A Deal With The Millionaire

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

She struggled hard to break free from his grip bit he held on tightly. She groaned before finally give in to his grip and relaxed a bit.

She stared deep into his sleeping eyes and sighed. She would just stay here and leave in the mid morning before he wakes up.

She closed her eyes and like a miracle, sleep took her over.


Shane tried to sit up from the bed after opening his eyes some seconds ago, only to meet with a sharp pain as it hit his head, he groaned sharply before lying back on the bed. He must be having a hangover from getting drunk yesterday.

He grabbed his phone from his bedstand and placed a call across to Claus who picked almost immediately.

” Hello ” His voice came from the other side of the call.

” Tell Lady Macbeth to prepare a hangover soup for me ” He said and with that ended the call. He laid back on the bed and yesterday scene came refreshing on his head and he sighed when he remembered how he caged Layla into his arms.

Tho he doesn’t really get violent when he’s drunk, he’s just glad he didn’t do anything stupid, it was his second time of getting drunk anyways. His first was caused by Brielle after she had planned on breaking up with him and cancelling the contract while they were still in college, and now his second is also caused by her, so funny.

A knock came at his door,, ” Sir, it’s Layla ” He heard her tiny voice from the door. Seems she had entered the suite as he could hear her voice fron his door room which definitely means, she’s in front of his room.

” Sir,, ” She called again, breaking him out of his thoughts. ” Come in ” He finally said and with that the door clicked open revealing Layla,, she was putting on a shirt and a short which barely reached her thighs and he had to look away to resist temptation.

” Why’re you here? ” His voice came with a groan as she helped him sit up from his bed.

” Lady Macbeth wants you to come down, she prepared a hangover soup for you ” She replied and he seems suprised, ” Oh, she had been preparing it right before you called Claus, I had informed her to do so ” She said clearing his doubts and he nodded.

” Okay, thanks… Tell her I’ll be there in some few minutes ” He said as she stood up and Layla nodded as she walked towards the door.

” Layla ” He called and she stopped abruptly, and then turned to him,, ” About last night… ” He started and she gulped down into nothing. ” I’m sorry,, you should know I wouldn’t do that in my right mind ” He said and she nodded with a short smile.

” It’s fine ” She replied and turned, walking out of his room,, he made his way out of the room while Shane marched away to the bathroom.

Layla was finally out of his suite and after closing the door behind her, she sighed,, ” He said he wouldn’t have done that in his right mind ” She muttered unconsciously before suddenly snapping herself back to reality.

” What’s wrong with me!? ” She questioned, hitting her head subsequently as she made her way to her room.


Shane walked over to the dinning and Lady Macbeth pulled the chair for him while he sat down. Lady Macbeth finished dishing the soup for him and he began drinking with a spoon.

Mirah and Layla were seated in the Living room. Jennifer was teaching them some certain things they should know about rich people weddings since they had complained that they only knew little about weddings.

Mirah wouldn’t really come to view on the day but she still has to be aware of how things roll.

Shane who had been eating suddenly choked on his meal and that got the ladies attention as they turned their head toward the dinning direction.

Lady Macbeth rushed to him with a glass of water which he wasn’t hesitant to collect,, he collected it swiftly and gulped the water down, but still it didn’t subside as his throat was partially burning.

He stood up abruptly and ran into the kitchen and that increased Lady Macbeth’s fear as she wondered what was wrong.

” What happened to him? ” Jennifer asked as he rushed to the dinning with the girls beside her.

” I.. don’t know, he.. suddenly… choked on his food ” Lady Macbeth was shivering as she spoke those words, she was scared something was wrong with the soup and that could cost her a sack letter.

” I cooked the soup myself, there’s nothing wrobg with it ” Layla muttered while Jennifer walked away to the kitchen to check on Shane who was just coming from the kitchen and they almost collided but she was quick to stop abruptly.

” Who cooked the soup!? ” Shane asked angrily, his burning throat had lessen a bit but because he had raised his voice, he coughed a bit.

” I.. I’m sorry sir.. I .. didn’t know… ”

” You know I hate spice in my food!, why would you add it!!? ” He cut Lady Macbeth off and she fell on he knees in tears while Layla gasped, she wasn’t aware of this and she had added lots of spices in it.

” I’m sorry.. I.. ”

” No sire, she didn’t, I did… I wasn’t aware sir, I’m sorry ” Layla rushed, cutting Lady Macbeth off.

” You cooked the soup!? ” He asked, his expression suddenly changing and fear gripped Layla but she nodded anyways.

Shane turned to Lady Macbeth with a raised brow,, ” You allowed someone else to cook my food!, You know too well I hate that!! “He yelled and Lady Macbeth burst into tears as she was literally trembling. She didn’t want to lose her job, she wouldn’t have allowed Layla but she had insisted and see had no choice than to allow her.

” I’m sorry sir… Please forgive me ” She begged and he sighed before suddenly marching away, his foots making a loud thud as he climbed the stairs.

Jennifer was with Lady Macbeth consoling her while Mirah stood with Layla. Layla was scared for Lady Macbeth, she had refused not to allow her cook for Shane but she had forced her and now she’s to pay for her sins, maybe or maybe not.

She only wanted to impress Shane for some reasons she found weird now. Maybe she shouldn’t have tried to, why would she want to anyways?.

But at the same time she’s mad at Shane, why would he yell at someone old enough to be his mom?, that’s rude.

Seeing Lady Macbeth sitting in tears made her feel bad as she suddenly made her way up to the stairs with Mirah calling after her but she ignored her.

She got to Shane’s door and pushed the door opened and luckily it wasn’t closed, so she gained entrance into his suite.

She entered and met him sitted on one of the couches and she walked over to him. He raised his brows when he saw her in front of him but she ignored them.

” Why would you tell at that innocent woman!?, I cooked the soup and I’m apologizing now, I wasn’t aware you hate spices, and I shouldn’t have cooked your food, I understand now, I understand now it’s stupid of me even trying to do that and tho I did, I got rejected, it’s fine!, But you should leave the innocent woman outta this!…. ” She released a soft breath after realizing she’s been shouting at Shane when she’s supposed to plead with him.

” I’m sorry, please forgive her and don’t sack her ” She pleaded in a soft voice.

” I wasn’t planning to do so.. ” He finally said, standing up,, ” Huh? ” Layla muttered unbelievably and watched as he walked over to a coffee brewer in his suite.

” You can leave now ” He completed as he brewed some coffee into a cup he held. Layla scoffed before walking over to him and she stood gallantly, folding her arms under her br**sts and Shane raised his brows while he gulped down the coffee down his throat.

” Shouldn’t you apologize to me too? ” ,, ” I mean, it’s rude telling your fiancee not to cook for you ”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

” I mean, your fake.. fiancee ” She said stressing the word ” fake ” so he wouldn’t think she meant something else.

” Alright, I’m sorry ” He apologized and Layla bit her lips gently before nodding, she was suddenly nervous or let’s say shy,, she wasn’t really expecting him to reply, she had thought he would just ignore her and leave.

” Um, okay ” She said with a short smile and rushed out of his suite immediately, hitting the door so hard and Shane chuckled silently before walking deeper into his room.


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