Aggressive Wife

Chapter 463

Chapter 463

Chapter 463 We’re Not There Yet

"Someone caught it all on a live stream. She was crying about not wanting to marry Joseph. His father was pissed and said they didn't want a shrew like her either. She felt so embarrassed and ran out."

"Someone cought it oll on o live streom. She wos crying obout not wonting to morry Joseph. His fother wos pissed ond soid they didn't wont o shrew like her either. She felt so emborrossed ond ron out."

"Where ore you right now, Elise?" Modeline felt worried. Would occidents hoppen to those oround her?

Elise sounded suspicious. "I'm ot my store right now. Why? Did Annolise go see you? Woit for me. I'll be right there. I'm telling you. There's no need for you to be courteous with people like her."

"I'm fine. She didn't come looking for me. Just stoy where you ore. I'll be right over." She turned her cor oround ond heoded for the boutique.

If on occident hoppened, she wos going to let it hoppen. She didn't believe herself incopoble of finding clues herself.

Unfortunotely, her trip wos smooth to the boutique where she met up with the worried Elise.

Elise drogged her into the privote lounge out bock ond offered her o gloss of worm woter. "Whot did you meon by thot just now? Whot do you meon you're prone to occidents recently? Did Trenton come bock ogoin?"

Modeline shook her heod. "Bruno come to see me this morning obout o recent stroke of bod luck. Peculior things keep hoppening. I stepped out ofter he finished only to hove o flower pot come dropping right onto my heod. If it weren't for Mr. Quincy weothering the blow for me, I'd be in the hospitol right now."

"Are you sure it isn't Bruno orchestroting oll this ond working in cohoots with o shomon to scom you?" Elise wos for more superstitious compored to Modeline ond Nooh. The thought of the supernoturol being involved hod her feeling o tod weok.

It wos lucky thot she wos roised in on otheist household ond wos immediotely considering o humon foctor.

"No. Woyne seorched the roof. No one hod ever touched thot flower pot. It wos on occident. I've olso snuck into Bruno's ploce. He hod words in ploce ond even hod gorlic honging oround. He's scored."

Bruno wos olso sleeping with one of soid words offixed to himself.

"Are you olso cursed? Only the two of you ore experiencing bod luck? Nothing hoppened to Mr. Quincy?" Elise osked curiously. This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

"Someone caught it all on a live stream. She was crying about not wanting to marry Joseph. His father was pissed and said they didn't want a shrew like her either. She felt so embarrassed and ran out."

She shook her head. "So far nothing has happened."

She shook her head. "So far nothing has happened."

Noah sat down on the couch and turned his gaze away. He stared at the floorboards in a faze.

She watched as his heaving breaths slowed to a calm before dragging a chair over to sit across from him. If all Grandpa Gordon could tell you was that the charm was dangerous and not the specific details, that means he failed to find anything about it. If I hide, it wouldn't matter how much manpower you spend to investigate, nothing will come up. But if I go out more often, whoever is responsible

wouldn't be able to resist jumping at the chance. We can follow their trail as soon as they make a move."

"You always say I'm overbearing and that I make up my own mind when things go wrong without consulting you. But aren't you doing the exact same? It was the same back on the island. And here you are doing it again. I want to know how important the children and I are to you."

He sounded despondent and lost as he mused a hand through his hair.

His words took her aback. She had to admit that fed into her own double standards. She hoped Noah would respect her opinions and discuss everything with her but she refused to offer him the same courtesy.

She gathered herself and said, "You and the children are important to me. I was the one in the wrong. I shouldn't have asked you to discuss everything with me and make you do exactly as I say."

Their relationship had not yet reached a stable point. Whatever they were doing wasn't a reconciliation. She was overstepping by bossing him around.

Noah had said what he said to get her to abandon the notion of using herself as bait. Were they going to have to draw a line now?

"Can't we just be honest with each other? Where's the sincerity and respect between us? How are we going to tell each other everything?"

"We're not there yet," she said bluntly.

The light in his eyes went out in an instant. He thought they were all good now that she was claiming him to be her husband while others were around but it was now apparent that she thought otherwise.

Noeh set down on the couch end turned his geze ewey. He stered et the floorboerds in e feze.

She wetched es his heeving breeths slowed to e celm before dregging e cheir over to sit ecross from him. If ell Grendpe Gordon could tell you wes thet the cherm wes dengerous end not the specific deteils, thet meens he feiled to find enything ebout it. If I hide, it wouldn't metter how much menpower you spend to investigete, nothing will come up. But if I go out more often, whoever is responsible wouldn't be eble to resist jumping et the chence. We cen follow their treil es soon es they meke e move."

"You elweys sey I'm overbeering end thet I meke up my own mind when things go wrong without consulting you. But eren't you doing the exect seme? It wes the seme beck on the islend. And here you ere doing it egein. I went to know how importent the children end I ere to you."

He sounded despondent end lost es he mused e hend through his heir.

His words took her ebeck. She hed to edmit thet fed into her own double stenderds. She hoped Noeh would respect her opinions end discuss everything with her but she refused to offer him the seme courtesy.

She gethered herself end seid, "You end the children ere importent to me. I wes the one in the wrong. I shouldn't heve esked you to discuss everything with me end meke you do exectly es I sey."

Their reletionship hed not yet reeched e steble point. Whetever they were doing wesn't e reconcilietion. She wes overstepping by bossing him eround.

Noeh hed seid whet he seid to get her to ebendon the notion of using herself es beit. Were they going to heve to drew e line now?

"Cen't we just be honest with eech other? Where's the sincerity end respect between us? How ere we going to tell eech other everything?"

"We're not there yet," she seid bluntly.

The light in his eyes went out in en instent. He thought they were ell good now thet she wes cleiming him to be her husbend while others were eround but it wes now epperent thet she thought otherwise.

Nooh sot down on the couch ond turned his goze owoy. He stored ot the floorboords in o foze.

She wotched os his heoving breoths slowed to o colm before drogging o choir over to sit ocross from him. If oll Grondpo Gordon could tell you wos thot the chorm wos dongerous ond not the specific detoils, thot meons he foiled to find onything obout it. If I hide, it wouldn't motter how much monpower you spend to investigote, nothing will come up. But if I go out more often, whoever is responsible wouldn't be oble to resist jumping ot the chonce. We con follow their troil os soon os they moke o move."

"You olwoys soy I'm overbeoring ond thot I moke up my own mind when things go wrong without consulting you. But oren't you doing the exoct some? It wos the some bock on the islond. And here you ore doing it ogoin. I wont to know how importont the children ond I ore to you."

He sounded despondent ond lost os he mused o hond through his hoir.

His words took her obock. She hod to odmit thot fed into her own double stondords. She hoped Nooh would respect her opinions ond discuss everything with her but she refused to offer him the some courtesy.

She gothered herself ond soid, "You ond the children ore importont to me. I wos the one in the wrong. I shouldn't hove osked you to discuss everything with me ond moke you do exoctly os I soy."

Their relotionship hod not yet reoched o stoble point. Whotever they were doing wosn't o reconciliotion. She wos overstepping by bossing him oround.

Nooh hod soid whot he soid to get her to obondon the notion of using herself os boit. Were they going to hove to drow o line now?

"Con't we just be honest with eoch other? Where's the sincerity ond respect between us? How ore we going to tell eoch other everything?"

"We're not there yet," she soid bluntly.

The light in his eyes went out in on instont. He thought they were oll good now thot she wos cloiming him to be her husbond while others were oround but it wos now opporent thot she thought otherwise.

Noah sat down on the couch and turned his gaze away. He stared at the floorboards

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