Alpha Kael

Chapter 33


Axel paid me no mind the next morning.

We packed up all our belongings and started our walk again. Axel didn’t come near me, and I didn’t come near him. He walked at the front of the group and I stuck to the back, trying to think of how to deal with this. Should I tell someone and get him removed from the Silent’s, or should I keep it to myself?

It doesn’t seem right to tell Kael about it. He sacrificed everything for me. I might not agree with why he did it, and how he feels now about me, but I can’t have his entire career taken from me because of a crush.

I look at him up front as we walk. His head is down, staring at his feet. Everyone around us is oblivious to what happened last night. It’s decided.

I’ll just avoid him.

We were walking through the brush, pushing it out of our faces when suddenly something hit my ankle from behind, making me stumble forward and nearly fall. I manage to catch myself on the bough of a tree last minute.

When I turn around, a few Silent’s whose names I don’t remember are snickering.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I keep walking, realising they were trying to trip me. They do it again, but I keep my mouth shut. When I look at the front, I see Kael notice, but he doesn’t say anything.

We keep walking.

Luckily, the rest of the walk today was shorter than past days. We managed to make it to the institute by mid afternoon, everyone finally collapsing on the front lawn while I was too fascinated by what I was looking at. This is the facility that has been hidden from the public for so long. I want to explore immediately, but I know I can’t.

It’s not as old as I assumed it would be, looking as if it was build in the past year. It stands tall within the trees, the grounds surrounded by a tall concrete fence. If anyone were to stumble upon it there is no way they would be able to get in.

I shove my back off my shoulders as Kael speaks. “Welcome everyone. Past Silent’s, you all know your rooms. Go back and rest for today. Ace and Jada, you stay here so I can give you your room numbers.”

We watch the others gratefully walk away.

“How are you two feeling?” Kael asks, looking between us. I glance at Ace. We both look worse for wear, beaten from the difficult three days. I hope Kael will give us a room soon so I can shower then collapse into bed.

“Could be better,” Ace mutters.

“Your room will be in the left wing. Number 31. I’ve given you some space from the other Silent’s for awhile, however, there’s a common room in that wing if you would like to socialize in free time,” Kael tells him. He quickly points the side of the building Ace will be staying in. Ace quickly runs to catch up with other Silent’s going there.

I turn around, looking back at Kael, ready for him to tell me where my room is. “So, where’s the glorious place I’ll be sleeping?”

I’m not sure what the condition of this place will be on the inside, but from the outside, it looks remarkable. It’s sleek and modern, meaning maybe the furnishings in my room will be too.

“Somewhere special,” Kael notes. “Follow me.”

I do so, letting him lead me across the main gardens. The front lawn is a surprisingly large expanse, where I assume a lot of fitness training will take place. We approach the building, which isn’t as abandoned as I thought it would be. It seems people still work and live here even while the competition is going on. Fascinating.

“We aren’t going near the training facilities. This is more the office area where admin is done. Our living quarters are this way,” Kael tells me, bringing me into the front of the building.


Assuming he misspoke, I follow him through a foyer, where people pass me by without paying me any mind. Then, through a hallway before we read the entrance of the bottom left wing. Without another word, Kael pushes it open, leading me inside.

I’m immediately surprised to see I’m in a personalised living area decorated for one person’s taste. This doesn’t look like the single room I expected to be living in beside other Silent’s. It’s a well decorated suite that leads off to one bedroom on the left and another on the right.

“This isn’t where I’m staying, is it?” I question, looking around at the stunning furnishings from the leather couches in the middle, even the paintings on the wall. All landscape of places I’ve never seen before.

“That’s your room in there. There’s also an adjoining bathroom,” he tells me.

“This is such a nice place. What did I do to deserve this?” I question, running my fingers along the fizzy throw rug that had been draped over the couch. A fireplace is installed in front of the couches. It must get cold at night.

Kael walks to the other door. “I hope you don’t mind sharing this space.”

I freeze, looking at him in disbelief. My eyes move between doors. Back and forth. I should have known these quarters belonged to him, considering how large it is, and how well decorated it is. His personal touch is everywhere, in the painting and in the decor. I didn’t know he had such acquired taste.

