Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 132

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 132

Beautiful Bond Ch 5. S*icy


Azura sent me here. She was adamant she really wanted some s*icy wings from here, although I had wondered why she wanted them since she had surely eaten when she was out. Something Corrado clarified, but I didn’t question it and came here, only to see Marcel sitting at a table with Kristina.

It made me upset, and I have never felt so angry, but should I care? Do I even have that right, when I’m not even making a move? Even though everyone has given me their blessings in a way. I thought it’ll be ok but seeing her sitting there… I don’t like it, not one bit.

“Join me.” He says, snapping me from my thoughts.

I glance at Kristina, feeling bad for accusing her, but I don’t know if she’s really genuine… There certainly has been something between the two.

I frown slightly and look at Marcel, and I see the flicker of surprise in his eyes at my expression.

“I guess I will.” I say, giving a small smile.

I don’t think Marcel even wants me if he’s here meeting up with one of his booty calls. Winona! I’m mortified at my own mean thoughts; jealousy makes us ugly. Pursing my lips, I slowly sit down in the booth opposite him, taking the place Kristina was in previously. The door tinkles before it shuts behind her. I find myself staring at her empty cup that remains in front of me.

“Can we get the table cleared and a fresh black coffee, and a tea.” Marcel says, calling someone over. “Also a platter of s*icy barbeque wings on the side.”

“I’m not really hungry.” I say, especially not after seeing her.

“I might be.” He counters and I run my fingers through my hair unable to argue with that. I’ve changed out of my dress, but I still have the makeup on… I tug at the sleeves of my white top, as the waiter wipes the table clean and walks away, casting us a curious glance that he tries to hide.

“Everyone has heard what you said at the party.” I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. I feel like I’m getting a headache from all of this. I didn’t mind being invisible. 1

“I’m not ashamed of admitting that you’re mine, although I did act like a fool. Or more like a temperamental youngster who has no self-control. My own son had to stop me from punching someone.” He mutters, disgruntled, and I glance up, having to hide my smile at his annoyance.

“You did… you sounded like you were ready to hit him-I mean, you just said you were going to…” I chuckle before I cough to cover it. “Uh, I mean you did something a youngster would do, not the fool part!”

I’m making this worse.

He c*cks a brow, and I blush under his gaze. “You didn’t seem to mind the compliment that he gave you.”

I shake my head. “No, because I know Li Sheng has never had anything for me and he has seen me many times before and I know what kind of person he is.” I reason gently.

He sits back frowning, and I wonder if he’s still annoyed.

“Hmm, which makes complimenting his shirt a little more understandable.” He mutters and I press my lips together, trying to stop them from twitching into a smile. Is he a little jealous?

“You still sound like a schoolboy.” I offer.

A jealous one.

He smirks slightly and shakes his head. ”Yes, I get it. I embarrassed myself.” He sighs in defeat.

“Sorry.” I say apologetically.

“It’s not your fault.” He replies. “Just our situation, so what made you agree to have a cup of tea with me?”

Is he trying to get me to admit I got jealous?

“Well, since you asked me, I thought why not.” I say, relieved when the waiter returns with a grilled platter of sizzling wings, a dipping sauce, our hot drinks, and a bottle of water.

“Thanks.” Marcel says and I find myself admiring him.

Was it strange that I wanted to brush my hand down his jaw?

His dark chocolate eyes are watching me, and I suddenly feel thirsty. I look away, licking my lips.

“So, do you like s*icy food? These hot wings they have here are really tasty, and super s*icy.”

“I actually do. I tend to eat mild food with Corrado, but I do enjoy my spices. I do like eating green chillies by themselves.”

“Oh yeah?”

I look down, thinking that’s no big deal… I’m sure many people do, and it is an odd thing to say. I’m regretting opening my mouth when Marcel picks up a chilli that sits on the bed of onions alongside the grill platter. “I wonder, are you all talk and no action or can you actually walk the walk?”

I reach over and take the chilli from him. His hand brushes against mine and our eyes meet. He brushes his thumb across my knuckles, and I let the sparks dance along my skin. He moves back and opens the metal cap on the glass bottle of water as I bite into the chilli.

Oh, it tastes good. He’s watching me, slightly amused as he pours me a glass of water and I bite off the rest of the chilli, leaving just the end. I place it on the side of the platter and look at him.


“Nicely done, but I’m surprised all those chillies haven’t made you bitter. You’re still a pot of honey…” His eyes flash as he looks me over before forcing his gaze away.

I simply smile as I take up the water he’s poured for me and sip it before taking a wing and placing it on my plate.

“Thank you… but I can get bitter.” I say, just like I did when I saw Kristina. I am not as nice as he thinks. “Oh, these are tasty.”

“Now we’re talking. These are the best barbeque wings in the Pack. I don’t think even Rosaline’s are as nice – don’t tell her that.”

“I won’t. I’ve never had these before. They are really delicious, I haven’t really been here…”

“Hmm? I can believe that. I haven’t seen you around here until today.’

“Yes, Azura actually sent me.” I blush as I shake my head. He sighs. “She hasn’t given up, has she?”

“I don’t think she will. She keeps saying it’s karma.” I smile, remembering how we planned to get them together…

“Are you remembering how easily we clicked when we were conspiring against them?”

