Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 17 : A friend

Chapter 17 : A friend 

Anaya found Silvia at the right time.

Although their status in name were the same, Silvia still knew a lot more than Anaya did If she could talk to Silvia and find out a bit more, then Anaya could start somewhere.

"Silvia!" Anaya caught up to Silvia.

Silvia looked back in surprise to find Anaya heaving behind her.

"Anaya? What happened to you?"

Werewolves are born with good stamina and even if they were to run around in this pack, they would break a sweat.

Seeing Anaya half bend and breathing heavily, Silvia became worried.

Anaya stood up with a little difficulty and gulped.Her body was broken, Anaya knew that very well.

Even a little bit of running or jumping would make her look like a heaving dog.

Originally if Anaya had proper nutrition and care while growing up, she wouldn't have turned out to be this way but the lack of those elements made Anaya useless.

Now even running for a bit had Silvia concerned.

"It's nothing.I just get tired easily."

Anaya made a lame excuse.

"Oh, are you alright? Need some water?"

Silvia brought a small bottle of water out of her small bag and offered it to Anaya shook her head and declined, she asked, "Do you have time? Can we talk?"

Silvia was surprised at the request because she thought Anaya wasn't someone who would initiate a talk.

"I have to get some groceries first, how about in the evening?"

Anaya nodded, "Okay, I will find you in the evening.Is eight okay?"

Silvia agreed to the timing and left for the market.

Anaya quietly went back home as well.

Silvia had agreed to talk but that didn’t mean she knew everything.

But for Anaya there was no way of knowing.

If Anaya were to ask Charlotte, she'll be in big trouble.Her parents won't say anything at all.

Anaya felt uncomfortable all over her body, the feeling of being cornered once again emerged inside her.

Anaya went back home and saw that Ginny was in the living room cutting flower stems.

When she saw Anaya, her eyes narrowed.

"Why did you come back so early?" Ginny asked harshly.

"Alpha's family has gone somewhere so the housekeeper told me to go back early and not to come tomorrow." Anaya said, her head bowed down until her face wasn't visible to Ginny.

"Oh, did the housekeeper say where they went?" Ginny asked.

She sounded interested and also a bit disappointed.

Ginny raised an eyebrow in surprise, "The southern warrior pack?"

Anaya nodded lightly and waited.

When Ginny didn't speak to her again, she directly went to the attic. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

On the way up, she glanced at Charlotte's room that was closed.

It was an off limit area for Anaya and if not for cleaning, she wasn't allowed inside by Ginny.

The attic needed to be cleaned regularly as well.

With a little idea in her head, Anaya turned around halfway to the attic and went back downstairs.

Ginny saw her coming back and made a face, "What do you want?"

"Since I don't have to go to work tomorrow, should I clean the house? It's been more than a week." Anaya said in a small voice.

She wouldn't go ahead and ask for more work on a normal day but today Anaya was unusually curious about something and if the curiosity wasn't fulfilled, Anaya would be restless for a long time.

Ginny was annoyed and said, "Do whatever you want, don't bother me."

Anaya nodded and started on her chores.

The daily routine was like a muscle memory, Anaya managed to finish everything precisely on time.

When Charlotte came back home from her special training, stronger and how she was praised.

In the kitchen Anaya tried to listen to them.

"My darling is the most talented, of course you should be praised." Ginny chuckled and kissed Charlotte's forehead.

"I managed to draw a bigger one this time.The one that I showcases in the party is nothing compared to this one."

Charlotte said, "But! burnt off my trainers beard!"

Charlotte laughed out loud, her voice as pleasant as bells.

Anaya’'s hands paused.

Burnt off his beard? Was Charlotte playing with fire? Anaya could feel something pushing inside her, like something was trying to break free but was restrained by another force.

The stuffing feeling made it hard to breathe.

Anaya leaned on the kitchen counter and took deep breaths through her mouth, but the air refused to fill her lungs.

She stumbled over to the water dispenser and poured herself a little water and gulped it down in one go.

The water washed down the painful feeling and Anaya could breathe again.

Suddenly Anaya felt that she was close to the truth.

Although it had nothing to do with her, Anaya wanted to find out what made Charlotte so special.

Why she was treated like a precious child while Anaya was casted aside like she didn't matter to anyone.

Before leaving this life behind, Anaya wanted to give herself enough reasons not to turn back to the blue stone pack.

Only the phase of her life.

The life where she would be free.

Anaya glanced at the clock at the living room wall.

It was fifteen minutes for eight.She had a meeting with Silvia, so Anaya hurried up with everything.She served dinner exactly at eight and left.

No one called her back or bothered to ask if she was going to eat.

Anaya turned back to close the door, hoping she would hear someone say her name and call her back.

But all she could hear was her parents talking about how bland the food was and good Charlotte was.

