Alpha Billionaire Series

Just Another Chance Chapter 3


Tanner texts me that he's going to be over later than he originally planned, but he doesn't give me any reasons. I'm not overly concerned because I trust him completely. With some time to kill, I decide to go over to my mom's house and make sure everything is okay. 'm tempted to tell her about the baby, but I'm going to wait and tell Tanner first. I'm really hoping that Randy isn't around, but my stepdad always seems to pop up when I'm trying to avoid him.

My mom still lives in the small house in South Grove where I grew up- when my dad was still alive, and times were happier. I know losing him nearly broke her and that hurts my heart. I don't think she ever got over his death. They were soulmates and possessed that beautiful, special relationship that Tanner and I have. I never understood when I was young, but now it couldn't be any clearer.

You don't ever get over losing the love of your life.

My mom may have remarried, but she's never looked at Randy the way she looked at my dad. Honestly, I think she did it more for me and my sister than herself. She wanted us to have a father figure in our lives, but the sad truth is Randy is a terrible example. I suppose he wasn't always so bad, but over the years, he's gotten worse and worse.

I arrive at the small suburb outside the city and nothing much has changed since I left at I8. It's a tight knit, working class neighborhood and people know and support each other. I miss that feeling because it's pretty much non-existent in the city I don't even know my neighbor's name and I've lived next door to him for five years.

But here in South Grove, neighbors look after each other. That makes me feel better because I'm not thrilled that my mom is still with Randy. I had hoped the two of them would've divorced, but nope. Maybe she just doesn't want to be alone. I don't know, but Randy Walker is not a good man for her.

I let myself in with my key and spot my mom sitting in her recliner in the living room watching a game show. She's been having some health issues and I'm trying to talk her into retiring early, but so far, she’s only agreed to a leave of absence. Th doctors can't seem to pinpoint the exact cause of her not feeling well, but after dealing with Randy for so many years, I can pretty much guarantee he's a huge part of her stress, anxiety and unhappiness.

Or maybe it's just a broken heart that never fully healed.

“Hi, Mom,” I say and wander over to kiss her cheek.

“Hi, sweetheart,” she says with a tired smile. “I'm glad you stopped by."

“How are you feeling?”

“Oh, you know," she says and waves a dismissive hand. “Getting older every day. It's definitely no picnic”

“When's your next doctor's appointment?” I ask and sit down in the chair beside her.

“Next week!"

She looks a little pale and shaky. So, of course, I'm concerned. “Have you eaten today?”

“A few crackers. I don't have much of an appetite.”

With a frown, I stand up and head into the kitchen. I throw the fridge open, and I'm not surprised to see beer and a crusty- looking pizza box. That's it. Fucking Randy. I slam it shut and turn my attention to the cupboards. I find a can of soup and pluck it out. “I'm going to make you some dinner, okay?”

“Are you sure? I don't think we have much left after Randy's friends came over last night for poker”

Rolling my eyes, I find the can opener and crank the top off. After pouring the vegetable soup into a pan, I turn the stove on and adjust the flame. Of course, Randy and his disgusting friends wouldn't touch a can of veggie soup. They are a bunch of carnivores and usually either cook up some fat steaks on the grill or order a bunch of greasy pizzas covered in meat. My mor doesn't eat much meat anymore since it upsets her stomach, but I'm sure Randy doesn’t care.

“I'm going to go to the grocery store tomorrow so write up a list of what you need, okay?"This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don't worry about it, sweetheart. Randy is stopping after work”

Work?! poke my head back in the living room. “Where's he working now?” I ask in a dry voice. He's not very good at holding a job down for more than a few months.

“He's back with the city again,” she informs me.

I can easily picture him sitting in the truck, eating donuts and not doing a damn thing to help the others. He's such a slacker I won't be surprised when they can his a*s again in a month or two.

After the soup starts bubbling, I turn the burner off and carefully pour it into a bowl. Then I take it out to my mom along wit some crackers and a can of Ginger Ale. “This'll be easy on your stomach,” I tell her and set it down on the TV tray.

