A Deal With The Millionaire

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

” Brielle.. ” Layla called almost in tears. ” Please.. do it for me ” Brielle pleaded. ” But.. but you love him.. you love him and.. ”

” I know, but it’s just that some things aren’t really meant to be ” Brielle said, forcing a smile but deep down she wasn’t okay at all. Her heart was aching and her world felt like it was spinning.

She was giving up on the man she loved so much. ” But you .. ” Layla tried to say.

” I would find someone else. I will ” She muttered and immediately, Layla hugged her so tightly, almost choking her. Brielle hugged her back and the tears she was holding finally fell as she hugged Layla back.

” I’m sorry.. I really am ” Layla cried guiltily.

” It’s fine. I will be okay ” Brielle muttered as she shed silent tears as she hugged Layla more tightly.

** Shane’s Apartment **

Shane spranged up immediately he saw Brielle walking in through the door.

” Hey, are you okay? ” He asked worriedly as he noticed traces of some almost dried tears on her face.

” Yeah I’m fine ” Brielle said with a little smile. ” What about Layla? ” Shane muttered and Brielle smiled again.

” She’s fine now. We settled it.. we’re friends now ” Brielle answered and Shane let out a sigh of relief.

” So we two are cool now? ” Shane asked and Brielle nodded. ” Yeah, she said she was going to tell you she was sorry and you two can be together again and.. ”

” I know.. I meant us ” Shane cut her off and Brielle nodded. ” Yeah we’re fine. We can still be friends and business partners. I will come visiting whenever I am free. We’re really cool ” She said and he nodded.

” Thanks ” He said again and she smiled a little. ” I will be leaving tomorrow anyways. My dad’s jet would be ready to take me to Australia tomorrow ” She said and Shane raised his brows.

” It’s really that soon? ” He asked and she nodded. ” Yeah it is. I have to leave as soon as possible since I have nothing to do here anymore ” She said and Shane nodded. One could easily notice he was feeling guilty at that moment. He thought he was a cause of this.

Brielle noticed this and let out a small smile. ” You don’t have to feel guilty. It’s my choice to leave, you didn’t say no thing to me about leaving and that shows how sweet and nice you have always been. You put people’s feelings first and that’s why I fell for you at first. You don’t have to feel guilty at all. I will be fine ” She said and Shane let out sigh before pulling her into a hug.

” Thanks ” He muttered again and Brielle smiled before hugging him more tightly.” I will be fine. It’s my choice ” Brielle mumbled in between the hug.

** The Girl’s Apartment **

” So, you two are good now? ” Mirah asked Layla who was still looking confused. ” Hey are you okay? ” Mirah asked Layla.

” I’m.. I’m just confused. Why would Brielle suddenly give up at once? ” Layla asked and Mirah scoffed.

” I think you should b grateful instead ” Mirah snapped. ” Yeah I guess ” She muttered. Mirah raised her brows.

” You don’t look as happy as I thought you would ” Mirah said. ” I am happy. I’m just still feeling guilty, I guess. It’s all my fault that Brielle had to leave ” She muttered.

Mirah let out a sigh and pulled her ( Layla ) to herself. ” Come on, you don’t have to feel guilty ” She mumbled and Layla nodded.

” So have you talked to Shane, are you two back together now? ” Mirah asked but Layla shook her head. ” No, we haven’t talked. He wasn’t around at work today ” Layla mumbled and Mirah nodded.

” He must probably be with Brielle, since she’s leaving soon he should at least make her feel loved ” Mirah said and Layla nodded. ” Yeah ” She muttered.

** Shane’s Private Mansion **From NôvelDrama.Org.

” She left already? ” Alec asked and he nodded. ” Yeah this morning… I feel really bad and guilty no matter how much I try not to ” He muttered.

” You love Layla so much don’t you? ” Alec asked and he let out an unbelievable scoff. ” Come on, you know I do ” He muttered.

” So why should you feel guilty? She caused this anyways and she’s trying to fix it back. I think you should be glad and happy that she opted out instead ” Alec said and he let out a sigh.

” I guess ” He muttered. ” So have you talked to Layla? ” Alex asked but he shook his head. ” Not yet. I’m planning to go meet her at her apartment and take her to somewhere private. We could talk there an solve things ” He replied.

” So you’re going to ask her out then? ” Alec asked and Shane blushed at the thought.

” Yeah ” He muttered as he bit his lips slowly with a smile on his face. Alec chuckled at his smiling face. ” I’m glad you’re back to your real self now ” He said and Shane chuckled.

” Yeah I guess ” He muttered.

** The Girl’s Apartment **

” He’s here ” Mirah rushed in to inform Layla about Shane’s arrival. He had called her over the phone some hours ago to get dressed that they would be going out on a date and she was fully dressed already.

” Really? ” Layla stood up nervously and Mirah nodded. Mirah noticed her nervous look. ” Come on, you will be fine ” She assured and patted her back.

” Yeah I guess ” She muttered as she grabbed her bag. ” Dude, you’re fidgeting ” Mirah said and she let out a sigh. She landed her butt on the couch.

” Yeah.. it’s just.. I feel really bad and guilty. I don’t know how I can face him anymore ” She muttered, playing with her fingers. ” I think you will find a solution to that later. Just go on and don’t delay him ” Mirah said and she nodded. She got up from the couch and walked over to the door.

She twisted the door knob, opening the door and it revealed Shane looking as handsome as ever. The wind blew some strands of hair to his face making him look incredibly hot.

Layla gulped down into nothing as she suddenly found herself falling for him the more as her heartbeat raced rapidly.

” Hey ” He called in a hush tone and her heart accelerated rapidly and she became shy and nervous suddenly.

” Hi ” She muttered. ” Shall we? ” Shane offered like a gentleman he is and she nodded.

She walked to the front while he walked gently behind her. He opened the door for her and she entered and he also got in through the other side.

The driver drove them off immediately.

** A fancy private Restaurant *

” Are you okay? ” Shane asked when he noticed Layla wasn’t really eating. He noticed she was looking really nervous and obviously fidgeting. The atmosphere was getting intense every moment.

He let out a sigh. ” Why are you suddenly nervous? ” He asked but she said no word.

” Layla.. I thought we’re good now .. ” Layla sighed heavily, cutting him off.

She finally raised her head up, looking at him directly. ” Yeah we’re fine. It’s just.. I feel bad and guilty ” She muttered and Shane raised his brows.

” Why should you feel guilty? ” He asked in confusion. ” Cause I wanted us to break apart without thinking.. I didn’t care about how you were going to feel. I just.. I almost ruined things.. I’m sorry ” She muttered guiltily.

” It’s fine ” Shane muttered. ” But why are you so quick to give up easily? ” Shane asked. ” Huh? ” She asked, looking up at him. ” The same thing you did when we were about confirming our feelings for each other. You didn’t want to do that.. cause of Brielle. And now this too.. you separated us ’cause of Brielle.. you don’t even care about your feelings. As long as it would benefit the other, you don’t care if you would be at a loss or not. Why? ” He asked and she sighed sadly.

” I don’t know.. I’m really sorry ” She muttered and Shane only nodded and continued with his meal.

” Um.. are we.. are we back together now? ” She asked slowly and Shane raised his brows. ” Do you want us back together? ” He asked and she nodded immediately.


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