A promise: That changed my life

Chapter 31: He's lying

Chapter 31: He's lying


We were talking casually before a familiar voice intervened, "Good evening, Sir and Ma'am, " I tilted my head to see, finding Vishal wandering towards us with a girl, my smile dropped, replacing it to fear.

"Good evening, Vishal and Rena." Karan and Rhea greeted in unison.

Vishal's eyes turn in my direction, "Your wife, I assume," He says, gaping at me.

"Yes, Adah met Vishal, my manager, and my secretary, Rena." He introduced us.

"Nice to meet you, Ma'am." They said together. I can feel that Vishal is called me Ma'am purposely to make me feel guilty, I just slightly smiled in response, not finding proper words to say.

"But I can sense something between you two," Karan adds teasingly.

"Yes, We just started to date." Vishal replies, blushing so did Rena.

"Oh, that's great, Congrats!"

"Thank you so much, Sir, now if you allow us." With that, they disappeared among other guests.

Karan, Sunny, Jiya, and Ronnie were laughing at a silly joke, I was enjoying the time, forgetting that I even met Vishal here when I suddenly caught Rhea very disturbed as we walked together to the table where Ronnie's bday cake is placed.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, following her eyes were looking for someone.

"Yes, but I don't know where's my stupid husband and brother are, " Ohh! It means Karan's stepbrother whom Janna ma told me about, she continued, "I called and even left a message for them, but they still haven't responded to it!" She exclaims, angrily.

I tapped on her shoulder, "Don't worry, they will be here soon."

She gives me a sad smile, "Hope so, but I don't want Ronnie to cut the cake without his dad and uncle." She specified.

I nodded, "I can understand."

"Mom, when are we gonna cut the cake?! I can't wait to eat it!" Ron asked.

"Soon but first let your dad come," She replies.

"And when is he coming?" Jiya asks.

"He'll-" Rhea's voice gets cut by a manly voice behind us.

"I am already here!"

"Dad!" Ronnie and Jiya screamed, happily, running to their father. We turned around, finding an average-looking man in a blue suit who must be in his 30s with another guy in the black suit who was looking too friendly, he was around the same age as Sunny, I guess.

"Hey, my babies!" He screams back, squeezing them in his arms.

"Adah, meet my husband, Rajeev, and my brother Rohan." She introduced me to them, they walked towards us as Rajeev gently shook hands with me whereas Rohan smirked, and about to take my hand in his when Karan stopped him.

"She is your bhabhi sa, Rohan!" Karan told him, giving the hint of jealousy in his tone as he grabbed me back towards him.

Rohan gaped at me, surprised, "Really? She looks too young and beautiful." He countered.

"I know, right?" Sunny said, smiling brightly.

"Now can we go for cake cutting?" Ron asked, glancing at us.

"Yes sure."

"happy birthday to you, Ronnie!" We sang the Bday song, heartily as Ronnie blew the candles, cutting the cake.

He feeds the cake first in Rhea and Rajeev's mouth then in Karan and mine. "We should go for the dance!" Rhea suggested.

We nodded as everyone went to the dance floor but I stopped in my tracks when I noticed Karan was not joining us, "Karan sa, ain't you coming?" I asked, he shook his head.

"Dance is not my thing, Adah but you go and enjoy, " He said with a small grin.

"No, it won't be fun without you last time I danced with Daniel-" He suddenly cut me off, mumbling.

"Don't remind me of that jerk, "


"Nothing let's go." He said, and I jumped like a kid as he led me to the floor, the music was soft and the lights were lovely giving me an easy and comfortable feeling.

I put my hands on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist, yanking me more unto him as we were dancing, "You don't dance that bad!" I complimented him and in response, he just chuckled.

"Bhabhi sa, you don't know but bro is a trained dancer!" Sunny yelled to me with a teasing smirk as he was dancing with Jiya.

I giggled, "Really? Wow!"

He smiled, nodding, "Yes, but it's not something I am proud of." He states.

I raised my brow, puzzled, "Why tho?"

He was about to reply when his expression turned serious yet sad, remembering something, "It's nothing that you should know." That is all he said, leaving me alone as he walked away.

What happened suddenly?



I can't explain how much self-controlling it's taking me not to kill Adah, she just roams around with Karan wherever he's going, like his shadow and now they are dancing happily which is burning me too jealous.

I supposed to be in his arms right now, not Adah! If everyone was not here, she wouldn't be alive by now, I gritted my teeth in frustration.

"Rhea ain't you wanna dance??" Rohan asked, walking in my direction.

"No, I am not in the mood anymore," I replied, coldly.

"Are you watching Adah and Karan?" He asked and I nodded.