“Thank you,” she murmurs. “You're such a good girl, Addison.”

A part of me wants to move back in here so I can take care of my mom because she can't count on her useless husband. But there's no way I could live with Randy again. Besides, our arguing would probably stress her out even more.

No, it's best if I come to visit a few times a week and try to arrange it so I'm here when Randy is at work. Or off gambling and drinking. I'm not sure how much Kayla comes around, but I have a feeling it isn't very often.

“Have you talked to Kayla lately?" I ask and sit down in the chair next to her again.

My mom sips some soup and tilts her graying head. “A couple of weeks ago? She stopped by to pick up something.”

My ears prick. Kayla doesn't usually come around unless she wants something. “Pick up what?” I ask, trying to sound casual. But inside I'm starting to seethe because I already know what my mom is about to say.

“Those credit card companies are hounding her again, so I gave her a little money to help get them off her back.”

I clench my jaw and then huff out a frustrated sigh. “Mom! She probably took that money and bought a new outfit"

“Oh, no. She promised me she was going to give it to the Visa people.”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I shut my anger down. It's not my mom's fault and I don't want to misdirect my frustration. She's only trying to help, and I can't fault her for that. She has a big heart and that's one of the things I love so much about her. But it annoys the hell out of me that Kayla got money from Mom and then came to me asking for more. She's never going to learn until we stop enabling her.

The front door opens, and I look up to see Randy walk inside. Stifling a groan, I pretend not to see him until my mom acknowledges him. Then I give a small, tight smile.

“Addie girl)" he says, voice slurring. “Just the person I wanted to see.”

Oh, great. It's clear he's been out drinking. He was probably already fired, and I can't say I'm surprised. “Hi, Randy," I mumble, “So, we need to sit down and have a serious discussion.” He drops his reflective vest, hardhat and keys on the table.

I'm glad he's been driving in his current inebriated condition, I think in disgust, and suppress a groan. God, he’s so selfish. “Iam sitting," I say and try to not roll my eyes. What the hell could he possibly want from me? He's a mooch just like my sister so I guess it could be anything.

Randy walks closer and props a big, dusty boot on the coffee table. As he leans toward me, I can see how bloodshot his eyes are and when I get a whiff of his whiskey-scented breath, it nearly knocks me out. Holy crap, he's three sheets to the wind. “So, I hear you've got yourself a boyfriend.”

Uh oh. How did he find out about Tanner?l wonder. Then it occurs to me that Kayla probably told him. I am going to kill my little sister. What a big mouth.

“And not just any boy. You're screwin’ around with a Beckett, ain't “ya?”

My stomach sinks. “It's not really any of your business” I respond tartly, turning my attention back to my mom. “Did you wan another Ginger Ale?”

Before she can respond, Randy stands up straight to his full height and thunks his boot down on the floor. “Do you know hoy much frickin’ money those Becketts have?”

“No idea,” I say dismissively.

He snorts. “Well, I'll “ya! A frickin’ buttload. They don't call “em the Beckett Billionaires for nothin’ he exclaims. He puffs his chest out, looking proud of himself, and acting like he just revealed some big secret.

I've never thought him a bigger idiot than at this moment.

“Why don't you turn a couple of tricks and marry into that? Then you can set your Pops here up for life”

That's it. I am done.l lean over and kiss my mom's temple. “I have to go. I'm seeing Tanner soon.”

She nods. “Goodbye, Addison.”

“I'l stop by soon," I promise her and sweep past Randy without a word.

“Hey now! Wait a minute!” He follows me to the front door as I collect my keys and purse. “I wanna know more about this— what's his name? Tanner?”

“None of your damn business,” I hiss. Then I spin on my heel and walk out the front door. The last thing I want is a big confrontation because all it will do is upset my mom. Randy yells something about me being “too big for my britches,” but I ignore his drunken ramblings.

