A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



The chirpings of the bird filled my ears, and my eyes lazily fluttered open. I let out a tired yawn, before grumpily hopping down my bed. After Layla and little Logan had left yesterday, Denver came to see me before I slept off, and informed me of the meeting today.

Apparently, all Alphas, Betas, and Gammas were supposed to aseemble at the council room today. We were also going to be joined by the elder witches and heads of their various covens. Logan was now their chief custodian, so I assumed it would be quite easy dissecting issues with them.

The Fae king and Queen were also going to be present with their high ranking officials, same as the vampires.

I had already figured that it was going to be a long day, and I would try my best to be prepared for it.

Walking into the bathroom to observe my hygiene routine, I couldn’t stop thinking about Layla’s son. He was the cutest! He literally clung to my knees the whole time, until Layla left with him. I was actually hoping to see him again today. Maybe we could spend more time with each other. If Layla allowed.

As as I stepped out of the bathroom and got busy rubbing some skin lotion, I heard a knock on my door. I paused my actions and looked towards the door. Was it Logan? My Logan?


Fuck! That was Denver. I was really going crazy.

“Denver! What’s up?”

“The meeting is up, Audrey. It’s time!”

“Goddess!” I yelled in shock. “Give me a few minutes please.”

“Fine. Be quick.” He said, and I nodded, forgetting he couldn’t see me.

I rushed through the rest of my preparation, and dashed out of my room in a haste. Just as I stepped out of my room, Denver and Marcus released a sigh of relief.

“Hello Denver, Marcus.” I greeted with as slight nod, and we got walking.

“You’re never late. What happened?” Marcus whispered to me, and exhaled.

“I slept in late.”

“I can only imagine how tired you must have been.” He smiled at me, before patting my back affectionately.

I found his gesture really unusual, but decided not to talk on it. We continued on our way to the council room and the moment we got there, all eyes fell on us. It was safe to say that we were the last set up people to arrive. Oh, fuck! This was our first official meeting, and we were late? I particularly felt sorry for Denver and Marcus, who were late because of me.

“I’m sorry guys.” I whispered to them. “This tardy behavior wouldn’t repeat itself.”

“It’s fine.” Marcus reassured with a smile, and we settled in some unoccupied seats.

“We…. apologize for our lateness. Please forgive us.” Denver said to the rest of the people in the room, who released grunts of tolerance.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“That’s fine, Alpha Denver.” Logan said, making my eyes fall on him. He looked…. really good in the gold silk robe he wore. I hadn’t really taken note of his longer hair, until now. Wow! They looked good on him. His deep brown locs fell beautifully onto his broad shoulders, complimenting the majestic look his robe gave.

‘Get a grip of yourself, Audrey’. I heard Denver’s amused voice chuckle through our mindlink. Self awareness descended upon me immediately.

‘Goddess! Was I gawking?’ I asked.

‘You can tell, with the way everybody’s eyes are on you’. Awkwardly, I looked around from werewolf, to witch, to vampire, to fae and truly, most of them had their eyes on me. I felt as if the ground should open up and swallow me.

“We were just beginning.” Logan continued. My eyes fell on a particular blonde, and she had this look in her eyes. It wasn’t a look of amusement like the others, hers was different. She looked at me like I was some kinda rival or something. I looked away immediately, but looked back at her again, trying to observe her features. She may have been blonde as well, but she didn’t look like the lady who made Logan run out of the hall yesterday. Whomever she was, she clearly did not like me. But I wasn’t surprised. I didn’t expect most wolves to like me, considering my history with Logan.

“Our royal Gamma; Boyd, is unavoidably absent due to unforeseen events. He would return with Ryan; the Alpha of the cold moon pack later today. For now, let’s go on with our meeting.” He sighed. “Seeing as we have several officials from different races, I figured the atmosphere would be less tense, if some introductions were made.”

“Yes! That’s very right.” A man whom I definitely figured was the Fae King, replied. The flowery tattoos which ran along his arm gave him away.

“Great then!” Logan grinned. “I would start the introductions.” I found myself getting lost in his smiles, and couldn’t help but realize how long it had been, since I saw him that way. “I am Logan Fell. Alpha of the royal moon pack, and King of the werewolf kingdom. I also happen to be the Chief custodian of the witches.” He said, then gestured to Liam who was seated just beside him.

