Alpha Billionaire Series

Love to Hate You Chapter 13


It's been almost three weeks since I slept with Nash, and I wish things were getting easier but they're not. In fact, they're

getting harder. I go out of my way to avoid him and it's getting more difficult because he’s not taking no for an answer.

To be honest, I don't know what the hell he wants from me. In a moment of weakness, we succumbed to our desire and now

itt should be over. But, for some reason, it's not. He wants to talk about things, and I don't. There's nothing to discuss and I

had hoped a quick round of hot s* would get him out of my system.

Unfortunately, it's done the complete opposite and he's all I can think about. Every time I turn around, he's there, watching

me intently with those cobalt eyes. I smell his tempting sandalwood scent before I even see him. I'm obsessing, wanting a

man who isn't good for me, and no matter how hard I try, I can't get him out of my mind.

Nash Beckett is impossible to forget. The memory of his lips and tongue, his kisses and hot explorations, leave my knees

weak. Remembering the naughty words, he whispered and the way he pumped his cock inside of me makes me instantly we

I've never wanted a man this much before in my life and it's a bad situation. Even though we're not arguing right now, only

because I'm avoiding him, nothing could ever work out between us. He wants to usurp my role and take over the company

that I've put my heart and soul into, and I can't let that happen.

I have to stay focused and keep working hard. Especially since I'm working hard on the big presentation for Square

Enterprises now. If I do a better presentation than Nash, I will remain right where I am and not have to feel threatened by

him any longer.

But no matter how much I try to dive into work and forget about Nash, it's impossible. He's everywhere and it's getting

harder and harder to avoid him. He's giving me space but always watching and offering to help. I've never seen this side of

him and it's throwing me.

How am I supposed to ignore him when he's being sweet? The other day, he sent my dry cleaning out with his and had it all

cleaned and back in my closet before I'd even realized it was gone. The fridge is stocked with Diet Coke and the cupboard is

overflowing with the chocolate-dipped granola bars I like. And every morning, there are a dozen glazed donuts in the

kitchen. I swear, I'm going to gain ten pounds if that's my breakfast every day, but I don't even resist anymore. He even sits i

his “office” most of the day now even though it's a tiny, cramped closet. The sign I hung up on the outside of the door with

his name handwritten in marker is still taped there, too.

Even though I'm confused, at the end of the day, he’s still my competition. That hasn't changed. I already gave into his

charms once. It can’t happen again if I want to maintain my position as President.

Then an awful thought hits me. Is he playing mind games with me? Seducing me in order to distract me from the ultimate

goal- beating him? Is he hoping that I'l fall for him and then gracefully bow out and let him take over while I cry and try to

piece my broken heart back together?

0h, God What a depressing thought.

I feel like such an utter fool. If he just used me and 'm only a pawn in his game...

Swallowing hard, I feel the foreign prick of tears. I don't ever cry, and I keep my emotions on lockdown at all times. 'm not a

sappy person, I don't believe in signs or Fate, and I certainly never cry over men.

But here I sit, eyes stinging, feeling like I may have fallen for the oldest trick in the book. Keep your friends closer but your

enemies closer. Did I sleep with the enemy? Suddenly I feel like Nash has beaten me at my own game.

I need to get out here. Standing up, I decide to take a much-needed break. I've been working on the Square presentation all

morning and my inspiration needs a boost. Actually, I need some food. I've been running on empty and could use some fuel

Technically, I've been running on a glazed donut, but that's hardly nutritional.

Fresh air will probably do me some good, too, so I grab my purse and decide to walk down to a nearby deli that I like. EvenNôvelDrama.Org © content.

though I know that I shouldn't I take the back way so I can walk by Nash's office. I suppose the joke's over, and I should

probably find him a real office.

The door is open, and I glance in as I pass, but he's not there. He's probably working in the conference room, and I guess I

can't blame him. That closet would make anyone claustrophobic. I could always switch a couple of people around to make

room for him. Hell, Thomas’ office s sitting there empty and the easiest thing to do would be for me to take it and then Nas!

can move into my office.

As Interim President, I should be in the President's office, right? I hadn't planned on moving in there until the title was

officially mine but now that I think about it, I may as well enjoy it while I can. Who really knows what's going to happen in

less than two months? I'l probably be out on my a*s.

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. As I walk down the sidewalk, I decide to move into Thomas’ old office thi

afternoon. Nash should be happy about it because then he can be in a real office and not stuck in a dusty, cramped closet 0

iin the conference room.

After ordering a sandwich, salad and iced tea, I sit down at a small table outside and eat. Normally, I take my lunch back to

the office and eat at my desk, but I need some time away to clear my thoughts. Dealing with so much lately has me sudden

thinking about a vacation. I don't take vacations but the idea of getting away from the office, city life and all of my current

problems sounds wonderful.

Unfortunately, it can't happen right now. But the sudden urge to flee has me thinking of white sand beaches and tropical

drinks with plenty of alcohol in them.

After eating, I head back to work and decide to get started right away on my move into the corner office. I walk down to the

spacious room full of windows and realize there's a lot to go through and move. Thomas has tons of stuff all over the place

and it's going to take me hours to go through everything and get things situated.

My gaze moves over his desk and just as I'm figuring out what to tackle first, I hear a sound in the attached bathroom. The

door is closed, and I really didn't think anything of it. No one should be in there and when it seems quiet again, I decide tha

I'm probably hearing things.

With a shake of my head, I wander over and open the door up. And to my utter embarrassment, someone is in there,

completely naked, and stepping out of the shower. Not just any old someone either. It's Nash and he's reaching for a towel.

