A Deal With The Billionaire



THEME: Paranoid



“Hey! Over here Raven!” Ava hailed at Raven on sighting her. She and Hope had arrived at the restaurant at noon as promised. To avoid taking chances, Raven had asked to work till past twelve when there wasn’t much rush hour and Tiana could cover up for her.

“How was the shoot?” Raven asked smiling at her, as they hugged each other.

“Fine, fine! I missed you and Rowan though. I owe that boy some time out!” Ava replied.

“Where is Mrs Crawford?” Raven asked.

She didn’t know Mrs Crawford was walking towards them after she went to use the ladies to pee. “I am right here Raven and do you mind not calling me that. You sound so formal, Hope is just fine. How have you been?” Hope chuckled as she hugged her.

Raven let her invade her space. “Oh I am fine Mrs…” She paused to correct herself. “Hope.” She muttered silently. “How was your vacation?”

Hope shrugged as she held out her hands. “I didn’t do much but here we are.”

“You look really good to me. Your hair looks nice too.” Raven complimented.

“You are so sweet, Raven. I got it done yesterday.” Hope smiled brilliantly.

“Can we go now? I am sure Ashley is waiting for us.” Ava informed them.

At the mention of Ashley, Raven paused suddenly in her tracks. She had almost forgotten her fake husband to be had an older sister who happens to not really like her.

“I am really… sorry but may I ask why Ashley is waiting for us?” Raven asked though she picked her words carefully.

“Oh! Didn’t Chris tell you his older sister runs a fitting house? She is one of the best fashion designers in the city.” Hope said with pride in her tone.

A giggle escaped Ava’s lips. “And as much as we don’t talk much, I am proud of my sister. She is really good at what she does.”

Grinning stiffly, Raven nodded. “That’s good to hear.” All she wanted was to disappear into thin air and hoping never to be found. She wasn’t in any mood for any negative energy.

“Let’s head out now.” Hope said.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

They brought a different car this time around, an SUV. It was super classy just like the rest of the cars she had seen the Crawford’s ride.

“Hello there Nelson.” Raven called out cheerfully. She was a bit surprised to see him though. She would have thought for every car there would be a different driver. It wasn’t like they couldn’t afford it. The man nodded in response, he hardly says anything.

Ava who sat at the front seat next to Nelson, turned slightly and stretched her phone towards Raven.

“Check out this nice registry wedding dresses that I fished out. You could check for anyone of your choice.”

“Come on, Ava, you don’t really need to do this. I can get a nice dress to wear.” Raven chipped in, getting tired of all the fuss. If only it was a real wedding, probably her enthusiasm might be a bit average.

“We want to Raven, please. We aren’t undermining your ability to get yourself what you want. This is just our own way of becoming friends with you. I hope you don’t mind?” Hope said with her eyes pleading.

“Of course I mind, this isn’t even real.” Raven wanted to say but she knew better than to blow her own cover.

“It is all good, Hope. I don’t just want to bother anyone or be a burden to anyone.” Raven replied.

“You can never be a burden to any of us. Raven, I love and enjoy spending time in your presence.” Ava countered.

Smiling at them, Raven gritted her teeth. “This is so going to end in tears.” She muttered under her breath.



Just in time, Nelson parked the car in front of a building. Ashley’s fashion hub, was boldly designed on the building heading.

“Wow!” Raven awed at the building when they got in.

It was really beautiful, and the clothes in it was to die for. What caught her attention the most was the bridal dresses section. The white cotton and chiffon materials and several beautiful cut out designs with pretty embeddings as pearls and stones made the clothes look heavenly. She had to admit Ashley knew her onions well enough.

“Mom!” Ashley called out as she stepped out of what seemed like a back room.

“Oh darling!” Hope retorted in glee, holding on to her daughter delightfully.

Ashley embraced her mother in return too. “I missed you mom.”

Ava rolled her eyes a bit and waved her hand at Ashley. “Hi sis.”

