Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Chapter 288 Special Brand of Vengeance

Chapter 288 Special Brand of Vengeance

In Lexi’s opinion, waiting was always the hardest part of anything and she was well aware that patience was not her strong point.

While everyone else sat waiting, chatting amongst themselves or poring over various maps and blueprints, she paced backward and forward restlessly.

It seemed like forever since the teams had left them for their various assignments, but a quick glance at her watch told her that it had only been around an hour and a half.

Greyson and Lord Brarthroroz were going over the briefings for the men who would be involved in the initial assault and although Greyson kept sending her furtive glances whenever he got the chance, she was still pissed with him.

Title of the document

She checked her watch again and sighed in frustration, half wishing that she was at least able to do something to take her mind off things instead of feeling like she was a spare piece in a colossally f****d up game of chess.

Her head snapped across to where her father had suddenly stood up, moving away slightly from the group of men that had paused mid-discussion and now watched his every move just as eagerly as she did.

The expressions on his face were familiar to Lexi, and she knew instantly that one of the parties that had been sent out was mind linking with him.

She stepped towards him quickly, her stomach flipping in anticipation as his eyes rose to meet her gaze and he smiled softly.

“Well, it looks like we have a location for the main entrance,” he grinned sinisterly as excited hoots and shouts rose from the men and women.

He strode across to the map that had been unfurled across the table and marked with the locations that Bartholomew had pointed out, as Lei practically ran to his side, and everyone else gathered round expectantly.

“Here,” he grunted gruffly as he jabbed a f*inger on the paper, “Movement of the coven has already been confirmed and the team is about to enter and explore as far as they can without being discovered.”

“And the other sites?” Greyson asked with a frown, now completely focused on the task at h*and.

“This one is still sealed,” Lord Brarthroroz said, jabbing at a second location and watching as Greyson marked it off the map, “But this one? The team is still yet to arrive. They encountered a small party of coven guards as they passed through the outskirts of the first site I showed you. They dispatched them easily enough, but it delayed them by another thirty minutes or so.”

Greyson nodded thoughtfully. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay. Well, seeing as how they are both along the same routes, I propose that we begin to ready our forces and set out. It should save us some time and allow us to rest close by for a short while before we begin our assault.”

“Are you not waiting for the reinforcements?” Lexi asked.

“They should be here in the next thirty minutes or so. It will take that time for everyone to gear up and set out though, plus

I still need to make a quick check that the guards remaining here are well supplied too. I don’t want them facing issues while we’re gone if it’s something that we could have fixed before leaving.” Greyson answered curtly, avoiding her eyes.

Lexi felt the smallest trace of satisfaction curl its way inside of her at the sight of his obvious discomfort. It was important that he understood what she would, and would not accept from her mates and it seemed that he had finally gotten her message loud and clear.

She had been curious though, whilst her mind worked obsessively on overthinking the whole incident with him. She had loved the thrill and domineering aspect of their encounter in the gym, it had taken her by surprise quite honestly, but the threat of him forcing himself upon her here? No. That would NOT be happening and she would NOT be the meek and demure mate that a Lycan preferred.

She had no desire to roll over and be protected. f**k that. She could take care of herself without anyone else’s help and she had no intentions of changing her entire personality just to please some guy who wanted to bury his d**k inside of her and beat his chest like a damn animal.

After a short conversation with Allen though, minutes before he had disappeared briefly to check on the updates from the Enclave, she had come to realize that by her standards at least, Lycan’s in general were colossal d***s. She understood that Greyson was clearly different from the standard Lycans that Allen had spoken about, discussing briefly their preference for seclusion and general refusal to mix with other species.

There were exceptions, of course, Greyson clearly being one of them, but his dark nature remained essentially the same, even if it was somewhat tempered.

She watched him like a hawk as he stood and made his way out of the room still avoiding her gaze, before snorting quietly to herself and smirking. That was nothing she couldn’t tame though, given

enough time, and he was already learning that what he might have gotten away with, with a weaker willed mate, certainly wasn’t going to wash with Lexi.

“Everything okay?” Lord Brarthroroz asked quietly as people began moving away to make their preparations, “I couldn’t help but notice a little… tension, between the two of you.” He continued, jutting his chin in the direction that Greyson had left.

“Nothing that a swift kick to the balls won’t fix if it happens again, Papa,” Lexi smiled sweetly and he chuckled in response.

“As long as you’re sure. Are you sure that you’re up for joining the assault?” He asked as a look of concern crossed his face.

Lexi nodded firmly.

“After everything that those f*uc*kers have done, there’s nothing that would stop me from meting out my own special brand of vengeance.” She grinned as her eyes flashed menacingly.

“Very well,” Lord Brarthroroz nodded, “I would prefer it if you stayed close to either myself or Allen and Greyson then, not that I doubt your abilities, but purely because I don’t want your ‘own special brand of vengeance’ to overwhelm you. You still need practice and as I’m sure you’re aware, the more your souls feed on the lives they take, the stronger they get.”

Lexi grunted in response and

begrudgingly acknowledged that her father had a point. Giving in to the call of her soul’s magick would result in her making quick work of her enemies, but would also mean that she put the lives of her team at risk, and she didn’t want that.

“Then let’s make the necessary preparations and get moving. The sooner we get there, the sooner that I can get my h*ands on my traitorous brother.” Lord Brarthroroz snarled.

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