A Deal With The Billionaire

Monstrous Ashley


THEME: Monstrous Ashley



Christopher snapped his fingers as he scrolled through the keyboard, he was trying to keep focus. However, last night’s dinner kept coming back to him. He wondered what was eating his elder sister up because it was strange. Ashley had liked his ex girlfriend so much so why was she opposed to this other one?

To Christopher, they had put up a good show and he had enjoyed playing the part of someone deeply in love. Even though it irked him to not have a way of lamenting about the state of his heart. If only he could have things his own way, he would rather find a solace place to be, get drunk and cry his eyes out.

He wasn’t one to fake his feelings which was why he was so expressive with Jessica. Never letting ego come in the way of your love life was his father’s mantra.

Again, his thought switched towards Raven McKenna. She had acted off which was unlike her. Within the few days they have had a conversation, she didn’t seem like one to keep so mute like she was after the dinner with his family. Ashley’s attitude must have really gotten to her in a way that he couldn’t even imagine.

Starting from today, they have just about twelve days left to the wedding. And he had no idea which one got him worked up the most, the coming wedding or how his life would play out in the next six months.

“Hello to the soon to be groom in the house!” His younger sister, Ava screamed from the door.

Christopher had been too engrossed in his thought to notice that both his mother and sister had invaded his office. He repositioned himself as his eyes rounded like saucers at their presence.

“Mom. Ava. Why are you both here?” Christopher queried amidst surprise. They never visited him unless something important was up. “How is dad?” He asked anxiously.

Hope gave Ava a look causing both of them to burst into laughter. “Oh for goodness sake Chris! Why are you always so worried about your father? I am not sure you act this way in matter that concerns me.” His mother accused as she took a seat facing him directly at the desk.

“That’s not true mom… I mean of me not being concerned about you. I care so much mom.” He argued.

“But it is also obvious that you don’t seem so pleased with our presence.” Ava tainted.

Christopher rolled his eyes knowing that his mother and sister were both playing a fast one trying to get a reaction from him.

“Oh please not today I really have a whole lot of work to do ladies.” He pointed at the pile of paperworks on his desk.

“Err… the last time I checked you are the boss of this place.” Ava said.

“I am sorry to burst your bubble. I am not yet a boss sis. I am also not the CEO yet, not until I am married which also implies that I have to work my butt off and respect the company’s workers policy till then.” He clarified.

“Tsh. You are not fun… one bit.” Ava whined.

Hope laughed at the two of them. “How is Raven?” She asked.

The question had thrown Christopher off guard but it took him only a few seconds to recover. He hasn’t gotten use to being asked about her yet. And the funny thing is, he hasn’t even spoken to her since last night.

“She is fine mom, very fine.” Christopher grinned but a bit too wide.

“I hope she wasn’t pissed about Ashley’s attitude yesterday. I really did wonder what came over your sister.” Hope frowned as she recalled how Ashley had treated Raven.

Chewing on a gum she had picked out from her mini bag, Ava mumbled. “Probably she has a life in her belly again. I mean… Ashley acts monstrous whenever she is pregnant.” She shrugged.

“Will you stop being so silly!” Hope rebuked. “So you don’t talk about her like that. Chris!” She called out to him for help.

Chuckling lightly he flashed a cocky grin towards his sister. “Don’t be like that, Ava.”

Everyone never seemed to understand the feud between Ashley and Ava because they just never get along that much as sisters which was surprising since they are both the female children and were expected to be closer.

Ava shrugged again but this time nonchalantly. “I am only saying the truth and you know that I am not wrong.” Ava insisted.

“That’s okay. That’s enough. You both still haven’t told me what brought you here.” Christopher said as he folded both of his arms across his well built chest.

“Well, we came to discuss the wedding.” Hope announced with a happy smile grazing her lips.

Christopher stared at both women in disbelief. “Are you both kidding me right now? You came to my office on a Monday morning to discuss a wedding with me?”

Holding out both of her hands, Hope scoffed. “I really don’t see anything wrong with that.”

“Mom, I hope that you aren’t having any ideas of throwing a lavish party? I and Raven aren’t up for all of that, a wedding at the registry is just fine by us please.” He stated with his eyes pleading with both of them. The last thing he wanted was the publication of his fake wedding.

“I know. Your father and I already talked about it and he said we should wait for at least a year before holding a massive wedding and also for you to get use to being a husband and also holding up the CEO position. I know. I know.” She huffed dramatically.

Christopher released a breath of relief that he was holding. He wished he saw his father at this moment and give him a long lasting embrace. The man knew him without even having to say a word, he was a life saver.

Christopher cleared this throat and sat upright. “If you know that then why are you both still here?” He questioned frantically.

“Well, even if we won’t be holding a big wedding, for now the least we can do is get acquainted with our dear wife to be plus she will soon be an addition to our family.” Hope answered.

“Do you really have to do this?” He rubbed his temple.

“It is a women’s thing so you would never understand.” Hope replied.

Christopher snorted silently. If only they knew that Raven wouldn’t consider any bit of it as a women’s thing.

“Ok. I get all that you are talking about but why are you involving me?” He asked again.

“Are you really playing dumb right now my dearest elder brother? We need her contact and work place address. That’s why we are here.” Ava pointed out.

Christopher looked between his mother and younger sister. “Yes, that’s it.” Hope replied in support. “We didn’t get her contact last night. It skipped my mind.” She added.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“I don’t think that would be necessary, she would be busy at work. The restaurant where she works which I know and you also know will be too busy at this time of the day.” Christopher said. Although he knew how persistent his mother and sister could be if they wanted something. And as much as he wanted them to accept Raven with no questions, he still doesn’t want them pulling her into their boisterous lifestyle. If he was correct, the both of them were dragging her to go shopping and raze the whole of Connecticut down while spending money.

He continued with the hope of disrupting their plan. “And how about what her boss might say?”

Hope giggled as she stood up. “And why are we the Crawfords? We have our charms to help out and ways whenever we want to do so just give Ava her details and we would find our way.” She walked around the table to peck her son lightly on the cheek. “Love you son. Have a nice day. I will be waiting in the car, Ava.” She exited the office.

Christopher grumbled some unfiltered words as he sent Raven’s contact and work address to Ava who stood over him with a mischievous grin on her face.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it bro?” She also moved around to peck him in hurry before stepping out of the office with her tiny sole heels making a click click sound in his ears.

To avoid any impending shocking disaster, he put a call through to Raven but she wasn’t picking up. Christopher facepalmed himself.

“You are so in for it, Raven McKenna. I tried my best.” Christopher mumbled as he returned his focus back to work.

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