Alpha Asher and Lola

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 6 – I rolled over in bed with a sleepy moan. I was having the

most wonderful dream that involved several under dressed men, one of which may or may not have

resembled Alpha Asher. I didn’t care about the details.

My eyes fluttered open and a my sleepy yawn filled the air. That had been the best night of sleep I had

in a long while.

The events of yesterday had yet to catch up with me as I sat up in bed and stretched. Just as I was

about to stand up from the bed, my eyes darted to a figure in the corner of my room.

“What the h**l!” I gasped, looking into the furious face of Alpha Asher.

He was sitting in the corner of the room on a navy love seat my Dad had gotten me when I was


“You talk in your sleep.” He spoke, his tone calm while his eyes continued to b**n. He looked at me

strangely and I wondered what I had said in my sleep.

I didn’t have to glance down to know that my nips had stiffened against my tank top. I wasn’t wearing a

bra, not that I needed to. Who sleeps in a bra?

I snakd my hands up to cover my brests as I glared at Alpha Asher. I was grateful I managed to fall

asleep in a pair of sweats instead of my typical pair of underwear.

Alpha Asher looked good. Being furious only made him hotter. He wore a simple black button down

shirt, but the sleeves were rolled up, exposing his muscular forearms.

I sputtered, at a loss for words. “What the h**l are you doing in my room?” I gasped, I could feel my

face turning red.

His face remained flat whilst his golden flecked eyes burned with fury, “9 a.m, Lola.” He repeated those

familiar words and I felt my body stiffen as I remembered last nights events.

I let my eyes flicker to the alarm clock by my bed and went wide eyed when I looked at the time. 11


“We’re in deep sh*t.” Maya muttered sleepily.

I should feel frightened right? I’ve been pissing off the deadliest Alpha for three days now, and yet I was

still alive.

As if Alpha Asher could read my mind, he stood from his seat in the corner and walked towards me.

I kept my face blank, my eyes taking in every inch of him. He took his time approaching me, like a wolf

stalking it’s k**l.

“You couldn’t set a simple alarm, Lola?” Alpha Asher’s voice was hard, and I tried not to be

mesmerized by the golden flakes in his eyes.

I wasn’t sure why I was so unable to control my mouth around him. Even with the hairs on my body

standing on end, I only felt one thing. Excitement.

“Um, I forgot?” I bit my lip sheepishly. NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“We’re d**d.” Maya groaned, “You and your big mouth k****d us.”

“So dramatic, Maya.” I rolled my eyes at her.

A startled squeal left my lips as Alpha Asher shoved me against my bedroom wall. The pictures

hanging on the wall rattled with the impact. His rough hands yanked my arms down and away from my

bre*sts, but his eyes never left my own

Something had to be wrong with me. Instead of feeling afraid, I felt angry. If he thought he could man

handle me into obedience, he had another thing coming.

“You are testing my f**king patience, Lola.” Alpha Asher growled. His eyes had become completely

gold and I stared into their depths unwavering.

He towered over me as I was trapped against the wall. His earthy cologne scent was everywhere. It

wasn’t that it didn’t smell good, it was just really strong.

My heart nearly stopped in my chest when I felt his giant hand wrap around my throat. I stubbornly kept

my eyes on his. There was no way in h**l I was going to submit.

Naturally, Maya squirmed at my defiance. It was against her nature to disobey her Alpha.

“This is your last chance, Lola.” Alpha Asher growled. His hot breath fanned my face and his fingers

exuded the smallest amount of pressure against the soft flesh of my neck.

Any control I had over my body wavered. I could feel my hard nips pressing against him and gritted my

teeth as a new sensation formed between my legs.

My insides churned at the thought of him being able to smell my arousal. I told myself it was only

natural that I was attracted to him. He was breathtakingly gorgeous and an Alpha. She-wolves were

naturally attracted to the strongest of our species.

His golden eyes conveyed no emotion other than anger as he looked down at me.

I didn’t fight it when a smirk formed on my lips.

I let my eyes widen in mock fear, “My last chance, huh?”

Alpha Asher leaned his face into mine, his furious eyes locked on my own. His lips were only inches

away and I resisted the insane urge to look down at them.

“Next time you will be punished, and I will not be gentle. Remember that the next time you disobey me.”

Alpha Asher growled, sending a wave of excitement down my spine.

I almost felt disappointed when he pulled away and opened my bedroom door.

“You start patrol Monday. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Report at the southwest base. Do not be late.” His voice was

deadly calm, and my bedroom door clicked shut quietly.

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. My mind was churning.

I chalked my arousal up to Alpha Asher’s g*d-like looks. Something within me was attracted to the

thought of being punished by Alpha Asher.

I shook the d***y thoughts from my head and hopped in the shower. Once I was finally dressed I came

downstairs. The smell of my grandma’s lavender pancakes wafted around the house. I know it sounds

weird, but lavender is amazing in just about anything.

“What did Alpha Asher need you for?” My dad frowned, “Strange that he came all the way over here.”

“Um, well..” I trailed off, wondering if I should lie. “He kind of told me to report to his office this morning,

and I didn’t.” I smiled sheepishly at my Dad’s outraged expression.

“Are you trying to get yourself k****d, Lola?” My Dad nearly shouted.

“It was just a misunderstanding,” I shrugged. “I forgot to set an alarm.”