I freeze when he looks up and pauses, hand on the towel rack. My gaze automatically dips and a scorching heat arrows.

straight down, exploding between my thighs in wet desire. He's just as well-endowed as I remember and the sight of that

gorgeous cock of his reminds me of the way he felt moving inside me and the glorious soreness I experienced the next day.

“Sorry,” I mumble and spin around, planning to make a run for it. But Nash moves fast and he catches me, hand at my waist.

“I hope it's okay,” he whispers in my ear. “The showers down in the gym were closed. I didn't realize it until after my workout

I'm 50 aware of him and every nerve ending lights up as my lady parts begin to throb. He's barely touching me but his warm

breath at my ear and gentle touch leaves me reeling. Leave me wanting.

“It's fine,” I manage to say, my voice far too husky.

“I just didn't want to go back to my tiny office all sweaty, you know?”

Completely of its own accord, my body moves back the slightest degree, and he moves forward. The water droplets running

down his naked torso soak through the back of my blouse and there's no missing his hard c**k pressing against my as.

Neither of us moves or says anything for a long, torturous moment.

“I should go" I sputter. Yet, my legs don’t seem to want to move.

“Don't,” he says, arm sliding around my waist, pulling me completely against him. His leg moves around mine and kicks the

door shut. “Stay a minute.”

0h, God.I can't do this. His head drops and he begins kissing my neck in this very slow, very erotic way. My head drops to the

side as his tongue licks and flicks the sensitive skin on my neck. When he begins sucking, my knees threaten to give out and

a soft whimper echoes through the bathroom. His hands slide up to cup my breasts and I'm leaning against his wet chest as

he kneads them.

“Nash,” I say. “We...can't..." But there's no force behind my words.

His hands move back down and grasp my hips, squeezing hard. “Do you know how badly I want to lift your skirt and bend

you over?” He gyrates his erection against my a*s and a dark red haze of desire falls over me.

I want that, too, but there's no way I can tell him. Yet I push my ass against him, encouraging him, and rotate my hips in

answer. My mind is saying no but my body is ready to go. I'm burning for him and the ache between my legs isn't helping


When he starts to lift my skirt, my eyes pop open and I pull out of his arms. He groans and reaches for me, but I have to go.

And fast before I change my mind and let Nash have his way with me.

“Sorry; I say and throw the door open. My legs are wobbly in my heels, but I hightail it out of there fast. I have to get away.

Back in my office, I shut the door and drop down in my chair, flushed and breathing hard. God Almighty, that man is going to

be my undoing. I don't know what to do anymore. Avoiding him isn't dousing the flames or my desire. The thought of giving

in to him again crosses my mind and I wonder. Maybe one full night of f*****g is the answer.

When we were together, it was fast and, although extremely satisfying, we didn't get to explore each other enough. Not even

close. There are so many things I want to do with him. To him. Maybe the answer to truly getting him out of my system once

and for alt is allowing myself one night of pleasure. One night where anything goes, and no guilt is involved.

Just two consenting adults who need to find release and closure with each other. Hmm. OF course, the flipside of that is I do

Something stupid like develop feelings for him. As I'm deciding whether or not it's a risk worth taking, there's a knock on my


“Come in; I say.

The door opens and it's Nash. His dark hair is still damp but he’s in a suit now and my heart squeezes in my chest at how

handsome he looks.

He closes the door and walks over. “I'm sorry about that,” he says, voice all low and sexy. “I lost control. It won't happen

again.” He locks intense blue eyes on me and I can't look away. “Unless you want it to.”

I sigh. “Why do you say things like that?”

He sits on the corner of my desk. “I don’t know what it is between us, Charlie, but it's electric. Unless I'm imagining things."

“You're not imagining things," I say softly. There's no point in denying it and one full night with him might be exactly what I

need to purge him completely from my system. It's probably best if I don't play games.

He gives me a small smile. “I think we owe it to each other to explore this further”

I definitely want to explore him further, but not in a relationship kind of way. “It's so complicated,’ I say. “And just so we're

clear- I don't do serious relationships”

“Neither do I” He reaches for the stress ball on my desk and begins to squeeze it.

I can't drag my eyes away, watching as his fingers tighten and release. Remembering how I came on those same fingers after

they stroked me into a frenzy. “Just as long as we're on the same page” I finally manage to say.

“For once, I think we are," he teases, blue eyes glowing brightly.

We stare at each other for a long moment. “I think we need to get each other out of our systems. But in a smart and

responsible way."

“And how do you suggest we do that?” he asks and crosses his arms, still squeezing the ball.

I frown then take the plunge and lay my offer on the table. “One night. All night. Just..take care of business.’

“How romantic.”

“I don't believe in romance" I say. “Or Fate or Destiny or soulmates. That crap only happens in books and movies.”

“Jaded much?”

“What about you?" I ask, getting defensive.

He shrugs. “Never gave it much thought"

“Have you ever been in a serious relationship?” I ask, suddenly very curious about his dating history.

“No. I'm married to my work and that’s how I prefer it"

“At least we see eye to eye on something," I say.

“On at least two things," he corrects and smirks. “Just so I'm understanding this correctly- you think we should have a whole

night of uninterrupted, hot as hell sx?"

My entire body heats up at his words. “Only to put an end to this..whatever it is that's distracting us."

“I can't lie. You're distracting the holy hell out of me, baby,” he says, tosses the ball up and catches it.

Baby.He calls me that whenever we're being intimate, and I am so pissed at myself all of a sudden. xO Alpi

Because I really, really like being called his baby.

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