
Alec’s CHAPTER 81

Chapter 81


It has been a really stressful day, to say the least, and I can’t wait to go to sleep and just forget about everything, even if it’s for a while.


After our talk, Raven left to research more about the confinement spell. She hoped that she could ask around among the witches she knew. Hoped she could find something that could help us severe the tether between the spell and the pack without having to completely undo the spell.

On the other hand, I had gone outside to continue practicing my teleportation. Given this new development, I know that I need to become stronger. Nyx always told me to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. In our case, that is whoever has been imprisoned getting out.

I lean against the wall and allow the hot water to wash over me. My entire body was tense. I need to let loose and just relax. I need to stop thinking because, at this rate, I’ll end up constantly having a migraine.

I wish I could take a long bath. Soak my body in the bathtub, but I couldn’t. I am so tired that I’d probably end up falling asleep and then drowning in the bathtub. How tragic would that be?

I turn off the shower and get out of the cubicle. Wrapping the towel around my body, I step into the bedroom. It’s only as I am looking for something to wear that I realize I forgot my tradition tonight. I forgot to look at my scars in the mirror.

Shrugging it off, I put on my clothes before getting under the covers. Aspen wasn’t asleep yet, so I pull her into my arms. Her warmth and her scent calm me in a way nobody else can.


“Which story do you want me to read for you today?” I ask as she snuggles deeper into my heat.

I wasn’t able to spend time with her today, but I wouldn’t miss story time for anything in the world.

When she doesn’t answer, I look down at her. Her lips were turned down, and her brows were pinched in a frown.

“Aspen, baby, what’s wrong?” I ask worriedly, not liking that she wasn’t happy right now.

Aspen is usually chill. She’s the kind of child who doesn’t really take anything to heart. She doesn’t stay mad or upset for long. Honestly, she just doesn’t let it bother her. She’s happy in her little world, and she rarely allows anything to upset that little bubble.


14:34 Thu, Aug 13

Chapter 81


“Did something happen to you? Was someone mean to you?” I continue pushing when she doesn’t say a word.


“No, mommy,” she whispers before her curious eyes lock on to mine. “It’s the sad man.”

“What sad man?” I pretend I don’t know what she’s talking about.

The last thing I want and need is my three-year-old daughter asking about her father. A man she has no idea is her father.

“The one in the field,” she whispers. “He-he-he”

She fumbles with the words, then stops. The frown between her brows deepens. It’s like she’s having a hard time formulating her thoughts into words.


“He was sad. I didn’t like it,” she says in a soft voice, almost as if her heart was breaking at the thought of Alec being sad.

My heart rate starts speeding up as the realization of what is happening starts to sink in. Fuck. I was too tired to deal with this, but I had no other option.

“You didn’t like that he was sad?” I ask, squeezing her body into mine as if that will ward off what’s happening.

“Hmm,” comes her slow answer. “I wanted to hug him. Make it better, like you me. Hugs make everything better.”

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I stupidly nod my head, not really knowing what to say to her. I could warn her to stay away from Alec, but isn’t that just cruel? But then again, I can’t really let her get close to him.

“It feels weird in my heart, mommy,” she says, rubbing her chest, probably trying to ease the ache there.

Instead of answering, I sit up and lean against the headboard before pulling her on top of me. I kiss her forehead and just hold her in my arms.

I know what’s happening. I know why she feels ‘weird’ as she puts it. It’s the bond between her and Alec setting into place. It’s the familial bond taking root.

You are probably wondering why now. Well, Alec wasn’t there when she was born. So,

even though the bond settled in him, it didn’t completely settle in Aspen. Let’s just say that it was loose. That’s the best term I can give it.

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14:34 Thu, Aug 15 R

Chapter 81


They have been around each other but never really interacted until today. Just like with mate bonds, familial bonds need eye contact and touch for them to fully settle. It’s even stronger if the pup’s father is an alpha.

Today, both of those things happened. Aspen unknowingly initiated contact by cupping Alec’s jaw. That and the eye contact between them basically sealed the deal. It sealed the father-daughter bond.

Even though a familial bond isn’t as strong as a mate bond, they are similar in some ways. Parents can feel the emotions of their children, and vice versa. Aspen is being affected by Alec’s sadness. Just like the my emotions would affect her.


She doesn’t understand what’s happening. She doesn’t understand why Alec’s sadness is affecting her. She doesn’t understand why her heart feels weird. She doesn’t understand that a new bond clicked into place today.

We’ve never had a discussion about her father. In my defense, I never thought I’d come across Alec again. Plus, she’s only three. She never asked. I knew that would change when she got older, but I’d vowed not to think about it and to cross that bridge when we got there.

We remain silent, and minutes later, Aspen’s body grows heavy. I sneak a peek at her to find her soundly asleep. Gently, I pick her up and place her on her side of the bed before covering her with the blankets.

Since we will be staying here for a while, maybe I should ask Alec to assign her her own bedroom. She’ll be more comfortable sleeping in her own bed.

Switching off the lights, I close my eyes. It takes a while, but eventually I do fall asleep. Only, it wasn’t peaceful at all.


It was a cold and chilly night. There was no star in sight, and the moon had turned red. Red because the moon goddess, for the first time, bled. Everywhere I looked, I saw nothing but chaos and destruction. The scent of death coated the air, it’s pungent smell burned

my nostrils.

Tears coated my cheeks as I cried for all that we had lost. The pain ate at me. The lives that had been lost tore my heart into a thousand pieces. Why did she do this? Why did she choose this path?

We tried everything, but even with our allies, they were still too strong. Or maybe I am just weak. She has always said that I am weak. That my goodness, made me vulnerable. Made me soft and spineless. Maybe that’s why we lost so badly. If only I’d been better. If



Chapter 81

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only I’d been stronger, but I believed that violence didn’t solve anything. I believed love was the answer. Now, looking at the blood-drenched ground, I’m starting to wonder if maybe, just maybe, she was right.

“Please stop this.” I beg her. I was kneeling on the cold, hard ground, my eyes firmly fixed on my blood-soaked hands. “You’ve won. It’s enough.”

Her hands grab my chin in a painful grip. I couldn’t see her face, but deep down, I knew her. I knew who she was.

“Stop?” she sneers. “This is just the beginning. I want everything. I want to rule both the heavens and the earth.”

She was the opposite of me. While my clothes and wings were white, hers were black. The complete opposite, yet formed from the same cloth. Looking at her, I wonder how she has fallen so far.

“Come on, love.” His cold voice sends a shiver down my spine. “We have things to do. Get rid of her.”

There was nothing in his eyes. Absolutely nothing. This is the same man that was created for me, yet his eyes held nothing but contempt and cruelty. What happened? Where did the fates go wrong?

“Goodbye,” she whispers, but I see no remorse in her eyes. The love that was once there no longer exists. “You should have joined us when you had a chance.”

With those last words, she plunges her sword deep into

my chest.


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