fault. You are selfish, arrogant and inconsiderate. You are the most-” Rest of my words slid back down my throat as we stopped in front of a sleek black car.

“That yours?”

“Mmm” He nodded and pressed a button in his car key.

Then it’s doors began opening upwards. Damn. “Get in”

I was in too awe to even continue with my scolding. So I did as he told.

He drove to a restaurant and my jaw dropped realising which one it was.

It was Ferlino house. One of the most expensive restaurants in all of New York. Only the rich comes here but it had always been my dream to eat from here, to try the heavenly taste in my mouth at least once.

Then I frowned and looked at Ian. “You’re paying right?”

Ian bit his lip to suppress his grin. “Of course I’m paying”

Good good.

We got out and I followed him inside, my eyes wandering all over the place as I looked at everything in amazement.

“Is this your first time?” He asked.


“Why? I checked your bank account. You have enough money to afford here”

I came to an abrupt halt. “Omg people gotta stop talking about my bank account” Then I turned to Ian. “Why are you checking by bank account?” I narrowed my eyes. “That’s illegal and for your question, I’m saving up”

We took a seat at a corner table near the window and the waiter came and gave us the menus. “For what?”

I almost had a heart attack seeing the prices. “I’m saving to buy an apartment at the Prescott’s” I flipped through the pages but there was nothing cheap.

Ian leaned back in his chair and folded his arms with a smile on his lips. “I live in the Prescott’s”

“I know” They even charge for water. What?

“In a penthouse”

“I heard”

“It’s the most expensive one”

I threw my hands up. “Oh my God! I didn’t know I came here to listen you boast”

Ian smirked and stared at me, his eyes glinting with newfound joy.

“What?” I asked.


“I’m getting very suspicious”

“You should be”

“Not this again” I groaned. “So how do I get out of this?” I said, showing the ring in my finger. Why the hell do I still wear it? Stupid Hailey.

“You can’t get out”

I breathed. “There has to be a way”

But he shook his head with a smile on his lips.

Breath Hailey breath.

I leaned in. “I’m gonna get out. You just wait and watch”

Ian smirked and leaned in. “Try. I’ll wait”

“Fine” I nodded. “Somehow I’ll make you release me. When you do, you will take this ring off my finger yourself”

A lop sided grin curved up his lips. “Good luck with that.

It was evening and I got down from the bus to go back to my apartment or whatever that was.

I put the key in the door and opened it, sighing heavily in exhaustion.

“What are you doing here?” Marta asked from the couch.

“Uhh” I frowned. “I live here”

“Not anymore”

My eyebrows furrowed. “What does that mean? I rent your upper floor”

“Well” Marta stood up and pushed me out the door. “Someone bought it and took all your belongings away”

“What?” I yelled in shock. “Why did you sell it? And why the hell did you allow a stranger to take my stuff?” By now I was screaming.

“I’m not deaf girl. Don’t scream” She huffed angrily. “And here” She took an envelope out and handed it to me. “This is for you”

I grabbed it and hastily ripped it open. It said, come home fiance.

I took a deep breath and crumpled the paper in red hot boiling anger.

Ian fucking Kingston, You are dead!

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