A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



Audrey fell to the ground in pain, losing awareness of her surroundings as she cried out in pain. She felt the anguish flow through her veins, clawing to be purged out through her skin. She felt her skin burning hot as if coals of fire were sprouting out from them. All the while, Logan and every other person around her had stood, watching her in shock! Her skin was red hot, and Logan was confused and worried. His worries had turned into shock and amazement the moment he heard her bones cracking into structure. Then, he knew it within himself. His mate was the Flaming Wolf.

In a matter of seconds, Audrey’s wolf emerged in a different form and dimension. The furs of fire around it, had made the rogues around them to start retreating. The Flaming Wolf was soooo huge, standing a few feets shorter than Logan’s supernatural form. The astounded tribrid had been too shocked to make a move.

Slowly, his mate’s wolf turned to him, and the next words dropped from his lips.

“Love, let’s burn them all.”

With a speed that he hadn’t seen coming, the Flaming Wolf marched against the army of the rogues. The rogues had started retreating, scared to their bones as they saw this giant wolf with furs of fire, approach them.

Just then, the rogue hybrids began to fall to the ground lifelessly, one after the other. Ryan had succeeded in taking down their sire.

All the while Ryan fought his last fight with Mark, his heart gnawed in his chest for Rosa. Oh goddess! Heather had killed his mate. He watched from his peripheral view as Isobel and Annabelle got into a fight, while Keturah pulled Rosa’s body aside. Running with such speed like he had never done before, he was at Heather’s back in no time. He knew she was going to die in seconds, because he just killed her sire, but she didn’t deserve to die in such an honourable way.

Before she could comprehend what was happening, he dove his fist from behind, and pulled out her heart from her chest, making her fall to the ground lifelessly.

“Dianah!!!” Annabelle yelled in agony, seeing her daughter’s lifeless body on the ground. Isobel took that as an opportunity to hit her harder with more magic.

Ryan’s eyes sharply scanned the situation of things ahead, and everywhere was literally burning. He didn’t know how, but he knew the Flaming Wolf had emerged. His eyes quickly followed Keturah, who still pulled Rosa’s lifeless body along with her, and he sped off in her direction.

Seeing his mate in such state, his heart lurched badly. He had always thought nothing could faze him, not even death. But here he was, at loss of how to react to seeing her dead. His wolf howled in pains, and he felt sadder, remembering they had parted ways on a bad note. When he had gone to her room to see her the previous day, he gone with intentions, contrary to what Audrey had in mind. He had gone to make his mate an offer. One which Rosa thought was quite insulting of him. She had asked him out of her room afterwards, and shut the door in his face.

He felt braindead for some seconds, until Keturah’s voice pulled him out of his temporary death.

“I’m trying my best here, Ryan! I can’t keep her heartbeat stable for much longer!!”

“What?” His eyes widened in shock, and that was when he tried to focus. He could hear Rosa’s heart beating, but very slowly. A fresh feeling of hope filled his heart, as he raised his wrist to his lips, and sunk his canines in. Quickly squatting to Rosa’s unconscious body, he forced her mouth open and fed her his blood.

Meanwhile, the Tribrid King and the Flaming Wolf, ran side by side as he tore against a rogue’s chest with his claws, and she released bouts and bouts of fire from her mouth. That was the exact scene he had seen in his vision. Within minutes, the entire rogue army was burned to the ground. Some of their own soldiers had also unfortunately been behind the wrath of the Flaming Wolf, but it was unavoidable.

Finally getting to the main target who stood alone in the midst of his dead soldiers, the Flaming Wolf cornered him with predatory steps.

Logan and the Audrey looked between themselves, and Logan gestured. “Do the honours.”

Without any contemplation, Audrey took a few more steps towards Sebastian, her flaming furs heating up his face badly. Focusing her eyes on his, he quivered with fear.

‘You worthless rogue!’ Her angry voice burst through his mindlink, sending hot tremors down his chest. ‘I sentence you to death’.

Before he could make a movement, the Flaming Wolf was opening it’s mouth and spitting fire continuously, his screams of pain only bringing satisfaction. It continued to spit its fire until Sebastian was nothing but a pile of ashes on the ground.

