Alpha Markus and Celeste

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 – Celeste

Celeste P.O.V.

flooked around as we exited the airplane. The first thing I noticed were the mountains in the distance.

They were more breathtaking than when I did my research on the area. Sadly, I didn’t have much time

to admire the view. Zack and Gabriel were still behind us. I saw Zack look around as he exited the

plane and shake his head. He then retrieved some yellow tinted glasses and put them on. He smiled at

me and said, “Much better.”

“What’s much better?” Gabriel asked.

“Now it looks like in the movies,” he smirked, “yellow tinged.” Gabriel punched him in the arm while

laughing. I chuckled. Markus and I headed down the steps of the plane. I could see three really long

SUVs with several men in front of them.

We approached what looked to be the leader among them. He was not a tall werewolf. In fact, I think I

was taller than him. He was

wearing a light t-shirt and jeans, dark skinned and defined jaw. His dark eyes and curious smile could

have made many girls swoon. He didn’t seem at all intimidated by the 10, 6ft tall men approaching him.

He gave me a curious look before extending his hand out to Markus.

“Alpha Markus, Luna Celeste, Welcome to Mexico. I am Gamma Tomas,” he said in a very thick


“Tomas, thank you for coming to meet us all the way out here. I appreciate your Alpha allowing us to


“No worries at all. We will always welcome one of Selene’s descendants,” he said as he bowed deeply

to me. “My Alpha sends his

apologies. His duties don’t currently allow him to leave the pack grounds. He is very interested in

meeting with you both.”

“As are we,” Markus said and in the lul of the conversation, my stomach decided to make itself known. I


“Sorry, I kind of missed breakfast,” I said. Markus and I had decided that until we could make a decision

on trusting them, it was

better not to tell them about the pups.

Tomas laughed, “All good señorita, we have picked an amazing taco place for you to have lunch. It’s a

place we all enjoy eating at when we come out this way.” He said as he led us to the SUV.

I could see Gillian mind linking the warriors so that they divided in so that at least one Spanish speaker

was in each vehicle. Gillian,

Gabriel and Zack all filed into our vehicle. One of the SUVs behind us went past us before we started


We stopped at a small store front with a line up going out and around the corner. “Ummmm, perhaps

we try another place?” Gillian

asked, looking at the line up as we slowed out in front.

“Nonsense, I know the owner. They are expecting us. They own the house behind it. We are eating

there. There’s no sitting space in

the restaurant,” Tomas said, as the driver found a parking spot and we filtered out.

“Where are the other vehicles?” Markus asked, looking around.

“Right around the corner.” Tomas answered, and as he finished speaking, the rest of the warriors

turned the corner on their way to

We headed into a little house around the back. There was a big table and a few kids running around.

When they saw everyone, they

all seemed to run into a bedroom. “I guess 11, strange 6ft white men will do that to you,” Tomas

laughed. I giggled along with him. I could only guess what they must be thinking.

A petite sun kissed young girl drying her hands on an apron came down from the second floor,

“TOMASI” she squealed and ran the

rest of the way down, “Por que no me dijiste que venias!(Why didn’t you tell me you were coming)”

“Le dije a tu papa. Vengo nomas de pasada. Tu papa me dijo que nos hace el pare de darles una

Buena bienvenidas de tacos a los gringos (I told your dad. I am just passing through. Your dad said

he’d do us the favor of giving them a warm welcome by feeding the white people)”

“Ah vale, dejame voy por unos menus. Mientras, cuentales que hay para beber. Ahorita vengo. (OK, let

me get the menus. Ask them what they want to drink in the meantime, I’ll be back)”

“Anything but beer guys, please,’ I mind linked the rest.

“Actually, we’ve heard great things about your Or-Jor – Horchata?” Gillian said.

“A claro. Of course. Everyone wants the same?” Tomas asked. We all nodded as we sat.

The young girl came back and gave us some menus “Que para beber? (What are you drinking?)”

“Que todos quieren Horchata.(Everyone wants Horchata)” Tomas said with a shrug.

“Pos ven ayuda entonces. Nos traemos unos de los garrafones que hizo mama (Come help then, we’ll

grab one of the containers

mom made in the morning)”

“Pardon me for one moment. I must help her get the drinks,” Tomas said.

Anything sketchy,’ Markus asked via mind link.

‘Not outside of being called white people,’

giggled as I looked at the menu.

“You guys know what you want?” Tomas said.

“I’ll take whatever you have in beef. I will leave it up to what you think we would like,” Markus said.

There were a few chickens and steaks and then he came around to me. “And for you señorita?” he


“Dos de lengua, uno de seso y dos de trompo” I said. (Two tongue, one brain, two pork)

He looked surprised and pleased, “Me dijeron que usted era familia pero no que sabia español. Ha

probado los tacos de seso antes?

No son para cualquiera. (I was told you were family but not that you spoke Spanish. Have you tried the

brain tacos before? They are an

acquired taste.)”

“Mi mama me enseño. No he probado pero se me hizo la boca agua cuando los vi. A y uno de tripa por

favor. (My mom taught me

before she died. I’ve never had them but my mouth watered when I saw them. Oh and 1 intestine NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.


“Bueno, salsa?” I nodded. Markus cleared his throat and Tomas smiled, “I’ll be back after I tell them the


‘What just happened,’ Markus said, I could tell he was stressed that he didn’t know what was being

discussed. He was out of his

element here and wasn’t comfortable.

‘He just asked me about my order. He said it was an acquired taste. Relax love, I will not talk about

anything important without

including you,’ I said as I took his hand. He sighed and kissed the back of my hand.