“Yeah, I was actually. When I could just be myself…” I murmur, looking down at my two fingers that are covered with sticky sauce.

He nods, flicking his hair back as he wipes his hands and picks up another wing. “I miss that.”

I look up slowly. He’s resting his chin on his free hand.

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t apologise. I’m just saying I miss you being you, but I can’t blame you when the situation is rather rough.”

I look at his mark and frown slightly. “It’s … I don’t know if I’m good enough for an Alpha… I can’t even shift into my wolf, even though I feel my senses have heightened lately… I’m still not up to par.”

“Why can’t that be my choice to decide? You’re perfect Winona, just the way you are,”

‘And if we were ever to…” I can’t ask that here… I look around. We may be in the corner with the music playing, but there are all werewolves here. They’ll hear me.

He frowns and tilts his head. “Let’s finish and get out of here?”

I nod in agreement. “I like that idea.” I say, finishing off another wing and then taking the wipe out of its packet to clean my hands.

Are we actually going to talk? I did want clarity on us… What he wants, what I want, because whenever we are around one another, all I see is him…

He downs his coffee rather fast, and I quickly sip my tea, trying to finish it fast.

“Take your time unless you’re in a rush to get out of here with me.” He smirks, and I tilt my head.

Leave with him…. No girl, he doesn’t mean it like that.

My cheeks burn and I quickly swallow the rest of my tea. “No, I just… Yeah, let’s go.” I say, standing up.

I’m about to stop and apologise for being the one to give the order, but when he gets up, leaving a few notes on the table, I simply smile. We had discussed that party for Azura and Leo over drinks and even a pizza, alongside Corrado. We laughed, teased, and had a good time. He had been adamant I wear the black dress he had tricked me into choosing. He had complimented me… he had smiled at me, and I had been myself, completely.

I miss that.

He holds the door open, allowing me to slip out before him, but there isn’t enough space to get by without brushing against him.

The door shuts behind us and a sharp wind blows around us. It’s not cold though.

We’re silent as we continue down the street. I know werewolves can see in the dark, regardless of if it’s bright out or not, however the white streetlights illuminating the path made me feel even more exposed.

“Inside you were saying something, if we were ever too…?” He questions and I look up at him, trying not to take a deep inhale of his scent.

No time for self-doubt, Winona. This is my chance to ask the questions that swim around my mind. Kristina was enough of a wake-up call for me to stop running. I know it may not work and that I can’t take that place in his life… but I can try…

Well, here goes nothing.

“If we were ever to accept this when it comes to marking one another… would you be ok with me marking you?” I ask the question I dared never say out loud before now.

He slows a little and looks down at me, and I look back at him.

“Would I be ok with it? I want you Winona, but I’m not going to push you, because it’s your decision… when it comes to being marked by you, there’s no doubt. I would want your mark on me as much as I want my mark on your pretty neck.” I blush, and then I pause, frowning. “I… I don’t think I can mark you…” I have never shifted, even partially.

“I’m certain you can. I think you just need the right emotions to awaken that side of you, just the way your eyes changed when we found out we’re mates.” He replies, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“I hope so.”

He c*cks a brow, and a s*xy smirk crosses his lips. “So, you want to mark me?” His voice is deeper and huskier.

My heart s*ips a beat and I blush as I run my fingers through my hair once again.I didn’t mean that…” I murmur.

“You’re not a good liar.” He states.

My blush deepens, and I smile slightly. “I may be your second chance, but you are my first’… of course it would cross my mind… but won’t Leo be upset if his mother’s mark is gone?”

“I don’t think so. He has been supportive of us, you know that. Of course, it wouldn’t be easy for him, but he understands. I also know you are probably one of the few people who understand him and would never try to push him into more than he is ready for. In fact, he is extremely protective of you.”

“I would never do anything to hurt him…”

“And he’s the reason you’re hesitating.”

He states quietly, and I don’t miss the faint glimmer of hurt in his eyes.

I look at my hands before glancing up at the moon for a moment and then at the man who I’ve developed feelings for. ” He’s given me his blessings… I’m just… I’m just a noone in comparison to you and your family. Your son’s mate is the Heart of Fire, your brother is the Lycan King and your-”

“-Mate, is a perfect addition to this crazy family, if she simply gives me a chance to show her how hard I’ve fallen for her.”

His words make my breath hitch and I’m unable to turn away from him. “Ok… let’s try. I don’t want to overstep my place. either…”

“You just need to remember you’re mine. That makes you my woman and your status is nothing less than that of

Azura’s. Tomorrow there’s Corrado’s birthday dinner with the family. Will you accompany me as my dinner partner?”

My eyes widen as I stare up at him. I know there is a family dinner planned… meaning the entire Rossi and Westwood families will be there… and they’ll know who I am… 12

I look up at him and although a part of me wants to hide away and avoid it; I know I can’t.

I have to be brave and face it all. If I want people to stay away from him, then I need to make it clear that he is mine… Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.


“Sure… It’s going to be a little nerve- wracking, but yes, let’s do this.” I say, all my doubts and worries fade away when he smiles, making my stomach flutter.

He is so handsome…

“Thank you.” He says softly.

No, thank you for being patient with me… He tilts his head, that s*xy smirk lingering on his face. “Oh, and one more thing…”

“Hmm?” I ask.

“I want you in black.”

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