Raven had heard her say they both weren’t so close but what she didn’t expect was such cold treatment amongst them.

“Hi you too.” Ashley replied back before giving Raven a stare down.

“Hello Ashley.” Raven greeted with a brief smile that morphed into a sort of pout when she got ignored outrightly.

“Please ignore her!” Ava nudged Raven’s side. She only replied with a short nod and let Ava guide her towards the wedding dress section.

“You both check for whatever you might like, I will wait for you here.” Hope said behind them.

Curiosity got the best of Raven as they checked through the clothes hanger for a desired style. She wanted something simple but she knew the Crawford women won’t have it.

“I don’t mean to prey into your family business but may I ask why are you so against your sister?” Raven asked in a tight whisper as she stood close to Ava.

Ava shrugged and kissed her teeth. “She ruined my first relationship and sent my first love far away from me.”

Her words surprised Raven. “How did that happened?”

“Ashley accused him of being a gold digger and a player. She became so obsessed with tagging him and he eventually broke off the relationship.”

“I don’t know but… I feel she was only trying to protect you.” Raven mumbled.

Ava shook her head in disapproval. “Nah that’s not protection to me. That’s just Ashley getting too ahead of herself and messing with other people’s life by getting too involved.”

“If you felt that way, why didn’t you prove to your parents she was wrong?” Raven questioned.

“I was nineteen and dad’s favorite girl, he didn’t want anything to go wrong with me. And dad agreed with Ashley and had me grounded for a month so I wouldn’t see the guy I love whom they assumed to be a gold digger.”

“Wow! Ava, I guess that must have been really tough for you. And at the same time did you try to look on the bright side? He could have been what they called him to be.”

“Trust me, he isn’t a gold digger or an opportunist. Raven, I can promise you that. Ashley is only paranoid.” She answered.

Picking up a suit patterned like dress, she checked it out. “Paranoid, how?”

“Ashley once got involved with a play boy in college unknown to her. Also her so called best friend was his real girlfriend and Ashley was only being used for her money.”

Raven gasped out at the revelation. “Oh my goodness! How brutal can they be?”

Ava let out a huff. “I tell you sis. It messed with her entire being so much that she became so overly protective, sensitive and has since been meddling with Chris and I relationships. Especially if our partner isn’t so well to do.”

“That’s crazy! I mean… she doesn’t have to be in everyone’s business.” Raven commented as she got short of words.

Ava nodded in agreement. She pulled out a dress. “Look check this out, Raven, I feel like it is going to fit you perfectly.” Ava cooed over the dress.

“Looks nice I should see if it fits me.” Raven said.

It was a short sleeve, off the shoulder with a v neck line that run a bit down the middle of her breast and with the length reaching her knee. Raven went ahead into the changing room to try the dress.

“Perfect!” Ava exclaimed and clapped in delight when Raven stepped out.

“Mom should see this, let me get her.” She said leaving the room.

Raven checked herself in the large mirror while running her hands through the dress edges. Her hair was weaved into a single braid and it suit the dressing perfectly. She smiled at herself. Trying to enjoy the moment before the reality of how it will all go down set in.

Hope held a hand to her mouth when she saw her. “Oh my goodness! Wow! You look dazzling, Raven. I am certain Chris would be taken aback when he sees you.”

“And I doubt if he would be able to take his eyes off her.” Ava joined in with a bright smile on her face.

“Accolades should go to me for making such perfect fitting dress.” Ashley said behind them without sparing Raven a glance.

“Of course my dear, you have done a great job as usual.” Hope praised.

Feeling uncomfortable with standing like a zombie, Raven felt the urge to pee. “Can I take this off now, I really need to get to the restroom.”

Ava walked closer towards Raven and held out her hand, “Oh sure let me help you out of the dress.”

Changing into her former attire Raven got shown the way to the restroom. Finishing her business, she stepped out of the toilet to wash her hands only to find Ashley standing by the mirror in between two washing basin cutting her a blazing glare.

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