On the drive back home, I shove Randy Walker out of my mind and my thoughts turn to Tanner and our baby. I am close to bursting with joy, and I can't wait to tell him. When I get to my apartment, I'm surprised to see someone standing outside my door. It takes me a moment to realize the tall, well-dressed gentleman is Thomas Beckett, Tanners father.

Oh, God. What is he doing here? How did he even know where I live? Is Tanner okay?

Heart in my throat, I walk up to him and smile tentatively. “Mr., how are you?” To be honest, I wasn't even sure he knew that I existed. Tanner and his father don't get along or talk very often so this is quite unexpected.

“Hello, Addison,” he says. His voice sounds so cultured and refined.

So unlike Randy, think, and move to unlock my front door. “Please, come in. Is everything okay?”

“We need to have a little talk” he says carefully.

My heart constrict. “Is Tanner-"

“He's fine," Thomas interrupts, taking one step into my studio and the look on his face says everything. I imagine my place is probably about the size of his closet.

“Can I get you something to drink?”

But Thomas Beckett didn't come for small talk and pleasantries. He cuts right to the chase.

“You need to back off. Tanner is moving on and it's clear that you don't fit into his life."

It's as though acid fills my gut. “I'm sorry, what?”

“I think we can both agree that Tanner is a good man. Though he probably has too soft a heart."

“He has a beautiful, perfect heart," I say, sticking up for my man.

“I'm going to be brutally honest here, Addison. My son doesn't have the nerve to break up with you himself so I'm here to do his dirty work. Like you said, his heart is too kind and mine, on the other hand, is much more capable of handling life's uncomfortable situations.”

My head is whirling, and I grab onto the edge of a nearby chair. “What're you talking about?” My other hand automatically lowers, covering my flat stomach, and Thomas doesn't miss the gesture. He's far too keen.

“Don't tell me you're expecting,” he murmurs, gaze locked on my belly.

Ilift my chin higher and swallow down my nerves. “Yes, I am."

His gaze moves up and skewers me in half. “Does Tanner know?”

“Not yet. But I'm planning to tell him tonight."

“He's on a date,” Thomas informs me cruelly.

Confusion swirls through me and I nearly choke. “What're you talking about?”

“Right now, Tanner is having dinner with a beautiful, poised, wealthy socialite named Chella Lockheed- yes, after the planes!” He gives me a smug smile. “If all goes well, I expect they will have another date tomorrow and then another after that. I've given my full approval” He looks down his Patrician nose at me. “Which is more than I can say for you."

His words cut me deeply. “Tanner and I are in love,” I say. “We're going to have a baby together”

“Don’t be naive,” Thomas says, reaching into his inside jacket pocket and pulling out a check book. He tears the top check of and hands it to me.

As though in a daze, I accept it and look down. I don't understand.

“Fill in whatever amount you want- within reason, of course. Whatever itll cost to get you out of Tanner's life.”

My mouth drops open and shock fills my gut. “You're trying to pay me off?" I can't believe this.

“You're holding Tanner back from the life he should be living." He tosses another disapproving glance around my apartment, “Let's face it, Addison. You're a nobody from South Grove. Tanner needs a woman by his side who is befitting of his station. And that, my dear, is not you."

“You don't know what you're talking about," I say, trying to appear strong. But inside, I'm crumbling fast. “He loves me, and I love him”

“If that's true then why is he at Le Cirque with Chella right now?”

Doubt fills me and it's getting harder to breathe.

“If you don't believe me then go take a look for yourself. I'l even have my driver take you over there."

I have no idea what to do. I trust Tanner, but why wouldn't he have told me if he was going to dinner tonight with this woman? And who is she, anyway? I suppose I could ask him later.

Or you could go ask him right now, a little voice says.

When Thomas sees me hesitate, he stakes me right in the heart with his next words. “Addison, I hate being the bearer of bac news here, but Tanner has lost interest. He's moving on and you need to do the same. The truth is, he planned on breaking things off with you tonight"

What?My chest tightens and I refuse to take this man at his word. Only one person can reassure me and that's Tanner himself.

So, it's time to get some answers.

“Where's your car?” I ask.

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