Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Ethan stood at a distance, quietly observing the little boy join the other kids with a gentle smile. It was a

rare moment of warmth and innocence that he cherished. Seeing Liam take a liking to him felt like a



The connection he was forming with this little boy was something he hadn’t experienced before, and it

made him feel better, lighter, and oddly hopeful.

“Maybe I’m not completely lost,” Ethan mused to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. For a man

who had spent most of his life in boardrooms and cold, unemotional office spaces, this newfound

connection with a child was both surprising and heartening. To have a child genuinely like him was a

heartwarming, something he rarely. encountered in his high-stakes life.

Ethan found himself appreciating the change of scenery, having momentarily escaped from his

imposing and unfeeling office. It was worth it. Here, amidst the laughter and innocence of children, he

found a sense of peace he seldom encountered.

His hand sl*pped his hand into his jeans pocket, the sensation unfamiliar. He rarely wore anything other

than suits, and the casual attire he had chosen for this occasion reminded him of the life he had left

behind, even if just temporarily. Retrieving Liam’s drawing, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the

endearing, albeit unrecognizable, depiction of himself.

He examined the childish doodle, admittedly, Liam showed remarkable artistic talent, even surpassing

the abilities of most children his age. Ethan’s smile widened as he marveled at the child’s creativity.

It was an unexpected and delightful discovery

“You’re so lucky, Hazel,” he thought wistfully. In that moment, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of envy

for the life she had with her children a life filled with innocence, laughter, and moments like these. His

heart heavy with longing for the simple joys that seemed elusive in his life.

Ethan made a menta l note to create more opportunities for outings and field trips for the children. He

envisioned a special corner where Liam could find peace and quiet whenever he needed it, a serene

spot away from the noisy bustle of the other kids.

Chapter 23

Axel couldn’t help but observe Ethan closely as his boss sat in his office. There was something

extraordinary about the smile that graced Ethan’s face. It was a rare sight to see Ethan in such high

spirits. He had returned. to the office after making strange demands and changing into casual clothing.

It was evident that something had happened to put his boss in an unusually contented mood and happy


Ethan settled back into his chair, a small but genuine smile still playing on his l*ps as he held a piece of

paper in his hands. The paper revealed a child’s doodling, and Axel couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow,

his curiosity piqued.

“It’s a drawing of me. Liam made it,” Ethan answered Axel’s questioning. gaze with a soft chuckle. The

fact that Liam had made a drawing of his boss was

intriguing, and it seemed to have brought unexpected joy to Ethan’s day.

Ethan’s mood shifted suddenly as he refocused on business matters. “When is the J.T mall inspection

date?” he inquired after summoning Axel back to his office.

“It’s next week,” Axel replied.

“Tell them not to bother. I’ll do it myself,” Ethan declared, his decision made in that moment. He stood

up and began to put on his suit, a clear indication that he intended to handle the mall inspection


“Right now?” Axel queried, his brows furrowed in mild astonishment at the abrupt alteration of their


“Right now,” Ethan affirmed firmly, the tone of his voice leaving no room for further discussion. It was

evident that he was determined to proceed. without delay.

Axel acknowledged Ethan’s decision with a slow nod, though he couldn’t help but find it somewhat

unusual. Over the past four years, Ethan had been known for his meticulous planning and adherence

to schedules, not one to deviate from the routines he set for himself and others. Yet, here. he was,

making sudden changes to their plans, disrupting important commitments along the way.

Following this unexpected shift, they embarked on a whirlwind tour of the company’s shopping malls,

with Axel closely trailing behind Ethan, accompanied by managers and other staff members. Tension

hung in the air as they watched their boss. It was an unusual sight because typically, such inspections

were conducted by a dedicated team under Ethan’s

Chapter 23


What added to the confusion was Ethan’s particular focus on the children’s store within the mall. This

deviation from his usual routine left everyone intrigued, wondering about the reason behind this change

in their CEO’s behavior.

“I’ll just take a look. Get back to work,” Ethan ordered, waving away the many workers who had been

following him closely. As he turned, he nearly bumped into the store manager, who had been standing

nearby. With a slight bow, the workers retreated, leaving Ethan and Axel alone at that end of the store.

Ethan paused when he spotted a kids’ painting set that appeared beautiful and unique. He approached

it, picking it up immediately. An idea formed in his mind this would make a wonderful gift for Liam.

“Boss,” Axel cautioned, almost as if he could read Ethan’s thoughts..

Ethan sighed, his expression softening. “I know. I can’t buy them toys or anything like a father would

because, to them, I’m nob*dy,” he said, his voice carrying a tinge of sadness.

“Here’s a plan,” Ethan continued, his tone growing decisive as he walked. away, still holding the paint

set. “Let’s find out what all the kids in the kindergarten love to do, then we’ll arrange gifts that align with

their hobbies for each of them.”

