Chapter 86
Chapter 86
Chapter 86 – Celeste
Celeste P.O.V.
It’s been almost two months since we came back from Mexico. We were only a few days from
December now and I was as big as a
whale. Dr West estimated I was the equivalent of 28 weeks of human gestation. The pups were still
looking to be large. I could officially
not bend over anymore.
Markus and I had started training my pyro ability, but as my belly grew, our training became more
training him to access my ability without pulling on my energy and using his instead. We wouldn’t be
able to resume my physical training until after the pups were
I sighed as I waddled back to our office after yet another trip to the bathroom. I stopped as I felt anger
bubbling in my chest. 1
grunted, taken aback by the sudden feeling when I realized it wasn’t coming from me. I wobbled into
the office faster. I could see
everyone gathered around Evergreen who had a laptop set on my desk.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“Evergreen has gotten a hit,” Gillian answered. I heard a knock on the door and 6 warriors came in. It
was Gabriel, Brenda, Zack,
George, Brent, and Mateo all looked at attention, waiting for instructions.
I looked back at Markus. “I take it by the fact that you’ve called all of our guards in, it means he’s not in
Paris?” | joked dryly. When I
got no response, I sighed. “Tough crowd,” I said as I waddled over to my desk to see what they were
looking at.
It was a picture of Huitzilopochtli at the airport. I was surprised to see him look so normal. He was
wearing slacks and a button-down
shirt. “So your software thing worked? You can find someone based on an old drawing?” I said,
“I’m offended you doubted me, Luna, but I will accept your apology in the form of one of your lasagnas
to take home. Valeria and I
keep missing your cooking nights,” he said, and I grinned. Valeria was working in the Packhouse
Hospital as a nurse so she sometimes had
night shifts. They were living in a small house close to the Packhouse but they only joined us for dinner
when I cooked and Valeria wasn’t
on shift. It was one of the few things Dr West allowed me to do and I had to promise to make meals
that didn’t require me to move around too fast. Now that I was getting so big, he was worried about
something called placenta abruption where the placenta would detach and I would have to deliver
early. I was essentially forced to cook sitting down and prep with Melissa moving about stirring and
lifting for me. My friends had turned into snitches about anything else I tried to do.
“Which airport is this?” I asked.
“Sky Harbor.” I sighed at Danny’s words.
“So he is near. Any chance he could just be here to catch the Suns play?” Still not a single chuckle. “Is
this thing on?” I said, tapping
an imaginary mic.
“That’s not all, Celeste,” Markus said.
“What?” I asked
“Sit,” he ordered, and I raised an eyebrow at his tone. He sighed. “Please Tuli. I don’t want your body to
get overwhelmed.”
I sat and waited for someone to speak.
“Huitzilapochtli is the man that bought all the girls from Blood Moon Pack,” he said, and I blanched at
his words.
“Danny recognized him as the buyer. He had thought at the time that it was a middle man for the black
market, but given who he is
“Well I don’t think that’s the reason anymore,” Danny said. “I think-”
“That he was still looking for me,” I said flatly and he nodded. So I was the reason all of the girls were
sold. I wondered if he made them suffer like he made my blood line suffer. I hoped not. I hoped the lie
that had saved my life, hadn’t caused the senseless suffering of my friends. “I don’t remember any of
the videos and pictures having a face of the buyer” I said.
“The time we rescued Ruby, I had to act fast and we attacked him to save Ruby. I clocked the man in
the jaw in order to knock him
It was hard to associate his handsome features with someone who had hunted my people and been
responsible for my parents’ deaths, I kept thinking of the words that Selene had told me and what I had
seen in the memory. His mother had lied to him. He didn’t
know the truth. Could he be saved? I sometimes wondered as I watched Markus sleep some nights.
Was there anything good left in the
heart of a god that had killed for a thousand years. When he had attacked Diego’s pack, he had not
wanted to kill everyone. He just
wanted me. Was he always merciful to those he believed innocent or was this a façade?
“Tuli,” Markus said. I could sense his concern for me. He had expected me to have a panic attack and I
know he was feeling anything
but fear or panic. I looked at the picture again.
“Who is that?” I said, pointing at a woman behind him. I squinted. She looked familiar, but the image
was blurry.