“I am Liam Rochester. Second in command to his majesty, and Beta to the Royal moon pack.” Up next, was king Xavier, and then Beta Justin.

The rest of the officials in the hall continued the introductions, and I was surprised when I realized she wasn’t a wolf! The blonde lady who stared at me in a funny way. Her name was Isla, and she was a witch. The leader of a coven.

I knew Logan was the chief custodian of the witches but, was that enough for the witches to hate me as well?

‘Technically, you hurt their leader, so….’ My wolf muttered in my head, making me glare into blank space. That was just unfair.

The introduction was done so quickly, and the next thing I knew, Logan was suggesting we get on to the main reason why we were all present. Just then, the door creaked open, and I internally rejoiced over the fact that we weren’t actually the last people to show up. My joy was fast extinguished when I looked up to see the person who had stepped in. It was that lady. The one who…. Logan’s woman.

‘Shut up! We are his women!’ My wolf stomped in my head, making my head ache really badly.

‘Fine, I get it! You’re hurting me’. I sighed.

I watched in silence as she made her way to the empty seat beside Beta Justin and occupied it. She openly smiled at Logan, who returned her smile with a broader one. I could see them lock eyes for a moment, clearly communicating through their mindlink. The tenderness I noticed in his eyes, made my heart break. If they were smiling at each other, then…..

‘How are they still fine with each other?’ My wolf mumbled in disbelief and annoyance. ‘Doesn’t she realize you’re his mate? She should leave the way!’

‘Calm down. You’re making me feel dizzy’. I muttered, hating the combined feeling of jealousy and self loathe that ate me up aggressively.

“What is she doing here?” I heard someone ask, making me look up to see that it was Isla. Who was she referring to? “Does your girlfriend have to show up at official meetings? She isn’t an Alpha, Beta, or Gamma. And last I checked, she wasn’t your Luna.” She stated angrily.

Okayyyy, this was beginning to look a certain way. What was Isla’s relationship with Logan?

“Earlier, I announced that my Gamma wouldn’t be able to make it on time. Well, Heather here, is his second in command, and has been tasked with the duty of standing in for Gamma Boyd until he returns. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.” He apologized. Though it felt and looked like his apology was directed to the other officials, and not Isla. I noticed that only provoked Isla all the more.

Meanwhile, my eyes fell on the lady. Heather was her name. She was so gorgeous. The golden strands of her hair beautiful framed her heart shaped face and in that moment, I felt really intimidated.

‘Just so you know, your beauty beat hers, hands down’. I looked beside me to see Marcus supportively smiling at me, and I teared up.

‘What did he say to you now?’ Denver rolled his eyes comically, making me laugh out before I could hold back. I realized myself too late, because the rest of the officials were looking at me in confusion, and Logan’s steely gaze rested on me. The look in Heather’s eyes told me all I needed to know. No, I wasn’t laughing at her!

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t laughing at… because…” I stuttered. “I’m sorry.”

“Can we go on with the meeting already?” The elderly Alpha of the woodland pack asked in exhaustion, and Logan began.

“I would start by giving us the details of the predicament we currently find ourselves.” He said. “So, many years back, a prophecy about the great war was given….” And that was how the meeting began.

For the next couple of hours, we discussed and deliberated on the next course of action. Logan believed it was best that most of the soldiers started intensive training, while the other soldiers were tasked with the job of finding any information they could get on our potential enemies.

“The armory has already been opened a few days back, and some of our soldiers are already working, trying to produce more arms and explosives. It would be a faster work, if some of the vampire soldiers can also lend a hand. Their speed would be very helpful in a time as this, especially since we have no idea when these rogues may launch their attack. The faster we get things ready, the better….”

“And who made you king over us?” A man asked, and I turned to see it was the second in command to the vampire King. Ares was his name. Oh, not now!

The vampires were known for their thirst to be superior. They had always wanted to be in charge. I knew their need for control would pose a problem to us.