Just then, the Flaming Wolf fell to the ground with a loud and earth shaking thud, slowly shifting back to a naked Audrey. There, she laid unconscious, in the ashes of her own disaster.



Logan sat in front of his mate’s unmoving figure, worried to no end.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“You should get some rest. The pack’s doctor insists that she’ll be fine. She would wake up soon.” Layla whispered beside him, patting his back affectionately.

“Layla, I can’t. It’s been two days, and she’s been like this.”

“And it’s been two days, and you have been in this same position. You haven’t even stepped out to commiserate with the others! Logan, we lost Uncle Justin! Liam is devastated. Father is still unconscious, and his case is quite serious. Emily hasn’t stopped crying. Some of soldiers died, and yet not a word from their king? Ryan almost lost his mate; who happens to be what triggered your mate into this state.”

Logan looked up at her, tears clogging his eyes, as he realized he had been putting his own feelings above everyone else’s.

“I’m sorry.” He choked out in tears. “I just….”

“Shhh…” Layla was quick to pull him into her embrace. “You have to stop worrying. Doctor Reynolds had assured that she would regain consciousness in time. They are still running a few more tests, after which they would get back to us. Audrey would be just fine, and she would feel bad waking up to meet you in such a state.”

“She will?” He asked like a child, and Layla nodded.

“You have to go inside that bathroom, freshen up, and have something to eat. Isobel will be here soon. They all had to leave to perform the final rites for the dead, at the witches territory. It couldn’t be prolonged, as witches aren’t meant to be left unburied for long.”

“Hmmm.” Logan nodded in understanding, scolding himself for not being tough enough to stand strong for them all at a time like this.

He headed towards the bathroom, and did as Layla had requested. After brushing his teeth, he stepped out and changed into something clean.

“Come with me.” Came Layla’s voice, and he looked at her outstretched hand. Taking her hand, he spared one last glance at Audrey’s unconscious body, before leaving the room.

Back at King Xavier’s chambers, Emily laid next to Xavier’s unconscious body, fast asleep with her tear stricken face. The poor woman had gone through a series of emotional highs and lows, when the bodies of her father and mate, were brought back in a lifeless looking state. Her father; Alpha of woodland pack unfortunately died some hours later. The fear of his death, only made her crazier over her mate.

She wondered if he was going to leave her as well. She hadn’t stopped crying for two days now, especially since the wounds and injuries he had sustained, were taking time to heal.

Suddenly feeling the presence of others in their chambers, her eyes fluttered open. It was Logan and Layla.

“Heyyy…” Layla walked up to the bed. “We didn’t mean to startle you, please go back to sleep.”

“I’m fine.” Emily muttered, her eyes feeling so sore after continuously weeping for days now.

“You don’t look like you’ve gotten enough rest.” Logan spoke up this time, walking towards them.

His heart was breaking as well, seeing his father in such a state. Beta Justin was dead too, and he wondered how his poor father was going to take such news when be finally woke up. The two men had been friends for the longest time and now, one of them had left the other behind. He wondered how they were going to convince little Logan, that the moon goddess had felt extremely impressed by his grandfather, and decided to keep him with her. Most of all, how was Liam coping? Beta Justin had been the only parent he had known all his life, having lost his mother during his birth. This was all fucked up, but it was better than losing at the war. They would have all died.

“You know,” He started. “Five years ago, my father had risked his life to protect me from a rogue attack in the palace. He had been severely injured, and I had never felt more useless all my life. My wolf had been yet to emerge, and everyone looked after me like I was a child. Father had been unconscious for days, and I was scared he would die, but he pulled through. When he woke up, he said to me, ‘Son, I cannot leave until I see you attain your fullest potentials’. What I’m saying in essence?” He sighed. “Father cannot die now, after just opening this beautiful chapter of his life, that has you in it.”

“You have to be strong and very hopeful. Say positive things to his hearing, and discuss with him like he was conscious. Do not cry much, because it only makes him feel like all hopes for his recovery is lost. Layla and I, are here for you.” He finished, holding her hand in his and patting it softly. Feeling encouraged, she nodded in appreciation.