“Was he angry with you? Did he hurt you?” My Dad bombarded me with questions. No way I was going

to tell him the truth about what happened in my room.

“He was angry, but he didn’t hurt me.” I shrugged. I could practically feel his hand still wrapped around

my neck.

My dad let out a weary sigh, “You need to be more careful, Lola.”

I nodded, “I know Dad. I will, I promise.” I added for his benefit.

My grandma shot me a sly smirk and I wondered what that was about.

Sean came downstairs shortly after, and he too had asked why Alpha Asher had come for a visit.

He was just as amused as Dad was.

I ended up stopping by the local coffee shop after breakfast, craving one of the Iced Mocha’s they were

famous for. When Breyona and I were still best-friends, we would come here at least three times a


I sipped my coffee and nearly moaned at the taste. The only thing lacking at grandma’s little cottage

was the short supply of coffee.

I nearly spat out my coffee when I heard a nasal laugh call out behind me. I turned around and locked

eyes with Chelsea.

She definitely looked the same, and I wondered if anyone had actually changed around here. Her skin

was still as tan as ever, and her sandy blonde hair reached down to her collar bones.

She didn’t seem surprised to see me, and I remembered she was in training with the rest of us.

A mean smirk formed on her face as she walked up to me, a dark haired girl clinging at her side.

“Lola, never thought I’d see you again.” She smiled cruelly. The dark haired girl at her side snickered.

I smirked at the two of them and shrugged, “Well, I’m back.”

“Whatever. I’d say welcome back and all that sh*t, but I really don’t care.” She shrugged. I couldn’t

believe I was ever friends with her.

I snorted, “Good to see some things never change.”

Her fake smile became mean in an instant and like a startled cat she lashed out. “That makes one of

us. Everything’s changed for you though, hasn’t it? No longer the Alpha’s favorite. Thank g*d you didn’t

become Luna. Goddess only knows how I managed to put up with you.”

I rolled my eyes, “Changed for the better you mean. I don’t need to be with an Alpha to know my worth.

That’s something you should try and live by.” I turned around and headed back to the towns square.

Ignoring the stares of some of the people around town, I walked into the towns center and sat down on

a bench. I sipped my coffee and let my eyes wander over the large fountain in the middle of the square.

From afar this town looks quaint and normal, if only the humans knew what really lived here.

As always, my peace was interrupted.

“Hey, Lola.” Ethan’s c**ky voice called out.

I rolled my eyes and began to stand from the bench.

“Aw c’mon Lola. You don’t have to leave. Can’t we just have a normal conversation?’ Ethan frowned.

I gave him a scrutinizing look. Ethan wasn’t one for normal conversations.

“Sure, whatever. But the minute you get all d****e-like, I’m leaving.” I shrugged, but definitely didn’t let

my guard down.

“Aw you know I was just playing about yesterday.” Ethan teased, and I rolled my eyes.

His blonde hair wasn’t slicked back in it’s normal style, it sat tousled on his head. Sure, Ethan was a

fairly attractive guy. He could almost be called hot, but all of that faded away once you got to know his


“Sure you were.” I muttered, sipping on my coffee.

Ethan plopped down on the bench next to me and leaned back. I gave him a ‘what the f**k’ look when

he let his arm rest on the bench behind me.

“So, what’ve you been up to this past year.” He shot me a smirk.

“Went to my grandma’s, trained and graduated high-school.” I shrugged.

Ethan frowned, “Y’know, Tyler was actually distraught when he heard you left. He tried to figure out

where you went, but your folks wouldn’t tell him anything.”

That small shriveled part of my heart that once loved Tyler squeezed at what Ethan had said, but my

mind knew better. Tyler tossed me away like trash and his friends did the same. It was pathetic irony

that Tyler tossed his own pack away as well.

I rolled my eyes at Ethan, “Look, I genuinely don’t care. I don’t see how that’s hard to understand.”

I could feel someone’s eyes on me and looked around to find the source. I locked eyes with Alpha

Asher, who stood across the town’s square talking to a couple men. I assumed the men weren’t new

additions to his pack due to the scars that littered their body.

Was everyone in Alpha Asher’s pack so scary looking?

Ethan’s voice pulled my eyes away from Alpha Asher’s.

Ethan leaned closer to me, invading my personal space. Invading someone’s personal space was an

Ethan specialty.

“So you’ve really moved on, huh?” Ethan asked, his eyes roaming my face as though he were

searching for something.

I shrugged, “Yep.”

“Y’know, I never said this before but I always kind of liked you.” Ethan gave me a lopsided smile.

“Ethan, you say that to every girl.” I looked at him with a straight face.

Ethan acted like I wounded him, “I mean it with you though. You’re gorgeous and you have a s*xy

body.” I resisted the urge to gag.

I officially had enough of this conversation.

“Goodbye, Ethan.” I said sweetly, standing from the bench to walk away. I glanced over at Alpha Asher

and felt a smug pang roll through me as I caught him looking.

Ethan muttered something under his breath loud enough for me to hear.

“You never played this hard to get with Tyler.”

“Did he really just say that?” Maya growled in my head.

I could feel Maya try to push herself forward, and I reacted on instinct.

I dumped my poor Iced Mocha down Ethan’s head. Maya howled with laughter while I mourned the

loss of my coffee.

“f**k you, Ethan.” I gave him once last sweet smile.

I could feel Alpha Asher’s eyes on my back as I walked away.


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