Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 49

Chapter 49 – Am I Understood?


‘I don’t feel very contained,’ Evva chirped in a flat sing-song voice.

I reached down to centre myself further, no longer relaxed and now straining in my meditation. I pressed my lips together in a tight line, attempting to concentrate on the pocket in my mind where my wolf resided, to quieten her presence.

After eating, my mates had asked if I wanted to join them in some meditation. They said they usually tried to get in a couple of sessions a week, just before they were due to lead training. It aided in helping them suppress their auras, giving them greater control over themselves as Alphas. While it may have sounded counterproductive to hide their Alpha auras – an innate power passed down through bloodlines meant to announce their presence and authority – it could give them a tactical advantage in surveillance or aid in blending into their environment better.

I had no aura to suppress. But if I could gain a greater control over Evva in my mind, I could perhaps reach her easier when her presence was clouded.

Neither Luna Qamar of Alpha Isaac had returned after my mates and I had quietly eaten breakfast. They had mind-linked their parents, to make sure their mother was ok, and she was. She just needed a moment from wherever her memories had thrown her to.

Before I had sat to meditate, Lucy had mind-linked me that she and Catalina would be back later in the afternoon or evening. They were taking it slow on their return and waiting for the low cloud to clear up

before setting off. My friend was doing much better and virtually back to her old self. Her heat hadn’t been anywhere near as bad as we had feared it would be. Her bond with Finley was truly broken.

I was already planning to have her room straightened out before she arrived; her bedding would be changed, her laundry done and there wouldn’t be much to clean up, being the neat freak that she was.

And maybe while I waited for her return, I could give this meditation thing another go, because Evva wasn’t the least bit affected by my efforts so far.

No matter how hard I laboured.

All my wolf did was snicker louder. ‘Are you meditating or pooping?’

“Do you have any wolfsbane?” I flopped backwards onto Badru’s bedroom floor. “I will deal with the burning. It’ll be less painful than dealing with my wolf.”

Astennu chuckled. “Personally, I can’t wait to meet her properly,” he disrupted his own trance to lean down and kiss my forehead. “She sounds as beautiful and peppery as you.”

My mouth worked, wanting a cute but smart-mouth response. Only, I came up short.

‘I think he likes you blubbing like a fish,’ Evva huffled to herself, even though I had just felt her swooning like a schoolgirl.

“I’m hoping she’ll like to tussle around a little too,” Badru stroked my sides, attempting to pinch at my ribs.

‘Oh, we are pinning his ass,’ my inner wolf growled in anticipation.

But what shocked me, was that it was louder and more guttural than I had heard before.

Badru’s hands stopped with immediate effect. “Did I just piss Evva off?”

“No. And I’m not ticklish by the way,” I wiggled my fingers in front of his face. His elbows shot into his sides to protect himself from any further attack. “She was just very eager for your idea of tussling.”

A dirty smirk slinked across his lips and he leaned forward, inching closer for a kiss. I knew where his mind was heading and it was the deepest recesses of the gutter.

“When she says ‘tussle’, I think she actually wants to fight,” I slapped my hand over his mouth to push him away. “And she doesn’t mean a play fight either.”

His eyes were coal black swirled with sparkles of sapphire tones in an instant. His wolf, like him, wasn’t indignant at the challenge, he was excited by it.

“On that note, before he makes us late again,” Astennu playfully gripped his twin around his neck. “We need to get to training.”

“Again?” Badru shoved him off. “When did I ever make us late once?!”

“I’m not going to blame myself, am I?” The instigator kept on poking, challenging the other with a wicked twist of his features.

“Save it for your sparring mat, guys,” I cut in between their sibling showdown that seemed to be playing on repeat.

This was it. This would be my life.

‘Playing referee to wingus and dingus for eternity,’ my wolf finished my thought.

