Alpha Adryan

Chapter 27: twenty five

Chapter 27: twenty five

Grayson looked stunned at the woman standing in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes, shock

filling his features.

This female was the same one his Alpha had been searching for, for the past three years he had been

on a hunt, and here she was standing infront of Grayson in all her glory.

His Alpha had been relentless in the search for her. As the days passed on, he got more angrier, and

lashed out at smallest of mistakes. People in the pack were scared but they respected the man, for he

had been keeping them same from an exterior threat for so long. Putting his pack's safety before his


They have been walking in eggshells around him, fear of setting him off anytime clouding their minds.

Everyone in the pack knew about her, after all she was going to be their luna, that was until she

decided to run away.

Flyers with her face on it were distributed in the beginning to let the pack members know who they

were searching for. He vividly remembered the females face from those flyers that were handed out all

those years ago.

He still remembered how the Alpha had called an immidiate meeting to announce the news of him

finding his mate, only to realize that she had ran away from him a mere hours later.

After ordering a cup of black coffee and croissant, which was delicious by the way. The heavenly scent

lingering in the air around the whole cafe of baked goods.

After devouring his breakfast, he pays for the meal and continues on his way. He had come to Winston

to do some business, having to deliver something and go into the city.

He didn't visit the the town so often during his visits to the city, maybe also the reason why he had

failed to notice the female his Alpha was looking for was living right under their noses all this town.

Getting out, smoke appearing in the air as he breathed in the cold surrounding brought forth by the

month of December.

Slipping his hands inside his pant pockets he brings out his phone. Dialing the one number everyone in

the pack had with them, to report any emergency or something else directly to the Alpha of their pack


Pressing the phone to his ear, he waits for a few moments as the phone rings and its picked up after a

few second.

"Alpha Adryan Romano speaking, who is this?" A deep voice speaks from the other side.

"Alpha, it's me Grayson. I have an important news to tell you."

"What is it?" He asks directly.

Grayson pauses for a second, thinking about how he's going to bring up the news to the Alpha.

"I— I think I just saw your mate, Alpha. I think I know where she is".

The only think he received was a few moments of silence, then he hears his Alpha's voice again,


"Where?" He asks without missing a beat. Grayson could hear the desperation in his voice. It was rare

for him to hear his Alpha speak like that since Alpha acted stoic most of the time.

"Winston, Alpha" Grayson replies.

2 days later

Jade looks at the figure in her arms, a smile graces her features as she looks at her two year old son.

Sleeping peacefully in her arms. She had been sitting in the rocking chair that was placed at one corner

of her bedroom.

Every night, she would take Adonis into her arms, and sit on the rocking chair until he fell asleep to the

movement of the rocking chair. Some days she would even sing him a lullaby.

She loved how he would look up at her with admiration shinning in his big sea green eyes, it was

moments like this that she was so thankful to the moon Goddess for granting her with eyesight.

Her fingers move through his soft midnight black hair, moving away the long strands that have gotten

over the period of time to the side. His head was on her shoulder as soft breaths left his small parted

lips, while one of hands were around her neck.

Standing up from the rocking chair with his little body in her arms, she moves towards the crib, big

enough to fit in his two year old body.

She softly and slowly places him inside the crib, careful not to wakeup him up from his slumber. It was

a long day for both of them today.

Jade had taken him to the park today, Adonis loved playing outside in the nature. He had been running

around the park all the time they had been there, kicking a small ball and running as much as his little

legs could take him, Jade would watch him play, sometimes reading a book in between.

A tired sigh leaves her lips as she started feeling sleepy, as she walks towards her own bed. Sitting

down on the soft mattress, she was getting ready to go to bed when a the sound halts her movements,

the sound of her door bell going off startls her out of her sleepy state.

Her eyebrows scrunch in confusion, looking at the alarm clock beside her bed, kept on her night stand.

She checks the time.

12:07 am

'Who could it be at this time of the night ringing her doorbell?' She wondered to herself, it definitely

wouldn't be Scarlett, since she was out of town visiting one of her relatives.

She could feel her wolf stirring within herself. A familiar feeling building up inside her. Getting up from

the bed she pushes the feeling down.

She leaves her bedroom, moving past the living room which led to her front door.

She stands before her front door, thinking about her actions. She turns around quickly, bringing back a

wooden baseball bat with her.

If it was a thief she wanted to get herself ready before hand, but one a second thought a thief wouldn't

come announcing his arrival by ringing her doorbell.

Tightening the hold on the wooden exterior of the baseball bat, she heaves in a breath in.

