Alpha Hunter

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Chapter 79 第70%日 Reyna Cruz: Do you want to tell us what the heck did we witness? Polline leaned in to whisper in my ear, but once she noticed that I had buried my head and wasn’t even looking up, she gently grasped my arm to make me turn to her. ‘Reyna! This isn’t like you. You would never betray Samuel, so tell me, why did you do that?” she exclaimed in my face and soon she broke down, “why did you ruin everything for yourself While I was under scrutiny, the door swung open a didn’t get the hint of unease in the room. Turner walked in. I quickly held my breath in to make sure my son “Daddy! You’re here too, my poor son had no clue what had been happening here. He rushed to his father, and Hunter scooped him up. I was petrified of my son finding out that his mother cheated on her second chance mate. It wouldn’t be a good look for me. “How about we step outside and wait?” Hunter whispered to Turner, leaving me behind to deal with the mess. Tll be back in a minute,” I presumed Hunter said that to me. But as he began to walk toward the exit, I heard Samuel interrupt him, “why would you come back? Haven’t you caused enough damage?” I quickly raised my head because I was worried about my son being part of this adult conversation, As expected. Turner was watching their faces before he glanced over Polline’s shoulder to stare at me. His face shifted into a look of concern. Trust me, I will come back,” Hunter only said until that point before he left the room to shield his son from hearing what he did or what I did. Now that Samuel had slammed the door shut, he faced me. “Is this what I’ve been preparing for? So that you could betray me on our wedding day?” he yelled, but Polline stepped between us when she saw him approach me.

“Let me talk to her. I’m sure she has a reason for doing that,” it pained me to watch Polline still trying to shield me. “A reason to kiss her ex on her wedding day?” Sam, who hadn’t raised his voice like that before, yelled and I closed my eye It was my fault that he was in so much pain right now. I couldn’t even raise my eyes to meet his gaze. “Reyna! I want to hear it from you. Tell me, dam *n tell me, why?” he yelled and finally pushed Polline aside to approach me. He grasped my arms and shook my body, forcing me to raise my eyes to meet his tear-filled gaze. “Why?” he whispered, his expression softening. Did he force you?” he asked, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. “Reyna! Your silence isn’t helping. He deserves to know, please tell him,” Polline intervened and I nodded my head. preparing myself to confess the truth about the kiss. “Hunter-gave ine thas,” I mumbled and searched for the crumpled piece of paper on the ground. As I found it, I hurriedly unfolded it and handed it to Pulline ||| < 13:13 Wed, May 15 000 Chapter 79 Before she could read it, Sam snatched it out of her hands. “What is this?” he muttered before reading it. 70% I watched Poline stare at me and then quickly rushing to the side to fill a glass of water for me. After her initial outburst, she had been very calm with me. “Here! Drink some water,” she offered me the glass and as soon as I held it, Samuel snatched it out of my hands and threw it against the wall, shattering it, “Samuel.” Polline complained while Sam was now getting ready to talk about the piece of paper. “So he wants full custody of your child?” he yelled, waving the paper.

Polline covered her mouth and grabbed the paper to read it next “How could he do that to her?” Polline had the same reaction as did when Hunter initially told me what he was doing to me. “And she let him kiss her just so that he could leave Turner behind with her?” I noticed that Samuel’s anger was more directed towards me still. It was as if he didn’t find the reason I gave to be too convincing. “Samuel, he is taking away my son forever,” I was no longer silent now that it was about my son. “Huh? So what? Instead of not taking his bait, you decided to kiss him? So, how will it go now? Every time he asks you to come kiss him, you will do it just so that you get to keep Turner he continued to yell, making me realize that he was still not ready to hear that it was more than just a kiss now. “It is okay. She must have been scared. You need to understand that she had done so much for Turner. It is definitely not easy for her to watch him being taken away and be kept in the same mansion as Tara,” Polline instantly stepped between us to create distance but Sam pushed her aside again. “I am talking to her. You don’t need to side with her nonsense,” he hissed at her, making me stare at him in disbelief. I would have yelled at him, but I could tell he was in a bad shape like anyone would be after finding his mate kissing her ex. so I let it slide for now. “Maybe if we can fight the custody–,” as Polline tried to reason it out, Samuel shook his head. “There is no way a council would let Hunter not win. Unless you want a whole war to ensue for Turner,” the way he rolled his eyes made me wonder what he was thinking about. “So what do you think I should do?” instead of telling him the whole truth, I decided to wait and hear his opinion. I was having a hard time coming to terms with his reaction. Apart from reacting to the kiss, he didn’t even look a tad bit concerned about us losing custody of Turner. “You don’t need to do anything anymore. Turner is his son as well. You took care of him for years. So what if he stays with Hunter for a while? Don’t you have a life? What about us? We are justNôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

getting married and you want is to be at war with Hunter for a kid who is Hunter’s child as well?” Samuel yelled in one breath and my face went expressionless. I was no longer crying. “You want me to give Turner to Hunter and live without him?” inquired. “Not without him. You will get to meet him. Besides, have some faith in your son as well. He will make sure to convince his father to come live with us once in a while,” Samuel hissed, running a hand through his hair. “You think it’s a good idea that my son goes to live with Hunter so that we can enjoy our life too?” I wasn’t stopping at anything. 2/3 ||| 13:13 Wed, May 15 Chapter 79 70% The more questions I asked, the more I was beginning to realize took the decision of marrying Sam too soon. I should have asked all these questions before even saying yes to him. “That’s not what I mean. But if it is happening, why do you have a problem with it? Hunter is his father too,” he threw a punch in the air. “What about Tara?” I asked, and Sam sighed in exhaustion. “Reyna! Do you think Hunter, an alpha king, would let a mere woman like Tara hurt his son?” he questioned with his hands on his waist. “Don’t you remember how things went last time when Turner was in his mansion?” I questioned, and he responded with a scoff. “That was Turner being overdramatic. All Tara did was have an argument with Hunter. Now people can’t even argue around your son?” I couldn’t believe he was saying all that stuff. His frustration aside, my son was my priority. And for him to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal gave me the idea that he was willing to accept me but not Turner in his life. He was definitely not concerned about Turner the way he would have been if it was his own son.

“Now, let’s not argue and freshen up, Fix your makeup. What’s done is done. I am willing to let it slide this time because I understand you love your son. The guests are waiting.” he then closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh to calm his nerves down. But my response made him silent when I said, “No!”

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