A Deal With The Millionaire

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

* At The Airport *

” Oh Goodness.. I missed you ” Brielle muttered as she pulled herself into Shane’s arms. Shane smiled and hugged her lightly.

” I missed you too ” He broke the hug and Brielle released a scoff. ” I bet you didn’t. You was probably all hooked up with Layla ” She said and Shane chuckled.

” But I miss her too and can’t wait to see her. I hope she’s fine? ” Brielle questioned as the trio walked over to Shane’s car, prepared to take Brielle to a private mansion she had bought for herself.

” Yeah she is ” Shane muttered. ” So tell me about the hardships you told me you two were experiencing at the moment ” Brielle said as they settled properly in the car and the driver ignited the car engine before driving off.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

** Kent’s Enterprise **

Claus suddenly walked into the girl’s office and the duo spranged up at once. ” You guys are back? ” Layla asked anxiously while Tina rushed over to Claus and jumped in his arms, he lifted her up and plant kisses on her face while she did the same.

Layla was almost forced to hiss at the lovey-dovey scene the two lovers played before her not minding her presence. She walked out of the office immediately, heading straight to Shane’s office. She wasn’t even aware if Shane was around but she wanted to check.

” Gosh… I missed you ” Tina muttered in his arms. Claus let out a silent chuckle. ” I was only gone for some few hours ” He said as they broke the hug, tho she was still in his arms, her legs wrapped around his waist.

Their face facing each other. ” Few hours you say ” Tina scoffed with a shrug and he chuckled again. ” Gosh.. you’re so cute ” He muttered, staring at her irresistible tempting lips. ” Only cute for you ” Tina said with a wink and then with a pout, making her lips form an O shape making it more irresistible and seductive. He smashed his lips on hers immediately.

Layla pushed the door opened and her eyes widened at the sight. There was Brielle standing some few meters away from her. Brielle released a smile from her lips immediately their gazes met. Layla took some few steps over to Brielle and hugged her tightly immediately while Brielle did the same, also hugging her tightly.

Shane watched the two ladies hug themselves heartwarmingly while he stood behind them with his hands folded on his chest.

Brielle broke the hug and like planned, they both smiled at each other. ” Gosh I missed you ” Layla muttered and Brielle smiled back. ” I missed you too.. so fvcking much ” She smiled in response. ” So how are you doing? Is everything going on well between you two? ” Brielle added, gesturing at Shane whose arms was still folded on his chest.

Layla smiled lightly. ” Yeah we’re fine, thanks.. you?? You got any new guy or?.. ” Layla asked and at that moment Brielle’s cheeks heated up. ” Wait what.. I’m right? Tell me about him ” Layla said at once in excitement.

” I would tell you later but before then.. Shane told me about your parents. How do you two plan to sort things out? ” Brielle asked, facing Layla properly and Layla let out a sigh. ” I still don’t know. Still trying to find ways ” She muttered.

” How about you let them know about you two’s relationship and try to make them see that Shane’s different guy ” Brielle asked and Layla took a glance at Shane who only watched them chat with his hands folded on his chest.

” I don’t know.. I don’t wanna upset them but we would find a solution right?.. ” She glanced at Shane who also nodded.

” Alright then.. so where do we head out first? ” Brielle asked and Layla raised her brows. ” Head out to where? ” She asked.

” Some ladies outing. We could head out for shopping or something, Mirah could also join in and then Tina.. since I heard you two have become really close now ” Brielle said but Layla shook her head.

” Um.. no.. It actually have more than a lot to work on at my desk ” She said but Brielle scoffed. ” Come on.. not when your boyfriend is the CEO.. come on let’s go ” Brielle said and began pulling Layla out.

Shane waved lightly at Layla who gawked back at him in response. He chuckled before also heading out while the ladies walked over to get Tina before heading out for their outing after they might have contacted Mirah too.

** The Girl’s Apartment **

” Gosh I’m so tired ” Layla groaned as she fell on her bed flatly and tiredly. Brielle really drained the hell outta her at the outing.

Her phone beeped right at the moment and she raised her brows before stretching her hands lazily to her phone which she had placed on the bed side drawer on her arrival inside the room.

She grabbed the phone and clicking on the notification, it was a message from Shane. She scoffed silently before proceeding to read it anyways. * Are you home already? * She read. ” Why did he send it right at the time I got home? ” She asked herself as a tiny smile played on her lips.

She was almost dialing his number when his call came in. She smiled again before clicking on the green button.

” Hey ” She said as she laid back flat on the bed. ” I thought you was mad at me ” He said and she could hear an audible sigh of relief from his end. ” Well yeah I was.. I can’t even believe I picked your call ” She said with a tiny scoff and she heard Shane released a short chuckle.

” ‘Cause you couldn’t resist me ” He said but she scoffed. ” In your dreams baby ”

” I’m sorry we could go on the dinner date as planned ” He apologized sincerely. ” It’s fine. I was busy too ” She replied.

” And I’m sorry for not informing you about Brielle’s supposed arrival earlier. She told me she wanted it to be a surprise, didn’t even know Tina had told you beforehand ” He said and she chuckled.

A minute of silence went by without anyone saying a word until Layla broke it. ” Why am I suddenly missing you so bad? I wish I was over there with you. I wanna have your arms wrapped around my body ” She muttered grabbing the pillow right next to her and stuffing it on her chest.

Shane chuckled. ” Sorry, But you can’t just come over ’cause of your parents. I would have loved to have you over here with me too ” He muttered and Layla sat up on her bed.

” How about I come over? ” She asked in excitement. ” No.. no Layla. It’s late, you can’t and your parents too.. ” Shane disagreed and she could picture him shooking his head.

” It doesn’t matter. I’mma come over in my car and it’s not that late, it’s just 9pm. And my parents would probably be asleep by now ” She muttered. ” Babe.. ”

” Please.. I badly wanna come ” She muttered sadly and she heard Shane’s sigh. ” Alright I will come pick you up, just get ready. I will be there in some few minutes ” He said and Layla raised her brows slightly at no one. ” Really? You’re coming over now? ” She asked.

” Yeah ” He muttered. ” You’re not lying right? ” She asked. ” You can hear sounds of me picking up my keys right? ” He said and truly, she heard car keys clanking against each other.

” Oh my! I can’t wait ” She jumped excitedly. ” Should I bring my night wear along and come shower at your place? ” She asked and she could hear his tired sigh. ” Anyhow you want babe ” He muttered and she could doors closing as she also heard him walk.

” You’re really tired aren’t you? I promise I won’t stress you… We would just cuddle ourselves to sleep and that’s all.. sorry ” Layla muttered cutely. ” It’s fine. I will be there soon ” He said and hanged up.

Layla smiled happily before heading over to her wardrobe to get her robe and night wear and then her phone.

** Almost an hour later **

Her phone beeped indicating that she had a message. She clicked on it and having read it, she grabbed her things and walked out of her room and down the stairs steathily so as to not attract attention.

She walked out of the mansion and outside was Shane’s car parking right at the opposite side. She crossed over to his car and entered through the passenger seat at the front.

Immediately she turned to his tired face and pouted cutely. ” I’m sorry for stressing you baby ” She muttered and he smiled faintly.

” It’s fine ” He said and ignited the car’s engine before driving off.

Meanwhile, Mrs Brown watched from the window as Layla stepped into the car and whoever it was drove off. She couldn’t see his face ’cause the glass was a tinted one.

” She said he was on a business trip ” She muttered to herself with a cocky smirk in her lips.


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