"Unfortunately, I will kill her someday," I hissed under my breath, "Do anything before I end up doing something to myself, " I told him.

"Don't worry, just have a little patient. See Adah is alone, I will go to her, you go and find Karan," He said.

"Okay," I replied and wandered off to find him. I wondered where he could be and why he left Adah out of a sudden.

After walking for a while, I found him behind the house, staring at the sky in an attempt to calm himself.

"Karan?" I called him.

He raised his hand, stopping me, "I need some time alone, Rhea, leave, "

He sounds upset, "What's wrong, you know, you can tell me, Is it about Adah?" I asked.

He let out a small sigh, taking a glance of me, "Nope,"


"It's nothing, Rhea." He said in a duh tone.

"Mommy, Rohan Uncle is fighting with another uncle, " Ronnie and Jiya told us, hastily Karan and I shared a look before running to see what's going on.



I was also about to leave the floor when someone approached me, "Adah?"

I tilted my face, "Rohan?"

"Would you like to dance with me?" He asks, extending his hand.

I smiled, "No, not now, I need to-" he cut me off as he makes a puppy eye. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

"Please, just one dance…"

He was requesting too much so I wasn't able to say no, "Okay."

As the music started again, I felt his hands slowly going down to my hips, he jerked me more, leaving no space between us, he was making me too uncomfortable, "It's enough." I told him, getting away from him but he just held me tightly.

"We haven't even started, " He says with a dirty smirk on his lips as his hands were still traveling down my body, "I am sure you married just because he has tons of money otherwise you have no reason to marry a guy who is almost a decade older than you than a hot guy like me. Why don't you just sleep with me instead I can at least give you love," He insults Karan and me which made me angry, I jerked his hands away from me, slapping on his right cheek hard as Music suddenly stopped so did people, they looked at us with super solid confusion on their face, trying to get the situation.

"Don't you dare say anything bad about Me and Karan sa from your dirty mouth!" I snarled at him, "You are not even close as compared to him!"

He stared at me with anger boiling in his eyes, "How dare you?!!" He was about to sleep me as I closed my eyes and for a moment when I felt no pain, I opened them, finding Vishal was holding his hand to prevent that slap.

"Don't you even dare to think about hitting her!" Vishal's furiously cold voice scared me too. I never saw him this angry before.

"Who the f*ck are you?! Huh? Her secret lover?" He taunts.

"It doesn't matter, but I won't let you hit a girl!" He screams.

When out of blue, Rohan begins to act like Vishal is twisting his hand and he's in pain, He fakes a whine, "Vishal?!" Rhea's voice came into my ears, noticing Karan and Sunny as well, confusingly staring in our


"Kids go inside now," Rajeev told Ronnie and Jiya as they nodded and went inside.

"Leave him! What the f*ck are you doing?!" Rhea shouts, coming towards him.

"Ma'am your brother was behaving badly with Adah Ma'am." He honestly said.

As Rhea broke Vishal's grip, freeing Rohan's hand, "You are lying! My brother can't do such things." She stated, angrily.

"He is not lying, Rhea." I supported Vishal, she glanced at me with disbelief.

"I don't wanna hear anything anymore! Adah! You must have misunderstood Rohan and Vishal to him, but I won't forgive him for giving pain to my brother, " She turned to Vishal, " And you, get lost right now! And consider yourself jobless!"

He chuckled, "I don't even wanna work for such low-class people!" With that, he rushed past me.

"Vishal? Vishal? Wait!" Rena ran after him.

"Is it true, Rohan?" Karan asked, strolling straight towards me along with Sunny.

He shook his head, "Absolutely not! Brother, your wife was flirting with me, she even offered me to sleep with her and when I refused her, she slapped me to create a scene."

My eyes widened as my jaw dropped on the ground on such dirty allegations he put on me when he was the one who told me these things in the first place.

"No, No, No, I think it's a very big misunderstanding Bhabhi sa can't say these things, I don't believe it." Sunny spoke in my support.

"Some people look innocent but they ain't, and Adah is a fine example of it!" Rhea stated with disgust.

"No, please, Karan sa trust me, he was the one who-" Karan cut me off.

"That's it!!" He exclaims as a tear slips from my eye.

He doesn't trust me...He hates me even more now....

"Karan bro-" He cuts Sunny off.

"Sunny book a cab for yourself, I am taking Adah with me somewhere else where I can deal with her properly."

"No, bro, we can solve this matter by talking as well."

"That's what I am going to do, Sunny do as I say don't ask questions! And don't wait for us to get home."

"Karan sa-" before I could finish my line, he dragged me along with him towards the car.

"Where are you taking me?!" I asked, trying to free myself from his grip.

"Keep quiet," That was all he said as he pushed inside the car and began to drive, God knows where.

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