Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 85

Zane, ever the strategist, already two steps ahead, his mind. weaving through scenarios, discarding impossibilities, and forging a path through the fog of war.

“Cameras, scent trackers, inform the neighboring packs. Someone must have seen something. She’s our Luna; she doesn’t just disappear into thin air!”

ckhouse, usually a place of strength and unity, had

d into a storm center of fear and action. Warriors, once posed, now wore their worry like armor, their movements ft, their eyes haunted. The undercurrent of dread, the

unspoken fears, we all felt them, a silent symphony of dread for our missing Luna.

As we stormed through the compound, our presence a thundering promise of retribution, I couldn’t help but feel the piercing gaze of every pack member we passed. Their eyes, wide with concern and fear, reflected our own turmoil, their whispers a swirling eddy of speculation and unease.

“Nate,” I snapped, my patience frayed to its breaking point. “What was the last thing she said, anything that might tell us where she went or why?” Nate, looked like he’d been through hell and back, his eyes wide, his body tensed as if bracing for a blow.

“She… she said nothing to me but she left a note for mum and dad saying she needed to clear her head, that she’d be back by sunset,” he stammered, the words tumbling out in a rush. “I didn’t think… I mean, she’s always been so strong, so sure…”

The information was a drop in the ocean, insufficient,

unsatisfying, but it was all we had. A direction, a sliver of insight into the turmoil that must have been raging within Phera, hidden behind her composed exterior.

The night air was a cold slap against my skin as we burst through the doors, the moon hanging low, a silent witness to our desperation. We took to the borders, our senses extended to their limits, every rustle of the leaves, every shift of the wind scrutinized and analyzed.

The border was a line drawn in the sand, a barrier between the

known and the unknown, and as we traversed its length, our frustration mounted. The silence was oppressive, a mocking reminder of our failure, of our inability to protect what was most precious.Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“Spread out,” I ordered, my voice cutting through the night. “She” s out there somewhere, and we’re going to find her.”

The night wore on, a grueling testament to our determination, our refusal to succumb to despair. We were brothers, united in purpose, driven by a love and a duty that transcended

our own fears.

The uproar had only just begun, a crescendo of action and emotion, a battle not just against the elements, but against the creeping dread of the unknown. Our Luna was missing, and we would tear the world apart to find her and after that f*ck waiting we were binding her to us. We may not have payed our dues but f*ck if we were bonded we would be able to find her anywhere.

Axel POV

The world had f*cking narrowed down to a single, all- consuming objective: find Phera and then bind her to us forever. D*mn the consequences. The panic that had initially seized us transformed into a driving force, propelling us through the dense underbrush and the deepening night. My brothers and I, usually so distinct in our thoughts and actions, were now united by a single, shared heartbeat, pounding in desperate urgency to find our Luna and f*cking kill who dared touch what was not


The forest, a place we had roamed as children, a place that had always welcomed us with open arms, now seemed alien, hostile. It was as if the trees whispered secrets I couldn’t decipher, the shadows mocked our efforts, and the silence, oh the silence, was a cruel reminder of Phera’s absence. Why sweetheart? Why did you go without any backup?

“Check every nook, every cranny,” I found myself repeating.

My voice hoarse from shouting, my body on autopilot, moving through the familiar terrain with a stranger’s detachment. The night was drawing on, the moon a silent, indifferent spectator to our plight.

Damon, ever the storm, moved like a force of nature, his anger a tangible entity, pushing through the foliage with relentless determination.

“I smell her. She’s here,” he growled, more to himself than to us, “She has to be.”

Zane, with his eyes that missed nothing, scanned the ground, his brain undoubtedly piecing together the fragments of this nightmare puzzle.

“Over here,” he suddenly called out, his voice cutting through the thickness of the night, sharp and urgent.

ZAR Mouchers

We converged on him, hearts racing, hope flaring like a match struck in the darkness. But it wasn’t Phera we found. It was a piece of her-a shred of fabric from her clothing, unmistakable in its familiarity, a silent testament to the struggle she must have faced. F*ck! That meant she had shifted but why? And, if so where the f8ck was she now?

The sight of it, Phera’s clothes torn and discarded, ignited a fury in me, a searing, blinding rage.

“This is hers,” I whispered, the words like acid on my tongue.

My hands shook as I held the torn piece of fabric, the reality of the situation crashing down on me with the weight of a mountain.

But it was what we found next that turned our simmering fear into a roaring inferno. A dart, small and innocuous, yet its scent unmistakable-wolfsbane. The implications of it, the

premeditated malice, sent a chill down my spine. Wolfsbane was a poison to our kind, a tool used by hunters and traitors, a symbol of betrayal.

“Fuel F*k! F*ck! We’re not dealing with a mere rogue attack,”

ted, his voice cold, his usual calm demeanour shattered mplications. “This was planned, targeted.”

Damon picked up the dart, his expression dark, his anger a


palpable force.

“Whoever did this,” he said, his voice deadly quiet, “will pay. They’ve taken her, but they won’t get far.”

The forest, once a place of freedom and life, now felt like a tomb, the shadows stretching out like fingers, grasping, threatening. Our world had shifted, the ground beneath our feet treacherous and unfamiliar.

“We need to mobilize,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady, to be the rock I knew my brothers needed. “We need to alert the pack, call in every favor, every ally. We find her, no matter what it takes.”

The night stretched on, endless and oppressive, but we were not deterred. We moved with a single purpose, scouring the land, calling out to the moon goddess for guidance, for a sign. Our hearts were heavy, our spirits battered, but our resolve was ironclad. We would find Phera, our Luna, our mate, our best friend. We would bring her home, no matter the cost and then it was a motherf*cking war.

The torn fabric and the poisoned dart were not just clues; they were a declaration of war. And we, the sons of the moon, the

tors of our kind, would answer.

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