Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Valen POV

I could tell something was wrong with Everly, feel her stress through the bond. I could also feel she didn’t want to worry me about whatever was bothering her. She was so used to dealing with her struggles herself, I think she forgets she can actually share them and that she was never a burden to me.

“Are you going to stop by the homeless shelter today?” I ask her as she gathers her handbag and keys.

“Yes, I will stop by after I see Emily. Any news from the patrols about any more forsaken sightings or anything on her son?” she asks me. I really wish I had an answer for her, but I didn’t. We had no leads, no scent trails, nothing. It was like they vanished altogether.

” No , but as soon as I hear anything. J promise you will be the first to know . There have been talks about a city meeting in the coming weeks to figure out something to do about the forsaken sightings and missing rogues ‘ situation . Pack members are becoming nervous , and it might also be a good time to bring up the rogue issues ? ” I tell her , and Everly nods . ” Yes , let’s hope the petition goes well and I get a date to be heard sometime today .

” Everly sighs and rubs her temples when her phone goes off in her handbag . She pulls it out , glances at the screen , and shakes her head . ” What’s wrong ? ” I ask , watching her as I tie my shoelaces . ” Nothing , mum has been pestering me to pull the petition and drop the rogue issue , ” she says and I noticed she sounded tired . Everly did look tired , actually . And I noticed she was tossing and turning all night in her sleep . ” What did she say ? ” ” That I would start a war , ” she says with a shrug . ” Funny , your father said something along those lines at the hospital , ” I tell her . Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Everly chews her lip nervously . ” What war , though , ” we say simultaneously , and she giggles . ” Jinx , ” I tell her while getting to my feet . ” I have no idea . Mum rang me last night , ” Everly explains . ” So that is why you have been in a weird mood then , ” I tell her while wrapping my arms around her

shoulders . ” Maybe I can try to get a hold of Ava . I am not sure what is happening , but even your father thought something was going on behind the scenes with my father , ” she tells me . ” Try your sister and come see me at the homeless shelter when you aren’t busy . I will be there all day . I have contractors coming to assess the damage , ” I tell her . However , I was dreading the bill for that . ” Well , you are going in the opposite direction , so I will run Valarian to school , ” she tells me before calling out to our son.

” Yeah , I am coming , ” Valarian growls , making me raise an eyebrow at his grumpy mood . ” What’s wrong with you ? ” I ask him . ” I don’t want to go to school . I wanted to come to the homeless shelter , ” he pouted . ” Not today , maybe on the weekend . Besides , there is too much machinery and people working there at the moment . It isn’t safe , ” I explain , and he sighs . Everly quickly fixed his tie and blazer while I placed his lunch in his bag .

Waiting for them to leave , I quickly cleaned the kitchen , packing up the school supplies Everly left out . I didn’t want to say anything , but when she is rushing around , she tends to forget to put stuff away and leaves it out . It was a pet peeve , but damn , it made me flustered . Finally leaving , I caught the lift to the underground car park . I didn’t go straight to the homeless shelter . Instead , I went to the jeweler . Valarian said Everly didn’t like diamonds , which I wanted to put in my mother’s ring , but Valarian wanted to pick .

And he chose Serendibite . He liked the color of it . The only issue is sourcing one to fit in the ring because Serendibite is a rare mineral and hard to source . The jeweler only had one , but it was tiny , and the ring I wanted i t in would need to be altered to hold the stone . Once I get to the plaza , I walk up the side alley where the jeweler is , pushing the door open .

The bell sounds to alert Dion of customers . He was around my age , and we went to school together . ” Hey Dion , any luck ? ” I ask , closing the door behind me and walking toward the counter . Dion was looking at his laptop , chin propped on his hand . His glasses perched on his nose as he stared at the screen . He sighs , pulling his glasses off and placing them on the glass display cabinet ” Your son had

to pick Serendibite , ” he . chuckles while shaking his head and running his hand through his gelled hair . He leans back in his chair , folding his tattooed arms across his chest . Dion looked more like a biker than a jeweler . ” Can’t source one ? ” I ask .

” Oh , I can get one , but are you sure you want to use that ring ? Your mother’s ring , I can melt it down and remake a nicer one using the gold ? ” I shake my head , and he sighs . ” Well then , you best get your wallet out then , Alpha . Serendibite is $ 18,000 a carat , and the earliest I can get it is in six weeks . Then , I will have to cut it to fit .

