A kiss


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A Kiss With The Alpha King 




After a long bath, I began to feel more like myself. My hair was easier to wash now and the warm water had done wonders for my aching bones. Somehow, I managed to convince Drew to have a bath too because his fur was stained with mud. Emmaline, Dan’s sister was soft spoken and nice, her brunette hair as straight as rain. Her cheeks were rosy and when she smiled, it was genuine. She had found her mate and he worked at the palace too. It was he who had helped Dan get the job there. 

“Here is a dress you can change into. I saw that the one you arrived in is torn,” Emmaline offered, holding up a dress. She was a little above five feet, meaning I was taller but she had more bulk, her stomach swollen with pregnancy. 

“Thank you, Emmaline. I am sorry for any inconvenience. I will leave as soon as I find a job.” 

She waved away my gratitude, blushing effortlessly. “It’s nothing. Between you and me, I am bored most of the time with Hunter working at the palace all day. I have no one to talk to and my boys drive me nuts. I am glad to have female company even if it’s for a little while.” 

We shared a laugh, transferring the dress from her hands. It was a simple blue cotton dress with yellow flowery hems, nothing like I had ever owned. I was used to long brown dresses that Ansley no longer wanted or low budget clothing material. 

“It’s pretty. Thank you again.” 

“Oh, just stop!” she begged, pressing her palms against her cheeks. “You are embarrassing me. It’s the little I can do. I wish I can do more. Tell me if the dress suits or if you need something else. Come down for a meal when you are done.” 

She left me in a small room and I closed the door gently. During my bath, she had taken my shabby clothes away, probably tossing them in the trash. The thought of a meal was enough to ensure that I dressed in a hurry. The dress was short as I earlier guessed, barely falling past my laps. It was breezy also and the puffed sleeves felt like wings against the wind. 

Not knowing what to do with my short hair, I brushed it backwards, the crazy curls rebelling against the soft brush and let them fall behind my neck freely. It was still wet and heavy. Drew laid under a chair, eyeing me still for the unwanted bath he had received against his will. 

“Look how shiny your fur is now. Grandma would be so proud. You will forgive me after you eat something. Let’s go, Drew.” 

“There she is,” Dan said as I descended the stairs with Drew at my heels. Emmaline’s twins, Gary 



and Barry sat at the table, drumming noisily in anticipation. Emmaline carried lunch carefully in a big ceramic bowl, and Dan rushed to help. 

“Quit playing at the table, boys or I’ll send you to your rooms without lunch!” she threatened and it was enough to end the commotion. She sighed and rolled her eyes to heaven. I wanted to help her out but she shooed me away. 

“You are our guest. Sit back, please. Any allergies?” 

I had none and I told her so. Thirty minutes and two helpings of mashed potatoes later, the table was cleared by the twins. They were both nine and attacked the dishes in the sink. Dan gave me some time to relax before returning to the job issue. Emmaline sat across the living room, listening in to our 


“So about the job at the palace, I don’t know much about the requirements but I do know that there will be some kind of test. I called Hunter when you were in the shower and he doesn’t know either. Anyways, there are some things you should be aware of.” 

He adjusted himself on the couch, briefly checking the time on his wristwatch. He had to be back in the palace anytime soon. Esme was on his laps, licking her paws. 

“Firstly, you 

ou can’t tell the head of servants you are not from Plum Paradise. The palace does not hire strangers and it would reduce your chances.” 

“You are not from Plum Paradise?” Emma asked, now looking at me cautiously. So much for finding 

someone who would like me for me

“No,” I confessed, avoiding her eyes. “I ran away from a bad situation at home and I ended up 


Her frown changed into concern and she smiled at me

“Anything else?” I wanted to know. Dan gave me a sweeping glance like he had in town, his long lashes brushing against his hard cheekbones. He was a brunette like his older sister and his side burns were neatly cut. He was an attractive man if I was the type looking for a quickie but I was in the market 

for a second chance mate. 


“Also, no dogs at the palace. Mistress Henrietta is allergic. Strange, right? A werewolf allergic to a 

It was strange indeed but I only nodded, choosing to say nothing. Whomever Mistress Henrietta 

was, she was an odd character

“My boys can watch your dog for you. Goddess knows they have been wanting one since they could stand,” Emmaline declared, making me another offer. Dan waited for a reply, still admiring me from a distance. I was nothing much to look at so I preferred to ignore him. 



“Okay but Drew is a bit old. Too much running could tire him out easily. Apart from that, he is 


Dan stood as soon as I gave my permission and the twins appeared as if summoned. Drew went with them, needing little convincing and Emmaline excused herself out of the room, complaining of a light headache. Dan and I were left in the room and I was uncomfortable with his continuous staring. 

“Can we go now?” 

He blinked quickly as if previously in a dream. “Sorry. Yes, of course.” 

Dan had described the Paradise Palace on our way there but it was nothing compared to the reality. The roads that led to the four gates reflected my image clearly like a mirror would. The gates were made of hammered sheets of gold and the palace was a sight to behold. I tipped my head backwards to see the top of the mansion, almost falling on my back. 

The magnificence of the beautiful building held me to a spot and it took Dan some time before he realized that I had stopped moving. Was this where I was supposed to work? It would be like walking on eggshells everyday of my life. He laughed at the awe on my face and I burned with embarrassment. 

It would be like walking on 

“You’ll get used to it,” he assured me when he submitted his gate pass at the security post. “I have to leave you here because I have to return Esme to Mistress Lana. Maids are taken care of the most here than anywhere else in the kingdom and this is the Alpha King’s domain. Don’t worry,” he added when he saw the fear entering my eyes. “No one has ever seen him and there is no chance that you would 


I swallowed his reassurance, my confidence dying as he waved goodbye to me. Walking up to a palace guard, I picked up the pieces of my courage. 

“Hello, I’m Vee. I am here to apply for the position of a maid.” 

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