In the foyer, just beyond the Alpha wing door where Badru had performed his spectacular and never-to- be-repeated tablecloth trick, we parted ways. Neither could merely walk away without a little token, regardless of the few other pack members wandering here and there about their business. Astennu’s kiss, like him, was tender, unhurried and as sweet as his natural syrupy scent. And Badru? He quite

literally swept me off my feet, picking me clear off the floor and almost frenching the tongue out of my throat. Exactly like his aromatic spicy scent; maddening.

I was still thinking about those kisses hours later in Lucy’s room. Everything was ready for her when she and Catalina arrived back, which could be any minute. Her laundry was done and put away, her bed was freshly made with clean sheets and I had set up her heated fleecy blanket. I finished up by spraying a couple of spritz of her perfume; a subtle blend made for she-wolves to accent their natural scent, not mask it. The cool, tangy berry smell would help her settle back into her home.

‘No welcome party to greet us?’ Catalina’s voice resonated abruptly. ‘And here I thought Badru would be out here with a marching band to celebrate my departure.’

‘I’m sorry, the red carpet is out for dry cleaning,’ I hustled out of the room, feeling my skin excessively prickling with excitement. ‘Simple old me will have to be enough for you.’

Out front, amidst the scattering of snow, Lucy was slamming the trunk door closed with her bag in hand. I was never one for girly reunions, where friends would squeal and jump up and down. However, I found a tiny little squeak escaping my mouth when I wrapped her in a hug.

‘Evie? Let up,’ she tapped my elbow. ‘Your t**s are smothering me.’

She took a large exaggerated gulp of air, “Oxygen! Now I know how your twins feel. But I suppose they’re a little more into it.”

Lucy was definitely back to her old self.

‘Do I get a hug from you chichis (boobs) too?’ Catalina mind-linked from the car. She was on her last day of heat, and though her pheromones would be waning, they would still hold some strength.

I wouldn’t be able to be around her too long, but the open air would help. I was in no hurry to find out if I was able to go into a heat cycle pre-shift.

Walking around the car, I inhaled quickly and opened the door to embrace her as fast as possible. ‘Thank you for looking after her.’

‘It was nothing. It was better than anything else I had planned at home,’ she sighed, closing the door to keep her heightened scent contained.

I remembered what she had told me, about how dull her home could be, how lonely she felt. Her Alpha title isolated her. Others saw her status or made preconceptions about her based on that status…

‘…Not too dissimilar from us,’ Evva, once again, finished my thought.

‘I’m sure the guys would welcome you back anytime,’ I grinned, already hearing Badru’s melodramatic groans. Astennu, it seemed, had little animosity towards Catalina.

‘Ha! I bet,’ she wrapped against the steering wheel. ‘But I will come visit soon. I’m an Alpha princess with a lot of time on her hands after all and I do love making Ru scowl. He’s so easy to rile up.’

‘I’m surprised Heru isn’t this girl’s soulmate,’ Evva howled in laughter.

Lucy and I watched as the jeep pulled away, waving as it and Catalina disappeared into the tree-lined road. It wasn’t exactly the most conventional way to make friends, but I would be forever grateful she had hit on my mates.

“So?” I prompted as we walked back inside, wanting to hear about her time away.

“So, what?” She shrugged. “It was super uneventful. I slept through most of it and when I was awake, I was out of it. Cata kept starfishing in the snow, though,” she teetered in laughter.

“I was thinking more, so, how did you end up almost kissing Cata?” I repeated, making myself a little more clearer about what exact details I was after.

“I didn’t!” She squeaked. “I tripped on some bedding overhanging on the floor and I accidentally landed on her. That’s it!” This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“That’s the oldest trick in the book,” I bumped her with my hip.

“Ugh, whatever. You’ve got the joy of all this to come. The sweats, the loopiness… and periods afterwards… I’m not looking forward to that one,” she gripped her abdomen.

For she-wolves, getting our wolf and shifting brought more than just heat cycles and kicking our reproductive system into gear with the huge jolt of adrenaline that accompanied the shift. If a she-wolf didn’t conceive during her heat, she would go through a menstrual cycle a few weeks after, like a human woman did each month.

“What did I miss here? How did the date go with the guys?” Her eyes twinkled.