She hated the fact that she hadn't thought about having a peephole on her front door before. It was

rare for people to visit her, mostly it was by Scarlett and her husband Joe, sometimes Jade's neighbor

Mrs. Johnson would visit too, bringing along with her home made recipes, which smelled and tasted


Normally Jade was able to smell the person's natural scent and tell if it was someone she knew or a

stranger, but now that she thought about it, she couldn't smell anything. Infact there wasn't a smell at


Tightening the hold on the baseball bat, she swings the door open.

Just as she swings open the door, her emerald green eyes meet a pair of ocean blue eyes. It felt like

time stopped, as she stared at the stranger, she could feel her wolf stirring within her. She could also

feel the mate bond, which had been dormant for three long years crackling again.

Her heart beat sky rockets as she stares at the man who was her supposed mate. The wooden

baseball bat dropping to the ground as shock enters her system. Her hands start trembling.

The addictive scent of vanilla entering her nostrils like a breath of fresh air. Luring her in.

He had midnight black hair, it wasn't too short nor too long, the perfect length for it to be swept back

from his face, still a few strands dangled carelessly in front of his face. He had a five'o clock shadow on

his face, a result of not shaving for a few days maybe.

His stormy ocean blue eyes, staring at her with an unknown emotion swimming in their depths. He was

tall, well fit with muscles with how the t-shirt he had on clinged to his body like a second skin.

She could feel him drinking in her features as well. His gaze burning a hole through her.

She manages to shake off the effects of the mate bond, and when she realizes the situation she was

in, her natural instincts take over.

Stepping back, she shuts the front door. In his face.

It was just then that the panic set in. The fear slowly creeping into her body. She rushes into her room


Why was Adryan here? She knew that one day he would find her, but not so soon. Oh God, Adonis.

What happens when Adryan comes to know about Adonis. She needs to leave as soon as possible.


All these thoughts run inside her head. She looks at the crib to see Adonis sleeping peacefully inside it.

She rushes towards his sleeping figure, lifting him into her hands.

Just then a noise resonates around her apartment, a sound of something hitting wood.

"Jade" a deep voice calls out. "Open this fucking door right now, or so God help me, because I will not

hesitate in breaking this door and dragging you out myself." His voice was gruff and filled with promise,

she knew he wasn't bluffing.

His words only set off the panic to rise inside of her.

"Jade" the sound of his fist hitting into the wood of her apartment door sounds out loud into the silence

of the night. She could feel her heartbeats in her ear now. Loud as well.

His voice send chills down her spine. Panicking, looking side to side, she spots a blankie on her bed.

Adonis' blankie to be exact. Rushing towards her bed, she picks it up an covers his body that was in

her arms, his head on her shoulder still sleeping soundly.

She could heard the large thudding noises, it kept increasing with each second. It felt like he was

ramming his body into the door, she knew that the door couldn't handle much. It would break


Rushing to the open window in her room, through which she looks down, she realises that the size of it

was too small for her and Adonis to fit through.

A large noise reverberates around the apartment just then, alerting her. The sound of her front door

breaking into pieces was loud. Dread fills her body as she hears footsteps heading towards her door.

She knew this was it, she couldn't escape him any longer.

Her body moves back, her body flat against the wall of her room, clutching Adonis in her arms, she

presses back as much she could. Trying make her body look small but her tries were obviously futile.

She could feel him now, inside the room. He had opened her bedroom door with ease as she had

forgot to lock it when she panicked and rushed inside, which she regretted now, not that it would make NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

any difference.

She feels him move closer, his body heat emiting off of him. Tingles appear on her body with their

disappearing distance between them.

One of his hand comes to rest beside her head, half caging her in as he moved closer.

She feels his touch on her face, she had her eyes closed, breathing heavily through her nose, as her

chest heaves up and down.

He moves her hair back which had been covering a part of her face, pushing back the light red strand

and tucking it behind her ear.

"Open your eyes Jade" his deep voice held power, he was using his Alpha command, to make her do

as she wished. But she tries to fight the command as best as she could. Trying to close her eyes which

as much force as she could, willing herself not to open her eyes no matter what.

"Open" it was as if his voice was like a sirens call for the sailor to come closer, her eyes open on their

own accord, her green eyes meet his stormy ocean eyes. The one that resembled the ocean, as the

waves crashed against each other during the storm, rain falling and mixing with the sea.

His eyes move towards the small figure clutched in her arms. She felt like her heartbeats had stilled for

a moment.

His gaze burning as he looked back at her, with anger and sadness mixed in them.

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