Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 93



Marceau caught the little plastic cup with cat-like dexterity, plucking it from the air as though he were ready to intercept. He stood slowly and the room immediately shrank in size.

“I can wait here all day, till you burst. What goes in must come out after all.”

I bit my tongue as my only means of keeping myself from spewing every insult and slur I could formulate, the metallic taste of blood spreading along my tastebuds. I was growing desperate to relieve myself and part of me wanted to wet myself rather than give him anything. But something told me he would order copious amounts of water to ply me with until I gave him what he wanted.

“Evie, Evgeniya, whichever name you prefer. If you don’t provide a sample to confirm your pregnancy, I will bring your father in here and I will carve him apart until you do as you are told. I won’t kill him. You and he are far too valuable to me for that. But I can assure you, there are worse things I can do than death. So…” he pressed himself much too close to me, holding up the cup and brandishing it near my cheek “…This little thing for me?”

When I remained frozen, he leant in to whisper, “I“ve seen a lycan’s skin melt under the highest purity of silver. Their screams would haunt you,” his lips grazed my ear. “You’ve seen for yourself how one flails under wolfsbane. Can you imagine that process repeated without end?”

‘This is just some sick power move because he thinks he can,’ Evva whimpered. ‘So let him think he can.’

I sucked in my trembling lips, reaching slowly for the small container.

This was humiliating…

My eyes brimmed with engorged, burning tears, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of letting them fall.

“Good girl,” the monster stroked my jaw, setting Evva off in a rampant rage of snarls at the contact of being touched by another male. “And Alpha Isaac said you were rebellious. My well-behaved girl.”

He retook his seat and I knew, if I didn’t do this, I would spend the rest of my life wishing I had. One more poor decision on my part and I would never stop kicking myself for its outcome. Swallowing down my degrading humiliation… I did it, looking in any direction I could bar at the disgusting man whose gaze scorched my skin.

I screwed on the cap and flushed, washing my hands, the container and my last shred of dignity down the sink. The sample was horridly discoloured from dehydration, I hadn’t drunk a drop of water in goddess knew how long. My mind had been elsewhere and now my thirst was acknowledged, it clawed at my throat.

The sample was slipped from my hands and replaced with a paper cup filled with cool water. What I would have liked was to dump it on his head, but my parched mouth wouldn’t allow me to waste the liquid. I gulped it down, refilling it several times from the washbasin until my stomach wouldn’t allow it.

“Have you not had time to bathe?” Marceau tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, reaching around my shoulder. “There is a change of clothing right here for you after. Don’t mind me. Pretend I’m not here.”

“You’ve got to be joking?” I spun around, wanting to throw up the water I had guzzled down.

The door opened behind him and in walked the doctor from before, obviously a wolf given his musky- edged scent, bustling open a cabinet and rifling through its contents to drag out a rattling bottle. Vitamins; ones I doubted I had any choice but to take. The man didn’t spare me a glance or a word, focused on slipping on a pair of gloves and performing the pregnancy test. He was an older male, 60 or 70 years of age for a wolf, with salt and pepper dusting his dark temples and moustache. Once he had finished, he simply threw his gloves in the trash and left hurriedly through the door he came.

“Well? You have several minutes before the test is complete,” Marceau set his elbow upon the examination bed and rested his temple on his fingertips. “Shower.”

This couldn’t be any worse. There was nothing that could add to my mortification, my humiliation…

Evva’s voice fizzed with a response but I was far from wanting to hear any form of sass or joke from her mouth.

‘If you say anything about having food dumped on me, I will crawl in there and rip your tail off!’

Anger, fear, irritation, nausea and searing hot rage blistered my every nerve and a racket of swear words screamed to be let loose in my throat. Instead, I dug my nails into my palms and stripped, imagining the clothing I peeled from my body was the skin I could peel from Marceau’s corpse.

