A Touch From You

Chapter 5

This is going to be a long night.” Jason said as he walked over to the package of cotton swobs grabbing a hand full.

“Yeah, it is.” David said as he grabbed a handful of q-tips.

The two of them began cleaning the room once more before David crawled under his bunk.

“It’s my turn. You kick my feet when he comes back”, he said.

“Sure, no problem.” Jason said as he continued to clean.

The night went on like that, Jason and David swapping being under the bed, with their fingers stuck between the mattress and the springs so it looked like they were doing something. That is until they were woken up from the kick of a boot. When they were finally released from field night it was well past 2, and they had to wake up at 5:30 for PT.

“It’s well past 2” Jason groaned.

“This is the longest we’ve gone on field day”, David sighed.

“Might as well find a girl to get into a marriage with so I can leave this base”, Jason chuckled.

“Take me along because I’m surely coming with you” David laughed.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.


Makayla Barclay groaned as she searched her bed for the offending machine that was bent on keeping her away from sleep. She didn’t have to get up for work until another hour but now, it seemed those plans were about to be cut shut.

Makayla found her phone, buried under her pillow as she swiped the screen open to see the caller ID.

Her boss, Louis Anderson also known as New York’s billionaire and the most eligible bachelor was calling. Makayla scrambled to her feet nearly dropping the phone twice in her haste to pick up the call.

She had no idea why he was calling her so early when she was due at work later that morning. Her phone fell silent only to resume it’s noisy chant of Sia’s latest track, chandelier. Makayla’s head was filled with different thoughts but the most dominant one was her promotion which was due anytime soon. Makayla had a feeling that this was the reason why her boss was calling her so early.

Makayla picked the call, placing the phone on her ear. For several minutes, all she could hear was deep breathing.

“Hello”, she said.

“Miss Barclay. How lovely of you to pick my calls after so many attempts”, Louis snapped.

“I’m sorry sir, I wasn’t with my phone”, she lied.

“Telling lies doesn’t suit you my dear but I’m just going to let that slide for some reasons”, he said.

Makayla chuckled, covering it up with a cough. Louis could be funny when he wanted to be but most times, he was always too serious.

“I’m sorry sir”, she said.

“It’s okay. I want to see you in my office earlier today as I have something very important to discuss with you”, he said.

“Okay sir, I hope everything is alright?”, Makayla said.

Her thoughts strayed to her promotion once again. If it wasn’t about that, she didn’t know what it could be about as he wasn’t giving her any clues whatsoever.

“Nothing serious. So meet at the office by nine sharp, failure to get here on time Miss Makayla then you’ll have yourself looking for a new job”, he snapped before cutting the call.

Makayla sighed, dumping her phone on a nearby table. She didn’t know what it was all about but from the tone of his voice, it was serious.

“Guess I have to start preparing now if I’m to beat the crazy traffic”, she muttered.

She made her way towards the bathroom. She needed to wash her long jet black hair and the best time to do that was now. Makayla picked up her toothbrush, intending to do that first before going over to other things.

As she brushed her teeth, her thoughts strayed to the conversation she had with her boss. Asides that, she had heard a lot of rumours about him and how he was always in the habit of changing girls on a regular basis. Makayla suspected this to be true since she had seen him with numerous girls who graced the cover of various magazines with him.

As someone who didn’t believe a rumour when she heard one, she didn’t really believe it. After all, those things could have been doctored by his enemies.

“I guess we’ll just have to see as time goes on”, she muttered.

She proceeded to wash her hair which would take longer minutes. Makayla finished in record time and she was glad she was able to accomplish this even though she had no idea how. It must be the Louis effect she thought but she waved that thought away.

Soon, Makayla was done and ready to leave. She was dressed in a black flaired skirt over a light blue chiffon blouse that brought out her hair colour all the more.

“I look like a princess” she giggled, staring at the mirror.

She glanced at her clock and discovered it was thirty minutes past seven. She mentally calculated the time she would get to the office and winced when she discovered that it would be a few minutes past nine before she got there. Knowing how strict to time her boss was, Makayla wasted no time in getting out of the house.

Just as she stepped out of her flat, a taxi drove past. She thanked her lucky stars for bringing it her way as she got in.

“Where to Miss”, the taxi man said.

“The Anderson tower please and if you can make it faster, I’ll pay you double”, Makayla said.

The taxi man chuckled, driving off with a screech. Makayla prayed with everything within her that she was on time. She didn’t want to become jobless when she just got this job working as a personal assistant to one of the richest men in the country.

They soon got to the street leading up to the tower and Makayla heaved a huge sigh of relief because she knew she was going to be on time.

“Here we are Miss”, the taxi man said.

Makayla smiled, handing him a wad of cash. She climbed out of the vehicle as she made her way into the building. When she got to the reception, she waved at Brenda who was the company’s receptionist before taking the elevator to the top most floor of the building. Upon getting to the executive hall as it was fondly called, Makayla made her way towards Eric’s office but not before dumping her bag on her desk.

She knocked gingerly on the door, waiting for his command for her to come in and soon, his loud voice instructed her to come in.

“Good morning sir”, Makayla said.

“Morning Miss Barclay, have a seat”, he said.

Makayla sat down gingerly, twisting her hands in her laps. She couldn’t deny it, she was nervous especially as she didn’t know why she was being called.

“Relax Makayla, you’re not getting fired”, he chuckled.

At the mention of her name, Makayla whipped her head up to see him smiling. His smile turned her into a staring mess and she had a hard time tearing her eyes away from him.

“I… Thank you sir”, she stuttered.

“So, I’m just going to get straight to the point on why I called you here”, Eric said.

Makayla sat there, a nervous mess as she wrung her hands together. She didn’t know what to expect and she wondered if perhaps he had nothing important to say but knowing the kind of person he was, she highly doubted that.

“I like you Makayla and i mean a lot”, he said.

Out of all the things she expected, she didn’t expect this. It was completely out of the blues and she had a hard time trying to determine if he was serious or not but the expression on his his face told her he was.

“I don’t quite understand you sir”, she said.

“I mean, I’m attracted to you and I would really love it if you could give us a chance”, he smiled.

He came around the table, taking her hands in his as he gave it a gentle squeeze. Makayla smiled, gripping his hands back. She loved this, loved his caring side and she was glad he considered her worthy to date.

“Say something please”, Eric begged.

“I have to think about this for a while if it’s okay with you. I meant, it’s all so sudden”, she said.

“Okay, I have no problems with that. Just make your answer favorable”, he said.

Makayla nodded as she watched him place a gentle kiss on her palm. She had an answer already and it was a no and there was no going back. She couldn’t risk dating someone like him and have the whole tabloids after her, it was something she couldn’t afford to risk.

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