Anaya closed the front door and left with her eyes casted down, the last rays of hope slowly died down from her eyes.She wasn't needed, so she won't stay.

When Anaya arrived, she found Silvia waiting for her by the door of her house.

Silvia invited Anaya inside and poured a cup of water for her.

Anaya took the cup and thanked her for it.

"You wanted to talk about something?" Silvia asked and sat on the floor opposite to Anaya.

There was only one chair and it had dirty clothes on it so Anaya and Silvia had to sit on the mattress and floor.

Anay didn't mind it at all, after all she wasn't treated like a princess at her home.

It was all normal for her.

"Yes, it may sound strange coming from me,"

Anaya hesitated but mustered up the courage and asked anyway, "What is so Alpha Clark's son proposed to her without even wait for his own mate.It doesn't sit well with me."

Anaya felt embarrassed to say it.

It was obvious that Anaya wasn't treated well at home, but to ask something like this out loud was a clear declaration that Anaya wasn't even allowed to be involved in her own sister's life.

Silvia understood Anaya's hesitations so she didn't say anything about it.She was just a small servant, other than working for her master's family, she didn't have anything to do.

There wasn't much she could say about Charlotte either but whatever she knew, she wouldn't keep it from Anaya.

"I don't know much but I've heard people talking that Charlotte has some special abilities."

Silvia said in a low voice, "I left the party that day to find you so I didn't see it myself, but the family I work for was there and they were saying that the Alpha was dead set on having Charlotte being David's mate."

Anaya’s heart started to beat at an uneven rate.

It slowed and sped up at an alarming rate.

So they weren't trying to be discrete about it? And did the pack agree to this relationship because of Charlotte's powers? Because she was special? Silvia continued, "They were talking among themselves that after the initial party, the Alpha came up and spoke about this matter with everyone.He announced that Charlotte will be the future Luna and then it was followed by David's proposal.It looked like your family was already aware of the setting so everything went smoothly and Charlotte accepted David.

Were they especially cautious around Anaya so she wouldn't know? Who Was she kidding, Anaya wasn't so important.

"Yeah but there were some people who opposed it."

Silvia sighed, "That's to be expected.No one would want to see a twelve year old become Luna when there is a high chance that someone more capable could be in her place.And then there was David's mate too, who he hasn't met yet.They didn't want her to loose her place even before she had it."

Anaya felt a bubble of sarcastic chuckle leave her lips.So there were still some rational people left in blue stone?

"But they shut up as well, because the Alpha told them just how much Charlotte will be beneficial to them."

Silvia said, "He didn't go deeper into it but said that Charlotte is powerful and if she were to take the Luna position in the pack then our destiny can change.I don't understand how that is possible, but that's what he said and most of the people believed him."

Anaya nodded lightly, "Thank you for telling me Silvia.You were great help."

Silvia smiled and waved her hand as if to say that it was nothing.

She stood up and went to the little counter and asked, "Would you like to eat something? I accidentally made a little extra food today and I'd hate to throw it away."

Anaya was about to say that she could store it in the fridge but timely remember that Silvia didn't own one.

Other times Anaya would have refused, but thinking how she was going to agreed.

"Okay, I'll have some." Silvia smiled and brought out two plates.

She served equal portions of food on the plates and brought it back to where Anaya was sitting.

The two sat opposite to each other and ate together.

"Is the taste ok?" Silvia asked.

"It's delicious."

Anaya smiled slightly, "Thank you for the dinner."

Silvia just shook her head and continued to eat.

The portions were not a lot so they finished soon.

Anaya helped Silvia clean up and decided to leave.She had already spend an hour at her place.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Silvia asked, "It's good to have a friend, isn't it?"

Anaya only then realised that she had really made a friend.

Unexpectedly, she wasn't alone now.But soon she had to leave this one friend as well.

As much as Anaya liked Silvia and her company, she couldn't go on with her life like this.

"Silvia, I have to tell you something."

Anaya turned around when she reached outside.

"Say." Silvia stood at the doorway.

"I will leave the pack soon." Silvia's shock was very clear.

Anaya felt guilty for saying this but she had to tell Silvia.

When it was time to leave, Anaya wanted "lt understand."

Anaya looked up, surprised.

Silvia had a small smile on her face, the moon rays fell over her black eyes, reflecting her kindness.

"I understand how you feel.And if you think you can’t take it anymore than leaving is the best." Silvia said.

Anaya's throat were blocked by the welling of emotions.She gulped then down and said, "Will you come with me? We can leave together.You won't have to live like this anymore.We are both mateless, it is hard to survive alone in this world.We can be each other's company, each other's friend."

Anaya was hoping Silvia would say yes.

The world outside blue stone sounded like paradise, but it was not like that at all.

The world was full of struggle and sacrifice.Anaya would love to have someone accompany her in those times.

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