A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Chapter 29


Two weeks later

My life with Tobias is only improving. We eat breakfast together in the mornings and have enjoyable conversations. During the day, he works while I study with my friends. And at night… we sleep.

I guess that last part can’t be helped… I would love to fill every night with dirty sex, but the problem is that Tobias works a lot. Some new project at work is keeping him busy. Though, I can’t be too sad. This is the only complaint I have about our relationship.

A smile spreads over my lips as I walk down the stairs from our bedroom. Not only can I smell the scent of pancakes, but it’s Saturday today! It means Tobias won’t be working!

I hurry down the stairs, stopping only when my phone vibrates in my jeans pocket. People hardly ever call me, so this is surprising. I pick up my phone and stare at the display.

Its… my mom.

I pick up the call. “Hello?”


Oh shit… that’s right! I never told my parents. I told myself I would, but I must have forgotten all about it!

Well… it doesn’t matter, though.

My parents are too busy to ever check on me. Even if I called my mom to say I was married, she wouldn’t care. I bet the only reason she knows about my marriage is thanks to my status on social

media. It says that I’m married to Tobias Ford.

I stroll into the kitchen while talking. “Yes, I’m happily married to Tobias Ford. Perhaps you know who he is?”

My husband-in-question smiles when he sees me entering the kitchen. He barely wears any clothes due to the warm weather, and I admire his courage to make bacon without a shirt.

Is he even human?

Tobias’s lips part when our eyes meet, but he closes his mouth when I point at the phone. Instead of talking, he pulls out a chair for me, and warmth enters my chest. He is so thoughtful.

I smile broader, and then I’m forced back to the phone call when my mom raises her voice.

“Of course, I know who Tobias Ford is! Your husband is the wealthiest man in the country, and I couldn’t be more proud of you! Finally, there is money to go around in the family! Good work!”

A wave of discomfort passes through me.

Why does my mom sound so happy about Tobias’s wealth? It’s his money-not mine! Even though we are married, I don’t consider even a part of it mine! Spending it without his

permission doesn’t feel right, and I would much less share it with my mom!


Wait a goddamn minute!

Is this why my mom is calling me?!

Anger coils in the pit of my belly. My mom heard that I married someone rich, and OF COURSE, she has to call me because SUDDENLY there is something to gain from keeping in touch with your daughter- money!

My mom continues to talk about things she would like for her upcoming birthday, and I’m boiling. I don’t even notice that Tobias has put a plate down in front of me before I feel his hands on my shoulders.

“You’re tense,” Tobias whispers behind me. It’s a statement, not a question, and I shudder when his fingers sink into my skin. Within seconds, he massages most of my anger from my system.

I relax in the chair and return to the phone call. “Mom, I have to go now… we can talk later, okay? I need to get some food into my belly.”

“No, wait! I was calling you to say I’m coming over! You live in that big mansion, right?! I want to see it! I’ve booked a plane ticket and everything! It will be so much fun seeing your new house!”

My mom is coming over? This is just getting worse! “We can talk about this later… I have to go… the wind… bad reception…”

Tobias is now making wind sounds behind me, and it takes everything in me not to laugh. I love this man and his humor. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

My mom, however, is growing suspicious. “Is that a hissing cat in the background or something?”

“What… did… you say? Mom… I’m sorry… I have… bad reception… I can’t hear you… I don’t have a cat…” I end the phone call and place my phone on the table, exhaling loudly.

Tobias chuckles in amusement behind me. “I didn’t hear what your mom was saying, though it must have been bad for you to look like that. No offense, love, but you look like you’ve seen. a ghost.”

I’m blushing faintly from Tobias calling me love. I told him I secretly liked that nickname when we were watching stuff on the TV. Tobias isn’t Irish, so the accent isn’t there, but his voice is sexy enough to pull it off.

“It’s more like I heard a voice rather than saw one…” I comment.

“I’m sorry. I know how hard it can be to deal with parents. When my mom calls, I sometimes. turn off my sound.”


gasp. “But your mom is so lovely! Ritva is like the coolest, most affectionate parent ever!” Tobias grunts. “Which is why I have to ignore her sometimes. Yesterday, she called me in the middle of a board meeting. Ten times! I thought something had happened, so I excused myself -only for her to be excited about some Amaryllis being on sale!”

“Oh my god, are they on sale?!”

“Not you too!”

Tobias walks over with a frying pan filled with bacon, and without asking, he shoves some down on an empty plate beside my pancake one. He always goes all out on breakfast, which is why I’m going to become fat-I don’t work out hardly as much as he does. In fact, I never visit the gym!

Maybe I should? It would probably be a good idea. I’m already starting to look rounder around the waist, and I don’t want Tobias to start bullying me…

“Thank you,” I smile sweetly up at Tobias, but then I quickly return to the flower

conversation. “Seriously, though! The mansion could need some flowers and color! And what about the guesthouse?”

He blinks from his seat. “What about it?”

“The walls are entirely white.”


“We can’t have that!” I look at him like he is crazy. “It needs to be painted in some amazing color!”

Tobias’s lips twitch in amusement. “I suppose we could hire-”

“Hire?!” I exclaim and laugh at him. “Nonsense! We aren’t hiring someone. We will paint the guesthouse ourselves!”

For a moment, he just stares at me blankly. Seriously? Is he that afraid of manual labor? My god. What kind of pompous man did I marry?! Tobias looks at me as if I’m insane for thinking he will lift a single finger.

Seconds pass, and then he finally smiles and laughs at me. “Okay… and when will we have the free time to paint the walls?”

I wag my eyebrows at him. “How about we do it today?”

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