The door of the council room was flung open, and a huge looking man walked in. Ryan. That was him. I recognized him. There were two other men behind him, whom I figured were his Beta and Gamma. “His nature did.” He said, walking towards Logan. “He is a tribrid king. Part vampire, part werewolf, and part witch. Who else is better to lead us in this war, than him?” Ryan asked Ares, while taking a seat next to Heather. “If anyone of you is as strong and efficient in battle, by all means, step forward.”

“And who are you?” Ares shot at Ryan.

“Oh?! Forgive my manners.” Ryan smiled. “I am Ryan, Hybrid Alpha of the cold moon pack.”

“Oh.” Ares swallowed. I couldn’t even deny the fact that Ryan was extremely intimidating. It was clear he was very popular amongst other races.

“My apologies for my lateness, your majesty.” He bowed before Logan, showing respect.

“I’m glad you’re finally here.” Logan smiled, before turning to Ares. “I hope you have taken no offense with what Ryan has said?” He asked, but Ares remained quiet.

“However,” He continued. “I take your statement as an insult to me and my subjects.” Logan sighed. “You definitely do not expect me to submit to the rule of your king, in my own kingdom, do you? When I am in your Kingdom, I would definitely honour your king, as is expected.”

Hums of approval were heard across the room, and I felt my mind getting calm.

“But then again, this isn’t a call for the battle of leadership. This is a call for unity. In this war, there is no superiority. If the rogues from different races, can come together as a community to fight against us, then wouldn’t we be seen as foolish, if we can’t do the same and save ourselves and what we hold dear?” Logan asked, and I could feel my heart swelling with pride and respect.

Logan may be the strongest person in the room, but his style of leadership wasn’t oppression. He was wise. Rather than rile up the anger of others by enforcing his leadership, he tried to make them see that power was very useless at a time like this.

“King Logan is right.” The leader of one of the witches coven spoke up.

“I agree.” The Fae King nodded. “But in as much as this isn’t a battle of power, Alpha Ryan is right. In every battle, someone should lead us to war. I don’t think there’s a better person than King Logan, here.”

At the end of the day, Logan’s wisdom had won him the admiration and respect of others. Now they were the ones asking him to lead.

“I agree.” Another coven leader spoke up.

“Same here!” The vampire king concurred.

“Same here.” Another vampire official nodded. “Ares may be a bit too skeptical, but he is just ensuring the safety of our kingdom. Brienne and Dante has assured us that King Logan is very equal to the task. And I hear he just found his new Luna! So it simply means he would be stronger for the battle ahead.” At the mention of that, my feet went cold. Oh, goddess! I waited for Logan to counter the vampire’s words, but he didn’t. Instead, his cold eyes landed on me. The look on Heather’s face wasn’t a pleasant one either.

Just then, I began to experience a nagging feeling in my chest, like someone was forcefully trying to infiltrate my mindlink.

“Ahh….” I muttered in pain, holding my chest.

“Are you okay?” Denver whispered, and I nodded. “That’s a lie. It looks like….” The rest of his words went unheard, as a voice filtered through my mind.

‘He will never love you again’. The voice said, and I quickly looked at Heather, thinking she was the one who was speaking. It turned out her attention had been on Logan instead. I was wrong, it wasn’t her.

But if it wasn’t her, then…..

‘He has moved on, so just go away’. The voice spoke again. Finally, my eyes landed on Isla, and the anger on her face said it all. But how could she infiltrate my mind when she wasn’t werewolf?

‘Get off’. I managed to say, feeling sweat breaking onto my forehead.

‘Leave us the hell alone!! He’s mine now!’ How? I was confused. He was with Heather now. ‘He belongs in between my thighs, alone’. Feeling extremely frustrated and confused, I angrily blocked off the voice.

“Fuck off, bitch!” I yelled out in anger, and the next minute, Heather was flying out of her seat and hitting the wall behind her. Everyone exclaimed in shock, and all eyes fell on me.

No! I didn’t mean to.

“What just happened?” Denver whispered, and I shook my head in apparent confusion. Everyone in the hall looked at me in shock, as some of them rushed towards Heather’s unconscious figure. It was clear I was the one who did that to her. I thought it was Isla. She had provoked me first! I didn’t even know she was gonna get hurt, I only wanted her off my mind.

“What the hell did you do to her?!” Logan’s angry voice descended on me.

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