Alpha Markus and Celeste

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 – Markus

Markus P.O.V.

We walked into the conference room. All of the Alphas were seated around the room, there was a small

table at the center of the conference room where the council was sitting. Kelly and Rhett (both fully

marked, mated and completely engrossed with each other as they waited for us), Gillian, Danny and

Maya were sitting all together at one side of the conference room immediately to the left. Alpha Geoff,

Luna Luisa, Beta Trevor, Sandra, and Levi were alt sitting across from them. Lucas was in the hospital

getting the liquid silver taken out of his bloodstream. He would never use his leg again. The prisoners

were surrounded by guards. I was glad to see that Sandra was still

covered in burns and looking like hell. Parts of her hair were missing and singed and she still smelled

like burnt flesh.

“Alpha Markus, could you please explain the nature of this meeting?” Councilman John said.

“I asked for everyone to be at this meeting today because I needed to request the council to open an Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

investigation on the Blood

Moon Pack. However, after last night’s incident and some incidents that occurred a few days ago, I now

ask that actions be taken

immediately against the Blood Moon Pack,” All of the Alphas started whispering to each other.

“What are you accusing the Blood Moon Pack of exactly, Alpha Markus,” one of the councilmen asked.

“12 Years ago, Alpha Geoff challenged Alpha Cory for his Luna. There was a m******e after the

challenge that you deemed legal as Alpha Geoff alleged the Sky Moon Pack would not honor the

outcome of the challenge. You based this on his word, and the fact that there appeared to be no

survivors from Sky Moon to refute his version of events. I am requesting action be taken against Alpha

Geoff for lying and killing the Sky Moon Pack. I am also accusing him of kidnapping, starving, beating

and selling the surviving members of the Sky Moon


“That’s a very serious accusation. Do you have proof to back up that claim?” another councilman


“My mate and my Gamma’s mate can both testify that they are, in fact, survivors of the Sky Moon Pack

m******e and that all of the servants in Alpha Geoff’s Packhouse are also survivors. They were treated

as slaves, never registered with the Pack Council and then the she-wolves, when they were assured

they were not mated to pack members, would disappear. Through some investigation, we have

discovered evidence that they have been selling these she-wolves on the black market.”

“Show us, please?” Councilman Matthias encouraged.

I began explaining all the documentation I had found as I went through the presentation. I showed the

link between the sales on the

website to the deposits into their bank accounts. Danny explained the operation and showed the video

of Ruby’s rescue. Once he

finished, I got up to speak but Councilman John beat me to it.

“I can concede that we will need to re-open the investigation but I don’t see enough information here to

take immediate action. If

you’re basing that demand on yesterday’s incident -”

“I’m not. As you saw in the video, over a month ago we rescued one of the she-wolves. She was

convalescing from long term severe

starvation, and side effects of shifting while in that condition. A couple of days ago, a van pretending to

be with the caterers for

yesterday’s celebration, came onto my land, kidnapped her and killed her. We managed to catch up to

them, but were too late to save Ruby. We did, however, catch the two murderers, who also happen to

be the traffickers. These events also happened at the order of the

Blood Moon Pack.”

“Are they Blood Moon Members?”

“No, they belonged to the Desert Moon Pack.” I said, trying to keep my patience at all of the

interruptions. If they would just let us


“Then why are we not questioning the Alpha of Desert Moon Pack?”

“I had nothing to do with this!” Alpha Charles stood up.

“Because they were not working for the Alpha of Desert Moon. They were working for the Blood Moon

Pack,” I said. “Please, councilmen, allow us to continue with our presentation. It will all make sense at

the end.” Gillian said.


I pushed play and let them listen to Levi speak. Alpha Geoff tried to get up to hurt him but was quickly

pushed back down into the seat by my guards. Finally, we finished with everything but the photos.

Celeste had agreed that unless they were needed, she would not

show them. One of the councilmen got up after brief deliberations.

“I agree that immediate action should be taken. I vote to remove the Ranked members of the Blood

Moon Pack immediately. We will

have a full sentencing trial at a later time. I move to dissolve the pack completely. We can give the rest

the option to join other packs or

become peaceful rogues,” Councilman Matthias said. There were a lot of murmurs in favor of this and

Alpha Geoff paled as he realized he

was done for. The sentencing trial would just be for show, they would not give them anything less than


“I will leave the council to decide the proper punishment and actions towards the pack. However,

Celeste and I,” I said as Celeste

joined me at my side, “would like to request the girls from the Sky Moon Pack join Crescent Moon, as

survivors themselves, Maya and.

Celeste know the type of needs these girls will need to overcome all that they’ve suffered for the last 12


“What proof do we have of the treatment of the she-wolves? I have seen nothing -” Councilman John


“I can attest to what I saw when we attended the Alpha’s daughter’s coming of age party,” Rhett stood


“As can l” a couple of others stood as well.

“They are his allies!” Alpha Geoff roared. “You can’t sentence me to death on hearsay. You can go see

these women in my pack, they

are healthy.”

