A Night With The King

Chapter 13

And that’s how a series of horrible events started for Sophie, after she was able to get water for the self-acclaimed queen, she had to wash the toilet and also run errands for the other inmates and before she was finally able to take a break, it was almost afternoon, just when Sophie thought her problems for the day are over, she got called by the prison warder.

“So, let’s make this easy for the both of us, I will rather be anywhere but here, and apparently, you don’t have a lawyer and can’t even get one because your offense is against the number person of this kingdom, let’s not make things hard for ourselves, you tell me where the diamonds are, I report to my boss who will in turn report to the king and viola, we all win, except you will have to serve jail time for daring to steal from the king of Otano,”

The lady said as Sophie sat across from her in the interrogation room, Sophie had nothing to say, nothing, yes, she knew she would not be able to get a lawyer, even if the king allows it, she still couldn’t afford a lawyer.

“Come on woman, speak up,”

The warder persuaded.

“I didn’t do anything wrong, I didn’t steal anything either,”

Sophie said with all of her strength.

“We both know that’s not true, if you didn’t steal it, you won’t be here right now, come on, just say the truth,”

She yelled at her and Sophie bowed her head, there was nothing else she could say.

“Oh, you don’t wanna say anything? You don’t wanna bring what you stole either? You are asking for a harsher punishment, right? I was trying to be nice,”

The warder let out after a long pause.

“I have said my truth, I didn’t steal anything, it was stolen from me, I don’t have proof but I swear on my life that I didn’t steal it, I was going to where the king sent me but the driver suddenly became something else, he took it not me, I am innocent,”

Sophie cried.

“You don’t want to say it, do you? You really want me to go the harsh way? Why can’t you guys just be easy to deal with? At the end of the day, the diamonds are missing and the last person it was with was you, and the palace guard who was sent with you came back with a gunshot wound and is still at the hospital as we speak, so? What happened that day? Who stole the diamonds? Who shot the palace guard if you say you are innocent?”

She asked, all Sophie could do was shake her head, she couldn’t defend herself, the palace guard had shot himself and framed her for his crime, it was his words against hers and she didn’t have any injuries when she was brought back, no one will believe her.

“It will be best to confess and also name your accomplices because you and I both know you couldn’t have pulled it off on your own, just speak the truth and you might get a lesser sentence,”

She persuaded.

“I didn’t do it,”

She cried.

“Okay that’s it, I am much too stressed to deal with this today,”

She said and got up and walked away leaving Sophie on her own. She was left there for about thirty minutes before the one who brought her in came and took her back to the prison.

Getting back to the prison was as bad as before she left, she was assigned to wash the dishes the other inmates used immediately after she got back, after which she had to fill the drum in the restroom with water and it took a long time for her to be done, she knew she needed to be strong and get used to her harsh life so she did her best to do everything she was told to avoid trouble.

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“I asked you to wash the restroom, what are you doing seating here?”

The self-acclaimed queen asked and Sophie got on her feet knowing she was in trouble again, how she was able to get in trouble with everyone here in just three days of being here was beyond her, everyone hated her, there was no proof of her innocence and every day, she was taking in for questioning, pressured to speak the truth and when she told them what happened, what truly took place between her and the palace guard, they always just send her back here not believing what she said.

“What? Why are you just standing there looking at me like that? I asked you to do something for me didn’t I?”

The self-acclaimed queen yelled in her face, Sophie took a step back to prevent her from hitting her again, earlier today, when she had woken up, she made the mistake of laying in bed for five minutes too long and got in trouble with the prison queen who slapped her across the face twice, it still hurt where she hit her and the last thing she wanted was to be beaten again.

“I am sorry, I was tired and wanted to rest a little,”

She said in a tiny voice.

“You are tired? What did you do? What have you done? If you don’t go and scrub the restroom right now, you will see what being tired truly is,”

“But, but, I washed it earlier today,”

Sophie cried in frustration.

“And? It is messy, and your job is to clean up when it is messy you don’t get to decide when you will clean or when you won’t, do as I say before I do something that you won’t like,”

She yelled at her and Sophie ran out of there, she was much too exhausted and she felt like she would collapse any moment, her whole body ached from being pushed around and she hasn’t eaten well since she got here, nope, they either took her food from her or just threw it all over the table and she was made to pick them up.

“I don’t deserve this,”

Sophie cried softly as she went into the messy restroom, she has been cleaning it for three days now but the women there were very unclean and always mess it up, Sophie wiped the tears that gathered in her eyes off, the sooner she gets used to her new reality, the sooner it would be for her to cope with it, there was no escaping this, not when no one was ready to listen to her own side of the story, no one believed her and she couldn’t even blame them, where was the proof that she was innocent? Nothing, she met the palace guard and watched him lie about everything that happened, and of course, he painted her out to be the villain, making it seem she had an accomplice that she was trying to hide, it was hellish to watch him lie on her name, she begged him to tell the truth but he didn’t.

Trying to forget everything and just focus on getting the restroom clean was so hard, she felt dizzy.

“Oh God,”

She whispered trying to straighten up and kick the dizzy feeling out, she needed to be done with this before the self-acclaimed queen comes here and hit her again, she blinked as she got even dizzier, the restroom suddenly became so dark, and no matter how she tried to blink the darkness away, it just didn’t go away, she felt a sharp pain in her head right before everything went totally black…

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