“I only have forty-five minutes,” he continued. “We’re not too far away from each other. Shall we meet in the middle? Our choices are French, Italian or good ole American.”

“I’m up for anything,” she said faintly.

She propped the phone between her shoulder and her ear and began frantically digging for her notes on his account. She stuffed everything into a folder and reached for her bag.

“Great. Shall we meet in say five minutes? I’ll start out now.”

“Sure, meet you there.” She replied.

He hung up and for a moment she stood there like a moron, the phone still stuck to her ear. Then removed it from her ear, took in a deep steadying breath and declared battle.

She could do this in her sleep. Slinging the bag over her shoulder, she all but jogged out of her office and down the hallway.

She passed Trevor Williams, Standard Gate’s CFO, who held up a finger and opened his mouth to say something to her.

“Not now, Trevor,” she called as she hustled by. “Late for an important lunch date.”

She didn’t even look to see his reaction.

She ran past Rebecca and hollered back as she punched the button for the elevator.

“If Evan asks, I’m having lunch with Mr. Martin. Just tell him Friday got moved up. If anyone else asks, just tell them I’ll return this afternoon.” She said,Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

The elevator opened and she ducked in. As she turned around, she saw Rebecca’s look of befuddlement just as the doors slid shut again. When she reached the lobby, she stopped in the bathroom long enough to check her appearance. She wouldn’t stop traffic for sure, but at least she didn’t look as frazzled as she felt.

The heels she’d chosen to complete her outfit were fabulous-as long as she didn’t have to actually walk in them. A trek down the block on uneven cement sidewalks wasn’t what she had in mind. She kept tennis shoes in her office for just such occasions, but five minutes’ notice on the most important lunch date of her career didn’t give her time to worry over footwear. She’d just suck it up.

When she crossed the street to the next block, she realized she never had gotten where they were supposed to meet. Italian, French or American. Her gaze scanned the bright umbrellas scattered along the sidewalk cafés, first on her side of the street and then across.

A vacuum formed, sucking all the oxygen right out of her lungs the moment she laid eyes on him. He stood in the sunlight, one hand shoved into the pocket of his slacks, the other holding a phone to his ear.

Power. There was an aura of power that surrounded him, and it drew her like a magnet. For a moment, she just stood watching him in absolute girly delight. He was simply….. delicious looking.

Then he turned slightly and found her. How, she wasn’t sure given how busy the street was, but he locked onto her immediately almost as if he’d sensed her perusal.

She straightened and started forward, embarrassed to have been caught staring.

She crossed the street, hugging her bag.

Julian watched her approach, lean hunger gleaming in his eyes. His features relaxed into a smile as she drew abreast of him.

“Right on time,” he said, still smiling.

She nodded, not wanting to betray how out of breath she was from her flight from her office.

“I chose good ole American,” he said as he gestured toward a nearby table. “I hope that was all right.”

“Of course.” She replied.

He held out his arm for her to precede him to the table at the end of the row. She sat, grateful to be off her feet, and placed her bag on her lap.

He took his seat across from her and motioned for the waiter.

“Would you like wine?” Julian asked Nina when the waiter approached.

“Whatever you’re having is fine.” She replied.

Julian relayed his request and then looked over at Nina. “I asked you to lunch because I’m afraid something has come up and we won’t be able to make our lunch date on Friday.”

She nodded then reached down for her bag. “That’s all right. I brought along the information I wanted to present-” He reached over and circled her wrist with his fingers. “That isn’t why I invited you to lunch.”

She blinked and let go of her bag.

“I’d still like to keep our appointment….. I’d just like to change the location.” Julian said.

She was royally confused now, and it must have shown. Amusement twinkled in his eyes and he smiled.

“I don’t have a lot of time today, so let me come straight to the point.” he said.

His fingers were still around her wrist, though they’d loosened, and his thumb moved idly over her pulse point. She was sure her pulse was racing. It probably felt like a train under his fingers. She didn’t move. Didn’t even breathe. She didn’t want to lose the marvelous sensation of his touch. Did he have any idea just how devastating his effect on her was?

“As you already know, i have a wedding this weekend.” he began. She could swear his lips curled in distaste. “A family wedding. My damn cousin is getting married on Moon Island. I’m to be there Thursday evening, hence the reason I can’t make our Friday meeting.”

“I understand,” she said. “Abby told me. I honestly forgot that it was on Friday and I thought you and Abby weren’t going. Anyways, that’s okay. We can reschedule at your convenience.”

“I’d like you to go with me.”

Before she could call back the reaction, her eyes widened and she pulled her hand from his. She put it in her lap and cupped her other hand over it, wanting to preserve the sensation of his fingers over hers.

He put up his hand in an impatient gesture then lowered it and fiddled with the napkin on the table. He seemed almost uneasy. She cocked her head, curious now as to what he would say next.

“My schedule is quite busy. I need to move on this new campaign. I can’t spare weeks searching for a new agency. If you went with me, I could listen to your ideas. I realize a wedding isn’t ideal. I’d rather be just about any other place myself.”

Though it certainly wasn’t voiced as a threat, it was certainly implied. If she went with him, he’d listen to her pitch. If she didn’t he might not have time for her when he returned.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.