There’s never a dull moment with Brianna. I mean we don’t really get along but the arguments we have everything time is always fun and I really don’t know why but I love frustrating her.

Since I wasn’t going to work today, I decided to go and give Manuel a surprise visit at his office. I got to his company within the period of one hour and I parked my car in the parking lot. I walked into the building and and his employees started greeting me.

“Good morning Sir.” One greeted.

“Long time Sir.” Another greeted.

“It’s good to see you again Sir.” Another one of them said. Those were the series of greetings that I received from them and I nodded at each and every one of them.

I got to the elevator and waited for a few heartbeats for it to get here before going in. I pressed the button to the floor Manuel’s office was located and waited patiently for it to get there. The elevator dinged and I strode out of it as if I owned the place. The employees I met on the way kept greeting but I ignored them because I was already fed up of the greetings.

I met his personal assistant at her post outside of his office. She looked up at me when I was about to open the door to Manuel’s office and she stopped me from opening the door. I rolled my eyes and turned to face her fully.

“Good morning Mr. Adrian.”

“Good morning to you too Clarice. Is your boss in?” I asked.

“Yeah, he’s in but he said he does not want to see any visitor and he doesn’t want any disturbance.” She stated.

“Really? So what you’re meaning to tell me is that I’m a visitor and disturbance to your boss?” I asked slightly annoyed.

“No Sir, I just meant that he’s very busy at the moment and would not like to see anybody.”

“And that ‘anybody’ includes his best friend?” I questioned. She wanted to reply but I shut her up.

“You know what? I’m gonna help you tell your boss that you’re fed up of being his assistant. You don’t need to thank me, I’ll relieve you of your troubles within some minutes.” I said with smirk on my face and she began to beg me but it all fell on deaf ears because I didn’t have the ears to listen to her please.

I walked into Manuel’s office without even bothering to knock just to piss him off. He was really focused on whatever he was doing on his laptop that he didn’t even raise his head up to know who entered.

“What do you want? I thought I told Clarice that I didn’t want any disturbance?” He asked but I didn’t reply him. He still looked focused on what he was doing.

“Hmm, whoever you are, can you please tell me why you’re here or get the hell outta my office?” He snapped irritatedly. I still didn’t give him a reply and I released a quiet chuckle because of the look on his face. I’ve never seen Manuel so serious before. He’s always been so carefree and I think this is the first time I’ve actually ever seen him so serious and focused. He looked up when he heard my chuckle and his expression changed.

“Adrian? Why couldn’t you talk when I was asking what you wanted?” He asked.

“And shouldn’t you be at work? It’s a Wednesday afternoon and you’re usually very busy during the week.” He stated.

“I didn’t go to work today so I decided to come and give you a surprise visit so… SURPRISE!!!” I shouted with feigned enthusiasm and he rolled his eyes.

“What were you doing that you looked so serious while doing it?” I asked curiously.

“I was on an online meeting with a very important business associate but you decided to ruin it and now, I have to reschedule the meeting.” He said seriously.

“I’m sorry man, I didn’t know that was what you were doing and you shouldn’t be angry because you do this to me every fucking time.” I said and rubbed his neck with his hand.

“Oh really? I didn’t know.” He muttered.

“How can you know?” I said chuckling and we fell silent.

“Ah! Before I forget, you need to fire your personal assistant.” I stated.

“Fire Clarice? Why should I fire her?” He questioned.

“She was really rude to me. She was telling me that I was a visitor and that I was also a disturbance to you. Can you imagine that?”

“She really did that? Clarice, COME TO MY OFFICE THIS INSTANT!!” He bellowed and Clarice ran into the office like her pants were on fire.

“You called for me Sir.” Clarice said shivering.

“Yes, I did call for you. Now tell me, are tired of working with me?” He asked staring pointless at her and she squirmed.

“No Sir, I’m not tired of working with you.” She responded.

“Then why did you stop him from entering?”

“I was just following the orders you gave to me Sir.”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“You should have used your senses and reason that Adrian is not a visitor. Do I have to teach you everything?” He said and groaned at the end.

“What should I do with you?” Manuel mumbled.

“You could just fire her? We don’t want her acting like that to important people, do we?” I said.

“I won’t fire her for now but if she does something like that again, I’ll fire her without thinking twice.” He said and she nodded her head.

“You can get the hell outta my office now but have it in mind that if something like this occurs again, I’ll sack you without thinking twice about it. Am I clear?” He asked sternly.

“Yes Sir.” She nodded and ran out of the office just as she had came in.

“You should have just fired her you know?”

“Nah, I can’t just fire her because of something like that. She does her work efficiently and firing her for something as small as that is not really fair. Besides, I’m not like someone who changes assistants as if they’re changing clothes.” He said and I knew who he was talking about.

“You’re referring to me right?” I asked with a playful glare.

“Hey, I didn’t mention anybody’s name.” He answered while raising his hands up in mock surrender.

“That reminds me, how is that assistant of yours? Have you fired her?” He questioned curiously.

“I haven’t fired her,, yet. She hasn’t given me a reason to fire her.” I replied, when honestly, Brianna have given me tons of reasons to fire her but I chose not to. Manuel stared at me weirdly because of my reply.

“You don’t usually have reasons to fire them. You fire them when they make a single mistake.”

“And I’m telling you that she hasn’t made any mistake.”

“Well, that’s surprising. It means she’s perfect.” He said.

“Whatever. I’ve spent enough time here already. I went to go to one of my restaurants and see how they’re doing.” I uttered and stood up.

“Let me come with you since I have nothing to do at the moment.” He said and also stood up.

“I thought you were busy?”

“I’m not busy anymore thanks to you.” He stated and we both walked out of his office.

“Which one of your restaurants are we going?”

“The one downtown.” I responded.

“Wasn’t that the place where we first met your current PA and got kicked at the balls?”

“Yeah, that’s the place and please don’t remind me of that incident.” I groaned and he burst into a crazy and loud laughter.


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