I can only find raw material so far , ” he tells me . However , I already researched it last night while Everly was asleep and knew it would be costly because they were in scarce supply and rare . ” Invoice me , and I will transfer it . Also , the band , you said it was thick enough to engrave ? ” I ask . Dion nods . I pull the piece of paper from my pocket and hand it to him , and he reads it . ” So much for big bad Alpha , big softy , ” he smiles . ” Send me the invoice and ring when it is ready , “

I laughed while turning and heading for the door . Driving to the homeless shelter , I was prepared to get my hands dirty no matter how much that thought made me shudder . I was not ready to find the roof completely ripped off from the storm . My jaw dropped when I stepped out of the car to see a huge cleanup . The roof ripped off a s if it had been peeled away . The structure stood . However , the inside was flooded , and I groaned with annoyance . Just what I needed .

The storm was the worst we had had in years . The damage I could see on the main street was shocking enough , but this side of town seemed to take a more brutal hit . I t made me wonder how Everly’s Hotel was . No doubt it would have been smashed by the wild weather . Walking over to one of the project managers , he ordered around his leading hand and a few supervisors and designated specific areas to start the cleanup . When he notices me , Bill turns around to face me . ” Alpha , ” he

nods to me , stroking his beard before twirling the end through his fingers . ” So do you want the good news or the bad news first ? ” he asks .

” Is there any good news ? ” ” There is . The building didn’t collapse , ” Bill states . ” Is that the good news ? ” I ask , and he laughs . ” Yep , now the bad news . This just added another month to the timeline and raised the cost . ” Anything else ? ” ” Yep , the sewer overflowed out the back , and it seems the entire city’s shit washed into the far playground out the back , ” he tells me .

And there was my queue to leave because , shit ? Naah , I ain’t touching , smelling , or going within the vicinity of the sewers out back . ” Got you some gumboots , ” Bill says and I shake my head . ” Nope , just remembered I have an emergency meeting , ” I tell him , and he laughs . ” I thought you were willing to get your hands dirty for once , Alpha ? ” Bill taunted . ” Important meeting , ” I tell him .

” Yeah , with who ? ” he knew I was full of shit , no pun intended , and was determined to call me out on it . ” With someone important . ” 11 . ” More important than the Blood Alpha ? ” he asks , scratching his chin and squinting at me . I swear he twirls that beard on purpose because he knows it irritates me . I wanted scissors to cut it off .

” Of course , far more important , ” I tell him . ” Name ? ” he challenges , and his eyes crinkle around the edges while he watches me try to get out of helping . ” Luna ! ” I tell him . ” Ah , nice save , Alpha . I see , hiding behind our Luna now , ” he laughs . ” I’ll be sure to tell her that next time I see her , ” he laughed before motioning for me to go . Yep , blood , puke , I can kinda manage shit , nope ! I draw the line at fecal matter . ” I will be sure to send Marcus over . He would love to help .

” I tell Bill as I climb back into the driver’s seat . Marcus had rung me early this morning when he was on his way to get Casey from Macey’s . Zoe’s heat had finished , although she would be remaining home today to rest . Marcus said he was ready to come back to work , and I now have the perfect job as m y replacement . ” Siri , call Marcus ,

” I tell my car stereo as I pull away from the curb . Marcus answers as I pull into traffic and stop at a traffic light . ” Hey , what’s up ? I was actually about to ring you , ” he says . ” Can you do me a favor ? ” I ask him . ” Depends , ” he says warily , and I try to suppress my laughter .

” I am supposed to help at the homeless shelter , but something has come up . Bill needs extra men , so can you grab Tatum and a few others and go help him in the rear playground and help clean up ? ” ” ” Yeah , sure thing . Just give me an hour . ” ” I will let Bill know , ” I tell him . ” Sweet . I don’t suppose you are going anywhere near the council chambers ? ” Marcus asks .

” No , I was headed to the hotel . Why ? ” ” Everly got a rejection letter . I just dropped Casey off to Zoe , and she said Everly is on the warpath . I was about to head over there , ” ” I will go ; I am turning around now , ” I tell him before ripping a U – turn and earning some blaring horns from other cars . I curse . This was not good .

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