“Perhaps now,” Celeste spat, finally looking at him, “Beta Gillian has been sending money to Dr. Castle

to provide food and medicine

to the girls until we could set them free. We have the receipts to prove that and testimony from the

Doctor, but if you want proof, we can

show you that,” she said, and I gave her the remote. She clicked through the pictures and I could tell

even the coldest of the Alphas was

appalled at the photos.

“If any of these photos are not sufficient, I can assure you, the scars are still quite visible,” she said.

“There’s no need Luna. I think we will be taking Alpha Geoff, Luna Luisa and Beta Trevor with us for

sentencing. Meanwhile, I believe Sandra was caught red-handed attempting to kill you, resulting in the

near death of the Crescent Moon Gamma. I am assuming, as she’s still in her bindings, that you would

like to keep the charges against her.”

Celeste nodded and turned to Sandra, “In the clearing where you found me, a few hundred yards

deeper into the woods, you will also find the body of her mate. The man was a visiting guest from the

Desert Moon Pack. She refused to accept him and instead killed him with a silver bullet. She should

pay for his death as well.”

Traised my eyebrows at that. We had been so concerned with Celeste and Danny, no one smelled or

saw the body of the man. I

nodded to one of the guards by the doors, “Please send someone to retrieve the body. Alpha Charles,

you will want to take the body with you for proper burial?”

Alpha Charles nodded and stood up to follow him when Levi stood, “Wait! Alpha, please! My mate and

child knew nothing of what

happened. Please, they are your pack members. I beg you, don’t let them kill my pup!” He said as he

cried, the desperation and anguish clear in his pleas.

Alpha Charles looked at me. “Are you saying you are wanting to ask for the lives of his mate and

child?” he asked. Levi looked at me

with confusion in his eyes. Looking from me to his Alpha.

I shook my head. “I would never punish innocent women or children for the sins of the father. I had his

mate thoroughly checked and

am positive that they had nothing to do with it. Neither I nor Celeste wish for any repercussions for

them. Losing a mate and parent will be hard enough.”

“But, you told me…” Levi sat down dumbfounded.

“I said what needed to be said to prevent more blood shed,” I said simply, he sat down and nodded at

me in thanks.

“Guards, please take the prisoners back to their cells. Make sure Levi and the rest are in separate cells

to avoid retribution. Alphas, Councilmen, I am grateful to you for hearing us. Celeste also wished to

acknowledge the Gamma of Blood Moon Pack never participated in their treatment, nor did we find any

connection to the crimes we discussed,” I said as I wrapped my arm around my mate, “Celeste and

I have a bus ready to begin the journey to the Blood Moon Pack to retrieve the girls. I will leave the rest

of the pack’s fates in your hands. I


· “That is acceptable, Alpha Markus. If the doctor wishes to join your pack, he is most certainly

welcomed to do so,” I nodded to


“Lunch will be served in the dining room in about 15mins. I thank you for coming to my Luna

Ceremony,” Celeste said, as everyone

started walking out of the conference room. Alpha Troy hung back after everyone left.

“I don’t know if you were aware, but my Kiara was mistreated by her Alpha before I found her. She is

the sweetest thing,” You could see the love for his mate in his smile, “If you don’t mind, I would like to

tell her your story. I know she is already comfortable with you

both. Perhaps, if she were able to talk about her experiences with you, she would get some comfort

and hope that things can get better

and that she doesn’t have to hide anymore,” he said to Maya and Celeste.

“I think that would be a good idea,” Celeste said.

“There’s one more thing,” Alpha Troy said, and I saw him mind link someone. A minute later, Luna

Kiara walked in with little Cade

hanging from her hip. She looked a little scared but also determined. “One of the unfortunate effects of

her treatment is that Kiara is not

able to carry children. We’ve been considering adopting for the last year and to be honest, Cade has

captured both of our hearts. I have

learned of what happened to his parents from the headmistress of the Orphanage and would like to

discuss the possibility of you allowing us to adopt him,” Alpha Troy explained. I looked at little Cade

playing with his teddy on her hips, like it was the most natural

thing to him. I didn’t even have to ask Celeste, I could feel her joy through the bond.

“I think that’s a wonderful idea. We will talk to the headmistress before I leave,” I said, and Celeste

completely abandoned me as she

ran to Luna Kiara and hugged her and kissed Cade. Alpha Troy, Luna Kiara and her guard left and we

were left with just the gang.

We stood silently for a couple of minutes, before my dad brought out a bottle of champagne from under

his seat and a bunch of


“You did it. Time to celebrate!” He said. He poured everyone some champagne, though when he got to

Celeste, he put the bottle

down and brought out a juice box from his pocket. We all laughed as he poured Celeste some apple


“To justice for Cory and Bella and all of Sky Moon Pack,” he said, and we all drank. Celeste’s stomach

rumbled, “How about we get

some lunch. I will have the bus and our vehicles ready to travel.” I said, and we all filed out towards the

dining room.

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