I ran the shower and scrubbed myself blindly, not caring about waiting for the frigid water temperature to heat up. I wanted this whole affair to be over. When I spun around to leave the trickling remnants of the shower, I found myself wrapped in a large towel, with large hands slowly manipulating it over my skin and hair.

“Much better,” he withdrew the moderately soggy towel, letting it pool at my feet on the floor, and stepped away a stride. “Spin for me, pretty lycan.”

I’ll spin you, I thought. Above my head with a good grip on your micro-dick.

But, like everything else I had taken, I swallowed this too and screwed my eyes shut, spinning in a slow circle like the girl he wanted. Droplets of icy water collected at the ends of my hair, dripping down my body and chilling me further.

“Ah, most agreeable,” he reached out a hand and I recoiled, covering as much of myself as possible.

Faster than I could register, he snatched my wrists and forced them steadily away, leaving me completely bare before his eyes. From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don’t be timide (shy). What a crime to cover a pair of exquisite assets.”

He circled behind me and, once again, I felt truly helpless, truly terrified… exactly what he desired.

I wanted to shift, to kill him. Evva begged to be released so she could do it herself. But then what?

A guard stood heavily armed behind the door. I could still see his outline. Another lingered over the vampire being treated, as well as the doctor somewhere beyond that door. And after them? If I somehow managed to deal with those four men without a single alarm being triggered, how would I get out? How would I get to my father?

…And my pup?

Whatever happened to me, would happen to him.

There was nothing I could do, and Marceau knew it. He wanted me to know it. He wanted me to know he could do anything to me, hurt me, take everything and there would be no avenue that would lead me to a gratifying end.

“I could make your time here much easier, more comfortable, in my private chambers. Would you like that?” His voice in my ear raised the goosebumps of my skin in a sickening dread and my body

convulsed in a spasm of shock when a hand crept around my stomach, resting right where my pup would be growing.

And quite literally saved by the bell, a small chiming timer rang out from where it was set up by the prepared test.

As soon as Marceau removed himself from me, I grabbed for the clothing, ripping them so quickly over my head and up my legs, I could have split them in two.

“So, it’s true. As we already knew, you are carrying a rather special little one,” he held up the test stick, concentrating on the double line displayed. “I got quite the bargain. A growing Alpha lycan. Isaac was so very desperate to negotiate the pup’s return,” his smile and chuckle were so dark, so poisonous, they could have billowed a black smoke in time with the sound. “I suppose there’s no harm in letting him think his grandpup will be returned, for now at least.”

The door opened with a sudden and sharp thud, rattling the counter it struck against.

“Let’s not keep your father waiting any longer. He seems most testy when you are removed from his side. The gentleman will escort you back,” Marceau plopped the bottle of vitamins into my hands and swept his arm in the direction of the guard who stood waiting. “Make sure you take one a day and I’ll be sure to stock the appropriate prenatal vitamins for you, along with anything else your condition requires.”

I quickly followed the guard, almost wanting to run past him, find my own way back to my cell, to anywhere I could fold in on myself and forget it all. The walls rolled past by in a blur, either from my lack of focus or from the tears gathering in my eyes in need of release.

The sounds that erupted from the cells were a numb faint echo. All I could do was keep my head down and put one foot in front of the other, as fast as they would operate, till I happened upon the open door of my personal prison and bubble of safety.

I could hear the basal shouts of my father begging my name, Bastiaan’s baritone voice somewhere in the mix and a whole cacophony of others swirling and mixing in one mass that I wanted to scream to stop.

The ground surged up beneath me and my forehead pressed on the wooden floor. I clamped my hands over my ears in an attempt to get the ringing to stop, screaming soundlessly into a void to leave me alone. I wanted to scrub my skin raw to remove his hand I still felt, to claw it away and claw the entire place to the ground.

My world fell sideways and I wrapped my arms around myself, the fat tears finally spilling free.

How the hell was I ever going to get out of this?

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