Axel sighed. Lately, his boss had been giving him unusual tasks, all because of those adorable little

munchkins who had managed to crac k through Ethan’s seemingly impenetrable exterior.

“If they were your kids, life would be so much easier,” Axel mused to himself as he watched Ethan

admire the paint set and select a matching drawing set. It was hard to ignore the striking resemblance

between. Ethan and Liam, not just in looks but in temperament as well. Moreover, the deep connection

Ethan had formed with the kids was undeniable. These days, their boss seemed more human, less

snappy and brooding than before. Axel felt a newfound ease in their working relationship after over four

years of working together.

Ethan, holding the paint set in one hand and another exquisite toy that left Axel baffled, exited the store

with an evident sense of satisfaction. Axel couldn’t help but mutter to himself, “Great, more extra work.”

As they left, the manager of the mall approached Axel, his nervousness

Chapter 28

palpable. This was the first time the big boss himself had conducted an inspection. “Is the inspection

over?” he asked anxiously.

“Apparently,” Axel replied, his gaze fixed on his boss’s retreating figure. It was clear that Ethan had

come to the store not for an inspection but for personal reasons.

“I need a set of toys suitable for kids aged four to seven,” Axel relayed Ethan’s request to the mall


The man immediately sprang into action, grateful and relieved, albeit puzzled by the CEO’s unexpected

choices. After all, Ethan had only entered one store, the toy store.

“Please deliver them to this address,” Axel instructed as he scribbled the details on a piece of paper

and handed it to the manager.

As Hazel walked into the kindergarten,to pick her kids up, her eyes widened in astonishment. The

normally well-organized play area was now transformed into a colorful sea of new toys. Liam was

clutching an exquisite paint and drawing set, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Meanwhile, Daisy held Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

onto a colossal dollhouse that was nearly as tall as she was.

Devin, noticing Hazel’s surprise smiled warmly. He approached her, eager to explain the unexpected

gift bonanza. “Hazel,” he began, “the school is committed to nurturing the creative passions of its young

students. Today, we decided to surprise the children with these wonderful gifts to encourage their

artistic and imaginative sides.” He receited the words Axel had told him in order not to rouse suspicion.

Hazel was momentarily taken aback by the generosity and

thoughtfulness of the kindergarten management. “Wow,” she managed to utter, her appreciation

mirrored in her wide-eyed gaze. The toys were clearly not just your average playthings; they were high-

quality, educational, and undoubtedly expensive.

However, Liam, always the inquisitive one, sensed the perfect opportunity to divert his mother’s

attention. With a sad pout, he presented his wounded leg as if on cue. “Mommy, I hurt my leg,” he

announced, looking up at her with a touch In hope of a comforting embrace.

Hazel, juggling her emotions between surprise and concern, quickly shifted her focus to Liam. “Oh, my

sweet boy,” she cooed.

Chapter 23

Bending down, she carefully inspected his leg.

Liam beamed as he proudly showcased his leg, now fully healed. “It’s okay now, Mommy. Mr. Wood

cleaned it all up for me,” he announced. with an infectious smile that could melt anyone’s heart.

Hazel couldn’t help but raise an intrigued eyebrow at the mention of “Mr. Wood.” Her gaze shifted to

Devin, the kindergarten manager who still lingered nearby, seemingly overseeing the departing

children. “Mr. Woods?” she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Devin cleared his throat, offering a concise explanation. “He’s one of our workers here at the

kindergarten,” he lied smoothly.

“That’s nice,” Hazel responded, her eyes softening as she looked down at her son. “Liam’s usually

quite fussy about letting anyone touch him. He must have really made an impression on him.”

Liam nodded vigorously, his face lit up with affection for Mr. Woods. “Yes, Mommy. I drew him a portrait

as a thank you,” he revealed, his voice brimming with pride at his artistic gesture.

As they prepared to leave the kindergarten, Hazel was confronted with at logistical challenge-these

new toys were rather large, and managing them was turning out to be more of an ordeal than she had

anticipated. She had Daisy on one side, eager to get home and explore her dollhouse, and Liam on the

other, babbling enthusiastically about his day with Mr. Woods.

Just as she began to contemplate how to transport the newfound

treasures, a car pulled up right in front of them. Devin stepped in with a helpful suggestion, his concern

for the children evident. “You should get- in,” he recommended, sensing Hazel’s dilemma.

Hazel, initially hesitant, found herself swayed by Devin’s assurance. “It’s okay,” he reassured her. “He’s

my personal driver. He’ll give you all a ride home.” Grateful for the assistance, Hazel offered her

thanks, and with a collective shrug, they all climbed into the comfortable vehicle.

Throughout the ride home, Liam chatted animatedly about his day at kindergarten, regaling his mother

with tales of his adventures with Mr. Woods. In contrast, Daisy remained quiet and focused, her little

mind. undoubtedly consumed with thoughts of the new dollhouse waiting for her at home.

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