‘Apart from us discovering they truly are the donkiest pair of donks that ever donked?’ Evva threw in her understanding of events. That was one way of putting it.

“We’ve… gotten closer,” I punched in the code for her door.

“You totally did the deed!” Her eyes darted to my obvious hickey and their clothes I still wore. “Was it, like, at the same time?”

“No!” I cried out, dropping her bag on the floor.

“Sor-ree,” she stretched the word. “I don’t know what goes where with the whole multiple male thing. I can only assume one goes frontsies and one goes backsies.”

“I’m limbering myself up for that,” I flushed, looking away.

She fell apart in a short burst of laughter, sinking into her bed and snuggling into the heated blanket. “This smells like home. Did you clean up for me?”

“Yeah, just some little things and your laundry.”

“You’re the best,” she burritoed into her warmed-up blanket, sighing. “I can get us some dinner, since you’ve done all the hard work.”

“No, I can get it,” far be it from me to disturb her snuggle time. “You unpack or shower, or continue to squirrel, and we’ll watch a film when I get back.”

Lucy had a small portable projector and she would use the ceiling as a canvas screen for it.

From the kitchens, I grabbed us a couple of containers of chili and I swiped a full bag of tortilla chips, making sure I had a hefty serving of sour cream included. On the way back, as I neared mine and Lucy’s shared hallway, Evva became a rigid ball of agitation.

‘That scent, I know it,’ her whole demeanour sat on tenterhooks.

… That aura, too, I was beginning to feel and the hushed but aggressive voices becoming clearer.

“It’s too late, I’m sorry… I just want to move on. You haven’t changed.”


“You’re mine, Lucy, my mate. I’m not about to let some other wolf male claim you!”


‘That cocksucking piece of filth!’ Evva roared, and I needed no further motivation.

The items fell to the floor and I rounded the corner.

‘Aste! Ru!’ I called through our mind-link. ‘Finley is harassing Lucy again at her room… I might need help.’

‘We’re coming!’ The two of them replied with urgency. I could feel their outrage and their panic trickle through our bond.

“Hey!” I growled.

Lucy and Finley’s heads snapped in my direction.

She tried to shrug away, to get to me, but he snatched her arm back, and hard, making her wince. I surged forward, shoving Finely away; adrenaline and strength rippling through me. He looked me up and down, a lecherous hint mixed with his fury.

“You think you’re the s**t now you’re the future Luna?” He slowly strode nearer and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. He was a Beta, with the strength to match, and had a wolf.

He leaned in and lowered his voice to a whispering snarl, “I know what you are… just some rogue w***e and that’s all you’ll ever be.”

It was as though time halted and slowed. My actions became dissociated, though I knew it was me behind them. And I had the sense to know that what I was doing was utterly the most insane course of action, that any sane individual would keep solely for their fantasies.

I grasped him by the throat and slammed his back into the wall.

“I’m your f*****g Luna!” I roared in his face, lifting him clear from the floor. “You come near Lucy again and I’ll rip your f*****g spleen out! Am I understood?”

‘His spleen?’ Evva raised her brow, while enjoying the sight of the Beta struggling in our hand.

‘Don’t judge, it was the first thing that came to mind.’

‘No, I like it. Most would say d**k or heart or go for the balls. I like your nonconformity, kid,’ and I could almost see her flicking me finger guns.

The sound of cracking and fur sprouting from under my hand, electrified me faster than a poke from a cattle prod. Finley was shifting. He rammed my arm and flung me backwards, knocking me into Lucy and sending us sprawling to the hardwood floor.

In a second, he had shredded his clothes to his pale brown wolf. His cold blue eyes dilated and focused on me, his target.

I could fight. I could hold my own, day and night… but against a huge wolf, a Beta? My confidence wavered.

In the frenzy and terror of what should have been, a calm and reassurance threaded through me, a blanket of support draped over my shoulders. I didn’t need to turn or look to know who could have this effect over me.

A huge shimmering ebony wolf surged over my head with another standing over me, his chest brushing my cheek.

My mates’ timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

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