“You also have to taken some time and look after yourself too.” Layla caressed her cheeks. “A bathe would do you good. I promise, it would make you feel much better and calmer.”

“Okay.” Emily sniffled, cleaning the tears that threatened to drop from her eyes agin.

“So we would just give you your privacy to do your thing. Be good, okay?” Layla smiled, and pulled Logan with her, out of their father’s chambers. Emily looked at the unmoving figure of her mate again, and decided to take a bath like Layla had advised.

After taking her time washing up her body, she stepped out of the bathroom, clad in just her towel. Sparing another look of longing at Xavier’s figure, she walked up to him and muttered.

“You should be with me, Xavier. You said you loved me, right? Moreover….” And that was how she got carried away, baring her heart out to a man who was already conscious before his children visited. Some things she said, made him want to burst out laughing, but he tried his best to remain comported. Guess he could no longer hold it in when she said her next words. “We still have to make babies. You said you enjoyed the process of that….”

“Emily, please….” He laughed, breathing really hard. She had gone immobile for some seconds, trying to understand what had just happened.

“Xavier!” She yelled in a mix of shock, relief and mock anger. “Xavieerrr….” She found herself climbing atop the bed and hugging his body so tightly, tears of joy falling from her eyes. “You didn’t leave me…” She whispered as more tears fell from her eyes, making Xavier feel bad.

“I’m sorry my love.” He patted her back.

“No you’re not!” She yelled at him angrily, still holding him so close.

“I’m sorry.” He continued, rubbing her back soothingly, until her cries died down.

Sitting up, she looked at him with so much love in her eyes.

“Please don’t ever scare me like that again.” She begged, and he nodded in obedience. “I lost my father.” She revealed, and his eyes went soft with sympathy.

“Oh, my Emily…” He cooed, and she found herself tearing up again.

“I can’t believe he died.” She sniffled. “And I couldn’t even fulfill my promise to him before he died.”

“Don’t beat yourself up about that, love.”

“But the Alpha position now ends with him. Another family would have to take over as Alpha of the woodland pack.” She sighed, before hitting her palm against her head. “I’m sorry.” She whispered. “You’re just waking up, and see all the unneccessary things I am busy spluttering from my mouth. I’m sorry….”

“No no no.” Xavier shook his head, trying to sit up on the bed. She looked at him in concern, and was about leaning forward to help him, when he managed by himself. “Emily.” He took her hand in his. “The moment you came into my life, suffering alone with your pains definitely ended. Now, we have each other, and you don’t need a special time to bare your heart to me.”

“But…” She tried speaking, and he slowly shook his head at her.

“No ‘buts’, Emily. Your father just died, and that comes with a whole lot of other problems for you. Moreover, what’s my use of being alive if can’t always be there for you?”

Emily just looked at this man who was her mate, and the only thing she thought was how shallow minded she had been. She found herself getting pissed af herself all over again, for ever thinking he wasn’t good enough for her. She was the one who wasn’t good enough for him.

“Xavier, I love you.” She whispered, tears clogging her eyes. “So fucking deeply, and helplessly, and….” She was still talking when he closed the space between them, and shut her up with a kiss. “Hmmm…” She moaned into the kiss, not at all minding that he had just woken up after 2 days of being unconscious, and presently had a bad breathe. Infact, she deepened the kiss as much as could. Soon, his hand was tugging against her towel, and it fell loose around her waist. “Xavieeerrr…” She teased, chuckling in between. She felt his hand playing with her nipples, and she felt her core getting really tensed and wet. Were they both okay??! The man had returned to consciousness after days, and the first thing they could get up to was….. that?

“Xavier!” She pulled away abruptly, her lips a bit swollen from how much he had suckled on them.

“What is it?” He panted heavily, desire glazing his eyes.

“I was wondering….” She flashed him a knowing smile. “Do you want to have a bathe? I mean, I could bath you. Reaaalll clean.”

“Absolutely! I need a bathe.” He nodded vigorously. “I suddenly feel so hot, ahh! I need a really cold bath.” He lied, making Emily giggle as she helped him up to the bathroom. Just like that, she felt alive again after days.

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