“Wait… With you?” I question, wanting to make sure my mind isn’t wandering or if I’m completely imagining this. “You’re telling me that room there is yours, and I’m sharing this space with you?”

A smile quirks at the side of Kael’s mouth. “If that’s okay with you of course. I promise I won’t be too disturbing of your personal time.”

“Why are you letting me stay here?”

Kael walks to the room that now belongs to me, nudging it open with his elbow. “Well, I had this spare room and no one to stay in it. I also saw how those Silent’s are treating you and I know you’ll become their target if I put you in their quarters.”

I follow Kael into the room, unable to believe this is true. For a moment, I’m too distracted as we walk into the room. It’s much bigger than what I imagined would be my living area for the next few years. Or maybe my entire life. There’s a double bed, furnishings and extra blankets on the end for a cold night. It may be plain but I couldn’t be more grateful to be in here.

“Thank you,” I say, turning to face him. “I promise I’ll make this up to you. I’ll clean up everything around here, and I won’t be loud.”

“I know you won’t be loud,” Kael says dismissively. “And don’t worry about cleaning. We have staff for that. You work here now. You earn your keep through your missions and training. The cafeteria for food isn’t too far away either.”

“It’s perfect. It’s all perfect,” I confirm.

Kael moves to the door, leaning against the frame for a moment. “Don’t get into too much trouble in this place. Concentrate on the job. If you ever need me, I’ll always be here, I promise.”

I smile softly. “Thank you for being so kind to me.”

“You’re special Jada,” he says gently. “Now, get some rest. Dinner will be out at six. Don’t miss out. If you want anymore clothes there are a few seamstresses around. I’m sure they would make you some new things if you tell them I sent you.”

He closes the door behind him as he leaves. I don’t waste time, as I unpack my things from my back into a set of drawers. I wish I had a photograph of my family or something to place on there. Regardless, I select some clean clothes and head to the bathroom. It’s basic as I assumed it would, but there is nothing more relevant than a hot shower.

After a quick refreshing nap, I head out for dinner. Kael isn’t anywhere to be seen when I leave. He must be resting too.

Surprisingly, there is no one at the cafeteria when I get there. But it doesn’t take me long to realise it’s because outside, a congregation of people have gathered. I even see Axel out there.

I have to see what’s going on.

Running out there, it doesn’t take me long to realise it’s a fight. Squeezing past a few people, I see an unfamiliar Silent lying on the ground, face covered in blood. Some grabs them by the arms and pulls them from the circle. Another triumphant Silent, whose name I believe is Zara stands there, wiping blood off her fists.

I’m almost sure she is one of the Silent’s who was tripping me up the entire walk here. And naturally, her gaze finds me, and a sinister smile spreads across her face.

“Well well, the newbie,” she says tauntingly, retying her dark hair behind her head. “Tell me you all don’t want to see how she does in a fight?”

I was about to protest, when someone hit me in the small of the back, pushing me forward. I stumble into the circle, right in front of Zara and her predatory gaze. Everyone cheers, excited to see the newest Silent face off against a seasoned veteran. The scar across her chin shoes Zara has taken a few punches in her time.

“No, not me,” I tell her quickly. “I can’t fight.”

“You’re a Silent now. You gotta fight girl,” she says, to which everyone around me laughs. “Now come on pretty girl. Come show me whether Kael picked you for your looks or not. Don’t be scared.”

I have every reason to be scared. And I can’t run either. Everyone packs around us, not one of them willing to let me out of this. Axel doesn’t even step in from where he is watching. Is this his way of getting back at me?

“Please, I don’t want this,” I beg.

“Stop embarrassing yourself. Why don’t we have a deal to sweeten this up, huh?” she taunts, the smile on her face sickening.

I shake my head frantically.

“How about, if you win, all of us will leave you alone,” she offers. As good as that sounds, I wait to her what she gets if she wins. “And if I win, you have to sneak into the Alpha’s room at night and kiss him right on the lips. I’m sure you would both like it.”

Everyone cheers again. I don’t know if I have any other choice but to fight her.

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