A Game Of Temptation


I dragged my bag behind me as I walked towards the jet waiting on the terrace.

Could it even be called a bag? With how huge and heavy it was, one would think I had stuffed a dead body in there.

When Balery told me that the vacation was going to last a month, I’d been left with no choice but to roll out my biggest box and shove in as much clothes as I could. Suffice to say, I was regretting that decision now that my hand was starting to feel like it was two seconds away from pulling out of my body.

As I drew closer to the jet, two men dressed in uniform spotted me and hastily dove for the two bags I carried. One of them carried the heavy bag-even though he tried to hide it well, I could see that he was definitely surprised by the weight-and the other reached for the bag containing my cosmetics that was slung over my shoulder but I stepped back before he could swipe it.

“I’m good with this one. Thanks.” I beamed at them. I wasn’t going to allow the extra time I had spent arranging everything in this bag carefully ago to waste.

They nodded and stepped aside for me to pass.

When I stepped onto the private jet, Jack and Balery were sitting on one of the first seats, her head resting on his shoulder while Jack seemed to be busy doing something on his phone. Hear head lifted when she saw me and she dashed out of her seat to engulf me in a suffocating hug. I hugged her back just as tight.

“It feels so good to see you.” She murmured into my neck.

“I know. I know.” I sighed, “But mind the bag, will you?”

She pulled away and smacked me on the arm. I laughed, then mock frowned. “I thought you missed me.”

“I do, but that’s no reason for you to act like an ass.” She rolled her eyed.

I looked at Jack over her shoulder. “Jack, your wife just called me an ass and frankly, I am quite surprised and so impressed that she actually used the term. So impressed that I am going to take that as a compliment.”

Jack laughed while Balery rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. “How is being called an ass a compliment?”

“Well, I am going to take it that you mean I have a great ass.” I wiggled my brows at her and walked away before she could swat me again. “Christ, you are getting real aggressive.”

Jack rose to give me a hug when I reached him. “Hows it been, Laura?”

“Pretty good.” I returned his hug, giving him a once over. “Marriage looks good on you.” I turned to Balery with a grin, taking in the rosy hue of her cheeks. “The both of you.”

And that was the truth. They both looked so happy, my heart hurt seeing them. Before I could get all emotional and God forbid, shed a tear, I walked over to the third seat in the row and dropped my ass on the one closest to the window. One of the reasons I got to an airport earlier, was so that I could get a window seat before it got snagged.

I dropped my bag on the seat beside me, planning to remove it whenever anyone decided to occupy it, but I highly doubted that. The jet had lots of empty seats vacant and according to Balery, only three of Jack’s friends were coming with us. There were more than enough seats for them.

I looked up when Balery picked up my bag, took the seat and placed my bag on her lap.

I cocked a brow at her. “I doubt your husband would let you stay here for the duration of the flight.”

“I’m just here to talk to you.” She laughed. “I’ll go back soon.”

“Knew it.” I grinned.

She placed her elbows on her legs, linked her hands and dropped her face on it. “How was your journey here?”

I sighed, leaning my head back. “Had to leave extra early just incase traffic is a bitch today and as usual, it was.”

Balery shrugged. “We live in New York.”

That was true. It was just like living in a glass house then complaining that people could see in. It’s the same with New York. You get used to the traffic. The same way a person got used to the cost of living here.

My eyes roved over her. She looked happy and healthy, a far cry from the person she had been before she met her husband. “You look really good, Balery. You’re so happy. Seeing you happy makes me happy and I am so fucking happy right now.”

She blushed, her eyes darting to Jack before looking back at me. “I’ve never been so happy. Truly. He is like, the perfect person for me.” Her eyes shone with love. “Sometimes, I don’t even have to say the words out loud and he already knows what I’m thinking.”

I lowered my voice. “And he is great in the sack too. He can’t be real. Do they still make them like that anymore?”

She blushed furiously but a giggle escaped her lips. “We’ll be taking off shortly. We’re just waiting for Jack’s friends to get here.”

Just as she uttered the last word, I caught movement at the front of the jet and I lifted my head in time to see three men walk into the jet. One by one, they filed in. All of them broad-shouldered, big and hot enough to make me forget about what the hell Balery and I had been talking about in the first place.

“I was just starting to think that you guys had bailed on me.” Jack said as he got up and hugged his friends one by one, clapping them on the back.

“You’re starting to look a little less like shit.” One of the men grinned. He had blonde hair that was parted at the side and fell across one side of his face. “Balery’s treating you good, huh?”

When Jack replied, there weren’t any heat in his words either. “You ass, you know she’s the best.”

“Speaking of,” The other friend said, “Where is she?”

Jack pointed at Balery sitting beside me and she stood up immediately, walking over to the men and I watched as they all took turns hugging her. One of them, the one that had made a joke about Jack’s looks, kissed Balery on the cheek. A move that almost cost him his front teeth.

Meanwhile, I was still sitting on my seat like a sore loser.

I watched Balery aim a beam at the men-who were still standing, mind you. “I’m glad you all arrived safely. Let me introduce me to my best friend, who would also be vacationing with us.”

On hearing those words, I shot to my feet. Well, I tried to do it as gracefully as possible. Four heads whipped in my direction. One belonging to Balery, another belonging to the man that teased Jack, another to the man that asked of Balery and the last…

Before today, I had never had reason to question the performance of my eyes, but now, I did. Because it was either I had suddenly developed an eye problem within the last two minutes and I was seeing things that weren’t real, or I was staring at the man that I had sex with on Balery’s wedding.

Seeing as before today my vision had worked quite perfectly, I had reason to believe that it was the latter. Alex-I didn’t know his last name-was standing five feet away from me and he looked so bloody handsome and surprised, and very much real.

Someone whistled but I didn’t know who it was and it felt like I was hearing it from a distance. Blood woodshed in my ears and even though I wanted to look away-and I very much wanted to-I couldn’t.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

If I thought that he looked good that night, then I hadnt even gotten a good look at him. Or maybe it was the fact that he was dressed in jeans and a hoodie. Sure, he had looked hot as hell in his tux, but the casual clothes did things to his body that ought to be illegal.

Shit. I was getting turned on. In front of them.

In front of him.

And from the way his nostrils flared, he knew it.

I barely paid attention as Jack’s friends shook my hand, barely took note of the interest that sparked in their eyes, barely took note of the way they ogled me.

All I focused on, was Alex and the way he seemed to eat me up with his eyes.

He was the last person to shake my hand and even as formal as that action was, he made it seem sensual. He turned it into something more than two people holding hands. I couldn’t believe that just the roughness of his hand, had my nipples standing at attention, poking through my shirt.

Fuck me, but I couldn’t stop staring at him.

What were the odds that the one man who had given me the best sex of my life, the one man I thought I was not going to see anymore, was one of Jack’s pals?

“This is,” He spoke, his voice sending goosebumps scattering across my skin. “Without a doubt going to be my favourite vacation.”

Then he proceeded to place the laptop back he was carrying on the table in front of us, then dropped down on the seat beside mine.

With absolutely no intention of leaving.

Fuck my life.

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