Abby laughed. “I honestly don’t know. I haven’t been in such a situation before” she said. “Like you said, this is a big deal. Having a baby changes a person’s life. It’s going to change your lives”

“Wow” Nina said sarcastically, “Thank you for stating the obvious and making it even more scary to think about” she paused. “But he’s your brother, and you know him well. Do you think he will be happy about the baby?”

“I think so. But one think that I’m definitely sure of, is that the both of you will make awesome parents”

Nina hoped to God that she was right.


Julian broke the surface of the clear water and levered himself from the terrace pool. After an exhausting day at the office, he’d returned to his house and headed straight for his home gym.

But even after a grueling workout, he’d not been able to rid himself of the tension that had tied him in knots since he’d left the office. Nina had been at his office today with Evan and Trevor and the tension between them was even worse and he was sure everyone noticed. Apart from a simple greeting, they hadn’t said a word to each other until she left… Even during the meeting, she’d been quiet and let Evan do all the talking. Although he had caught her a few times staring at him, but that was only because he was trying to steal glances at her too. Their eyes met a couple of times, and she had looked away quickly.

He wasn’t in a good mood after that meeting. Especially after he’d gotten a call from her later during the day. He didn’t pick the call? What the hell did she want with him? He’d called her back later, but she didn’t pick up either.

He didn’t know if she was getting back at him or mad at him for not answering her call, but whatever it was, he was fine with it. He didn’t want to see her. It wouldn’t help his situation at all.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Even doing countless laps in the pool hadn’t beaten the pent-up anger that threatened to consume him over Nina’s actions. And it pained him more knowing that he was reacting this way. He hated knowing that he had let her in… Made him care this much. Caring sucked.

He was angry with himself too, blamed himself for allowing this terror to take hold of him. Sometimes he felt like he could have done more. He knew he had acted too fast out of anger when she had asked for a break from their relationship. He understood her concerns, her trepidation. But still in the back of his mind was a sense of rejection that had tormented him.

He was hurt and angry that she seemed so okay with them being apart. And he was angry because he missed her.

With her he had had hopes that surged along with his passion and love. Such beautiful talks they had… Such amazing time they spent together. Such a wonderful connection they had to one another. And he was beginning to think that maybe… Just maybe, somehow they could make the whole thing last longer, and yet when the time came for them to hold on to their relationship, when he was beginning to believe that he could have something permanent with her, she was too gripped with fear to try. And she’d given up.

She lacked faith in him to believe he’d be there for her, that together they could move mountains.. Whatever it is that was going on, that he’d do whatever was necessary to help her through it.

Though she professed that she enjoyed being with him, in the end she had rejected him. She clung to her fears instead of him and the bright future that was right there in their grasp.

Dammit! His money could buy anything. Take him and Nina anywhere they wished to go. He didn’t mind what anyone said, but she did. And his riches couldn’t buy the one thing he’d once he could have with Nina. It couldn’t buy her trust. All the wealth he’d accumulated wouldn’t ensure what he truly wanted.

Nina. She was what he wanted. She was always on his mind. A fever in his blood. Why the hell had she phoned him earlier today? Why hadn’t she left a message?

The question needled him, for when he’d returned her call much later, there had been no answer. Was she all right? He hated that he cared… Especially after he had seen her with that other guy…. Whoever he was. Had she really moved on so soon when he was here stuck with memories of her.

He wrapped a towel around his hips and padded across the white terrazzo floor, calling himself a fool for worrying. It was definitely a work thing, he thought sourly. That’s why she’d called. Whatever it was, she could leave a message for him with his assistant. Maybe it was better that they didn’t get to talk to each other.

A trio of wide steps descended into his spacious living room. He damned sure didn’t want to go on like this.

Virtually living alone. Damn, if he continued to think of her this way, he could be stuck in this limbo for years.

That prospect rested heavily on him as he drew a beer from the bar cooler, the bottle of beer was so cold that ice coated the outside. At least this small pleasure in his life was perfect!

He opened it and drank deeply, welcoming the shock to his senses. But when the drink was finished, the quiet penthouse still felt oppressive.

Julian cursed loud and long. He had to get out of here before the solitude drove him mad. Maybe he’d hit a club tonight, see if he could connect with friends. With life. It had been a while since he’d done that.

Before he could take an impatient step toward his bedroom, the bell on his private elevator dinged. His brow furrowed in annoyance. Who had the audacity to pay him a visit without calling first? He certainly was in no mood for company.

But that was exactly what he was going to have, for his elevator was moving upward. Someone was coming. He intensely disliked surprise visitors and this time was no exception.

Hopefully it was just Abby, wanting to spend the night at his place. If so, she could have the penthouse for as long as she wanted.

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