Alpha Alec's Redemption

Chapter 0079

Chapter 0079

“What did you just say?” I growled, feeling my anger rise.

I must have heard wrong, right? There is just no fucking way Micah would betray me like that. Not after years of friendship. Not after he saw what Sadie and her scheming put me through.

“I said a lot of things” she growled back, her eyes spitting fire. “You’ll have to be a bit more specific.”

I turned to her and snarled, but it didn’t have any effect on her. Instead, she snarled right back at me.

Fuck! I needed a damn break. It has been revelation after revelation since the moment I stepped into this pack. Now, on top of everything, I find out that Sadie wasn’t lying three years ago, that she was actually pregnant with my child. Then to find out that Micah betrayed me, that was a huge fucking blow.

I always wondered how the fuck Sadie had managed to escape. Always wondered what happened. Did a guard forget to close the door? Did someone forget to chain her up? It never made sense and efforts to find out how she managed to escape proved futile. Now I now why? Micah had helped her and he’d made sure that there was no evidence. Nothing tying him to what happened.

My eyes turned to him. “How could you? How could you fucking help her escape your motherfucking traitor”

He flinched at the extent of my alpha aura but other than that did nothing. He didn’t look remorseful. He didn’t look guilty. He didn’t look like he regrated helping Sadie. That alone all but killed me, knowing he betrayed me and didn’t even feel that he did.

“Why would you do that, Micah?” Jason snapped at him. “Why, would you help her and betray Alec like that. You know what she did. You know that her scheming cost him his mate. Lola fucking

rejected him for fucks sake and yet you helped Sadie, why?”

Jason was yelling by the time he got to the last sentence. It didn’t do anything though, because Micah still didn’t look sorry. His lack of remorse made me and Knox pissed. He wanted to tear him apart.

“Might I remind you that Lola isn’t his fucking mate? Or have you forgotten that little fact?” Micah fired back while Sadie just scoffed, disgust marring her face as she stared at me and Jason.

“That’s not the fucking point!” Jason yelled, stepping up to stand in Micah’s face. “Tell me why the fuck I shouldn’t tear your throat for betraying your alpha?”

“You could try, and it’ll definitely not end well for you” came Micah’s response.

“Are you threatening me?” Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Take it however the fuck you want Jason, but I won’t let you or anyone else try to box me into a corner”

I was shocked. This was a side of Micah that I’ve never really seen before. He’s never disobeyed an order from his beta, but right now he just did and all because of Sadie.

Said woman clapped her hand to get their attention. “As much as I’d like to see you beat the shit out of Jason, I don’t want my daughter coming here and witnessing any kind of violence”

The emphasis on ‘her daughter’ brought a pang to my heart. One that I tried pushing away.

“I don’t take orders from a fucking bitch like you”, Jason growled at her.

Before any of us could react, Sadie moved and within seconds had Jason against the wall, her hands on his neck. Her eyes were white and were glowing, while Jason’s had budged out as he

tried to get air into his lungs.

“Watch your fucking mouth before I decide to do everyone a favor and tear out your fucking tongue so you will never talk back to anyone ever again” she spat, her voice menacing.

“Remember you owe me, Sadie. You can’t hurt him,” Micah sighed, seemingly tired of this whole thing.

Sadie lets out a frustrated breath before releasing my beta. She steps away from him and goes to stand next to her friends.

“I don’t know why you defend the idiot, Micah. We all know you’re better in every way, so why are you taking orders from him?”

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