A Night With My Boss

Chapter 47

**Skyler **

I woke up with a banging headache knowing it was from the last night drinking spree with David which had ended again in sex, he had started developing touchy feelings for me and I could see it in his eyes, feel it in his touch and even the way he talks about Alex. David again had tried to talk me out of conducting the search.

“Babe just forget about this guy he’s dead already” He had said.

“I have to see proof that he’s dead otherwise my mind won’t be at peace”.

“But what about the police? They will still be there by tomorrow”.

“But not at night, they would have been gone by then”.

“And they would have searched the whole place down by then…” His eyes twinkled in such a way that I couldn’t resist kissing him, I just can’t wait for all this to be over so we can run away and I can spoil this hunk of hot chocolate with sex, money and some alcohol too.

“So can you shut up now?” I asked after we finally pulled apart.

“I’m just worried about you pumpkin, I don’t want you to get caught”.

“And I won’t, trust me Davey” We resumed kissing again.

I was roused from my thoughts by a knock on my door. I checked the time and saw that it was 12:34 pm!! I slept for more than 12 hours. The knock came again, this time more aggressive than the first one. I got up, wore my panties which were dangling on the side of the bed and put on my robe before getting to the door.

“You were still knocked out? I knew you had too many drinks last night” Dave scolded me as he entered, he scanned me up and down but it was my eyes that got his attention.

“I didn’t know when I passed out but how are you doing Dave?” it wasn’t my best look but I’ve been worse.

“I’m okay I just came here to check if you’ve changed your mind” He said, eyeing me cautiously watching my reaction.

“I haven’t changed my mind and if you’re still thinking I will then you’re wrong. Look if you don’t want to come with me that’s fine by me I can go alone anyways”.

“As if I’d let you do that!! I’ve got your back till the end Skyler don’t forget that”.

“Clearly I didn’t, so why the reluctance? You suddenly have somewhere else to be at that time?” He had been acting creepy since we got back from the pursuit yesterday and now it’s getting worse with the obvious reluctance.

“I just wanted to be sure that you made up your mind…. I see you are” He said, raising his hands in a sign of defeat.

“Good so if you’re with me then stop asking questions like that”.

“I should be on my way now,” David said about taking his leave.

“Why are your visits so short darling? I want you to stay longer”.

“It’s my schedule, it has gotten tighter due to customer flow so I’m working round the clock nowadays”.

“I didn’t ask for your sob story anyways just be here by 7 o’clock sharp, don’t be late” I shut the door on him just before he could ask for a kiss, I can’t kiss him when my mouth reeks of overnight alcohol. As I started freshening up I started to think of the possible places Petra could be but I came up with nothing. I was so confused but I told myself my revenge can come whenever I pleased so why rush it? I needed to get rid of Alex so that Petra would be left unprotected and that’s when I would strike her where it hurts most, strike her where she had struck me…. THE HEART!!.

Dave arrived 15 minutes earlier than usual looking stunning and muscular in his bodice V neck he had chosen to wear for the occasion, his cologne was exceptional tonight. Skylie Likey.

“You came earlier than usual now that’s a pleasant surprise” I said, ushering him in.

“Well I want us to be done with this real quick and besides I haven’t been with you all day” He pulled me into a surprise kiss which he instantly dominated me by forcing his tongue through my lips, he grabbed my ass and lifted me towards the bed. I knew how this was going to end but that’s not what I want right now (as much as I want it) there’s a job that needs to be done, I pushed him away from my body much to his surprise.

“We don’t have time for any make out session right now so better save it for later” I said trying to catch my breath, he’s such a good kisser.

“You take this way too seriously!! Try easing up a bit sheesh” He was obviously annoyed which made him look two times hotter but I could not rape his brains right now because of time.

“Yeah whatever, you’ll get your kissy kissy time when we get back. Grab the keys you’re the one driving” That eased his anger a little bit, he had been wanting to drive my car ever since the first day I came to this hotel.

Dave still wasn’t speaking to me when we stopped at a gas station for a refuel, this didn’t bother me because I could satisfy his urges when we got back but he isn’t patient enough to satisfy my curiosity first.

“Any reasons why you are not speaking to me?” I broke the long spell of silence at last.

“I’m just feeling a bit reserved tonight” He answered coolly almost as if he had been planning to give me that answer all along.

“You’ve never been reserved around me so why the sudden change?”.

“Look can we just focus on getting to the location where you can start your fruitless search” He replied so cooly as he drove at a high speed but it doesn’t matter now because we were now on the freeway, I left him alone for the rest of the ride and focused my mind more on what to expect when I got there, more police maybe? Not so sure.

We parked a few metres away from the river bank, there was still some police yellow tape around that area and a lot of footprints which looked recent. I told Dave to watch the car while I walked around the accident scene looking for clues and any possible way he could have escaped.

I got an ominous feeling and It felt like someone was watching me from the shadows. I turned around and scanned the area for any hiding spots but there wasn’t much to see in this darkness. I brought out my torch and walked along the river bank away from the accident scene. I was sure that my new behaviour would puzzle David but I didn’t care. I wanted proof.

Then I found it, the proof I had been looking for finally surfaced. Lying on the ground close to some river bank bushes was Alex’s shoe!! I was sure it was his because he loves Ferragamo and it has the initials A. M on the side of the heel. I looked round for any more clues but it seemed that the waves had washed any footprint left by Alex but what happened was already clear to me now.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

‘So this is where you swam out from your sly dog’.

I thought I was being watched again so I spun around quickly but this time it was Dave who was waving at me from a distance, I checked my time and saw that it was getting late so I took a picture of the shoe for proof and headed towards the car, I just can’t wait to see the look on his face when I tell him Alex wasn’t dead as he had hoped him to be.

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