The food arrived and we were too busy eating to talk. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their food after

a first glance at my


‘What’s that?” Gillian asked, as my dish looked a lot different from everyone else.

“You sure you want to know?” Tomas asked with a grin.

“Yeah?” he asked tentatively.

“These two are beef tongue. This one is cow brains, this one is cow intestine and this one is pork” I

said as I pointed to each one. saw Zack look at his plate as if it had sprouted legs looking for anything

weird in it.

“But my sour cream and onion chips gave you morning sickness,” Mateo laughed but quickly quieted

when Markus growled.

“You are pregnant?” Tomas asked. Well, that was in the open a lot sooner than we wanted to. I nodded.

“I will ask them to give us

some capirotada for the trip back. It helps with the nausea,” he said.

“Since the cat’s out of the bag, you mind keeping that beer away from me? It kind of makes my

stomach turn,” I said.

Tomas laughed, “Your warrior is right. How can you eat brains and intestines but something like beer

makes you throw up,” he said

as he went and put his beer back in the fridge and grabbed a glass of horchata instead.

I shrugged and dug in. It was delicious and the pups and Kara both seemed to enjoy the food with me,

even Markus tried the beef

tongue and wasn’t adverse to the taste. After eating and thanking the owner for such a wonderful meal,

we were once again on the way.

Tomas assured us it was about an hour and a half away.

I wish we could have kept the pups hidden until I felt safe,

Markus mind linked me.

I know, but not much we can do now. We didn’t exactly tell the other warriors to keep it under wraps,

I said, I don’t sense any ill

‘I don’t either, but we’ve yet to meet the rest. I don’t like having this many factors out of my control.’

I laid my head on his shoulder and allowed the sparks to soothe his worry. I didn’t realize I fell asleep

until Markus nudged me awake.

“I think you will want to see this,” he said and pointed out the window.

Igasped. There were mountains to either side of us. All around us was natural beauty, the sinking sun

making everything look

magical, Markus pulled me onto his lap so I could see out the window better. His hands slowly petting

the tiny bump hidden by my blouse. I spent most of the rest of the drive with my nose practically

plastered against the window. I started seeing little buildings here and there and we finally hit a town

called San Juan Tlatotenco.

“We’re only about 20 minutes from the Packgrounds now,” Tomas said.

We went through the middle of the town and were almost to the edge of the town when I saw

something. “Stop!” said and we

screeched to a halt. I opened the door but Markus was holding onto to me.

“Celeste?” he asked.

“That place Markus,” I said, pointing. “I know that place.” He followed my hand to where it was pointing

and I saw as he realized why!

recognized it. He let me go and climbed down behind me. I walked towards the Cantina de la Loba. It

looked the same as it did in my

vision. I walked inside with Markus hot on my trail.

“Tuli, we can’t-”

“Bella? No, no puede ser. Bella murio (No, it can’t be. Bella died),” I heard someone whisper from over

the counter. I looked at her.

She looked familiar. I think she was on one of the pictures we found in the deposit box. She came

around the bar and towards me. “Tu

pelo esta mal, y tu piel no es tan morea y tu ojos… (Your hair is wrong and your skin is lighter and your

eyes…),” she said as she looked at

me, but it was like she was talking to herself. “Celeste?” She asked me now. I nodded. “Pero por la

luna. Te pareces tanto a Bella (By the

moon, you look just like Bella)”

“Como conocias a mi mama? (How did you know my mother?)” I asked as Tomas came into the bar.

“Mama, estas bien? (Mom are you OK?)”

His mom ignored him, then in a very thick accent she asked, “Can I hug you?” I was going to say no,

but there were tears streaming down her cheeks, so I nodded. She closed the rest of the distance and

hugged me so hard, I heard Markus growl.

“Mama, dejala ir, es la pareja del Alfa de Estado Unidos.(Mom, let her go. She is the mate of the Alpha

visiting from the US.” She reluctantly pulled back, grabbing my face with her hands. “Your mother was

my best friend. I was here when she met your father. I went

to live with her for a few years, but I came back to visit my mother who owned this bar and found my

mate. I thought you were dead,” She


“Alpha Diego is waiting for them mama,” Tomas said and I felt Markus put his arm on my shoulder.

“Perhaps we can come back another day? We are here for a week,” he suggested. I nodded.

“I would like to know more about my mother,” I said to her.

“Of course, come by any time,” she said as we headed out.

“Wait, your name?” I asked her.

She smiled, “Lupe”

Twenty minutes later, we went through a set of gates deep in the mountains. We were let through and

we passed fields of farming

before the road opened up to a large space right before the mountain. The Packhouse seemed to have

been built right into the

mountain. It was both impressive and beautiful. There were tons of windows carved out of the

mountains and a giant set of double


“This is impressive,” Gillian said as we exited the vehicle.

“It is strategic. There was a time our people were in a war. The cover of the mountains ensures only

one way in, same with the

Packhouse,” A man waiting for us at the end of the steps said as he approached us. He smiled at

Markus as he stretched his hand


“I am Alpha Diego. Welcome to the Mountain Moon Pack.” He turned to me then. “Welcome to your

ancestor’s home, Luna Celeste.

nodded and Alpha Diego gave me a quick hug, “Come, my mother has cooked for you all. I will show

you to your rooms and give you a

tour. If you need to speak to the outside, we get connection between 9am to 11am. If you have an

emergency, you will have to leave the

mountains and head back to San Juan. We can talk about the family legacy tomorrow.”

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