“Let me Luna,” Evergreen said as he shifted the laptop towards him. He worked his magic and then
turned the laptop back towards
“Sandra,” Markus growled.
I tried not to let myself get worked up over it. I had a feeling I would see her again one day. I took a little
bit of satisfaction that she
still seemed to have some burns on her face. “So what’s the plan?” I asked them.
Markus sighed “I am not 100% sure. Clearly, he’s getting ready to make his move. I think sending this
picture to the council will get them to send some additional resources to us. If they don’t, we can ask
Diego and Rhett to send us some support. At least until all the
pups are born and you can train again. In the mean time, I know how much you hate it, but all three of
you are under guard even in the
packhouse. Unless you’re with us, your guards will be keeping watch,” he said to Camila, Maya and
me. I sighed but nodded. He looked NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.
relieved that I didn’t object. He turned to the guards.
“I called you here because we trust you with our mates and the future of our Pack. Without any one of
them, this pack will not
function as it does. You will be guarding them at any time that they are not with us. I want two shifts.
Divide it how you see fit but provide
us with a schedule at the beginning of each week. I suggest keeping Brenda and Gabriel taking the
same shift hours. Your duties begin as
of now. We will be in here until close to dinner, so go make whatever arrangements you need between
yourselves and your family.”
“Yes Alpha,” they all said in unison and left. He turned back to us. “We should tell Rhett and Kelly about
this. If we need help, they are
the closest we can count on for support.”
Gillian nodded at him, “T’Il arrange for them to come for a visit. I think this is better explained in
They were discussing the security measures in place and whether they should beef them up, but I
started to lose focus.
Kara? -I asked. – Was our friends dying my fault?
Is this one of those things that were meant to come to pass?- Tasked, desperately trying to keep myself
from spiraling down a path of misplaced guilt, anger and fear. I had been talking to a therapist and I
hoped I’d learn enough to keep my head above the waters. I
could not afford to have a breakdown right now.
I think so. I don’t know everything, but I know this is not our fault. It is Huitzilopochtli. His obsession with
revenge is to blame. –
said, mourning along with me.
You think they suffered?
I hope not. – she answered.
‘Tuli, I can feel your grief. Please talk to me, Markus said, and I noticed that he’d brought me over to
the couch and I was sitting on his lap. Everyone was gathered around him looking at me with concern
in their eyes. I hadn’t noticed I’d even been moved.
“I’m OK. I was having a conversation with Kara,” I tell them.
“It was like you were gone. We were all trying to talk to you and you wouldn’t even react,” Camila said.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. I – I feel like maybe this is my fault. If I hadn’t lied about who I
was…” I said, not allowing
myself to cry, “I know it’s not, but all those girls, my friends…” I said. “We can’t let that happen to
anyone else. Huitzilopochtli needs to die.” I looked at Evergreen. “Any updates on that dagger I
“I have been looking but I don’t have anything concrete. There’s been a couple of mentions of similar
daggers through out history
had used, we could use it on Huitzilopochtli. It was our only theory at the moment, because otherwise,
how do you kill a god?
“Do you want to take a break?” Markus asked and I knew he was worried about me and the pups.
I shook my head, “We have work we have to do today. The distraction will be good.” I told him, kissing
his cheek. He sighed but nodded. I knew he would feel better if I was near him anyway, and I was used
to taking naps in this giant couch through out the day. Even
Maya had been joining in the naps, though her own little bump was not as tiring as two Alpha pups. Or
so Dr West had told me, when I
complained that she didn’t seem as tired as I was at that stage.
I turned to Camila, “We should send out a pack wide message, letting them know we have spotted
rogues near the border. Everyone
should go over their emergency response plan one more time, in case needed.”
I turned to Danny, “We should probably let patrol know we may have an imminent attack. They should
know Huitzilopochtli has insane speed, strength and ability to jump, but they should be put under Alpha
command from telling others. We don’t need to start a panic over a vengeful god. That would be my
suggestion, anyway. You guys can make the final decision,” I said, yawning, “I think I will take a short
nap after all,” I said to Markus.
“I think that sounds like a good plan. Danny gather them all in the conference room on the first floor
after lunch. Sleep Tuli, I’ll wake
you up for lunch,” he said, getting up from the couch and laying me on it. He bent down and gave me a
small kiss on the forehead. I settled in, sleep almost claiming me instantly.