Alpha’s Tormented Seductress


Time seemed to pause as they both stared into each other’s eyes.

“Can you let go of my cloth? You are holding on to it so tightly that I can’t seem to get up.” The stranger said  in a husky and sexy masculine voice that send shivers down Alyssa’s spine.

She had always prided herself in being uninterested in the opposite sex so much so that she hadn’t the bit of interest when Lucas, her mate approached her. So, why the hell was her heart beating so fast at the voice of a stranger? Her cheeks had also warmed so much she must have looked like a tomato.

She thanked the heavens that their position blocked the light from shining on their faces or else she could have died of embarrassment if he saw her red face.

He cleared his throat when she seemed to not ear him.

She then realized her actions and quickly let go of his clothes flustered.

“Sorry!” She apologized while clearing her throat awkwardly.

She scrambled up once he was off her before proceeding to pat the dirt off her clothes.

“Sorry about that sir, I took a wrong step and sent up both tumbling on….” She started but trailed off as she raised her head and finally looked at the stranger.

She gasped audibly.

Could such a beautiful person exist?

She ribbed her eyes again to see maybe the fall had caused some sort if concussion that had somehow affected her eyes too.

When she looked again, the guy still remained the same. A peerless beauty that screamed “God’s finest creation”.

She knew that it was somewhat of an exaggeration on her path to dub him with that title but she was lost on words to say to show how handsome this nan was.

The emerald green eyes that seemed to soothe even the craziest soul didn’t help in reducing the beauty’s effect. It was a complete look that went hand in hand in making girls crazy.

He was lanky yet built with muscles in all the right places.

What she wasn’t aware of was that the man was also surprised by her beauty as his pupils visibly dilated. He sized the lady before him up and couldn’t help but hum in appreciation.

Her most striking feature was her violet eyes which were uncommon in the werewolf world. It wasn’t rare, just not common.

Her eyes seemed to hypnotize the beholder into thinking that she was the only woman in the world that was meant for them. In short, she was a beauty that could make cities fall.

A dangerous beauty.

He schooled his expression back to his cold and rigid face and coughed to get her attention.

She snapped out of her thoughts and soon her face flushed visibly. He found it oddly cute as she tried to hide her face from him.

“I get why you fell but will you tell me why I feel along with you?” He inquired quite confused.

One minute he was standing on the ledge admiring the view and the next, he was tumbling down and atop a young lady.

He had instinctively reached out to cushion her fall and that made his hand seriously bruise. Thank the heavens for his healing ability or else the mission he had set for tomorrow would have been called off.

He couldn’t afford that.

“Yes! I pulled your clothes but I didn’t think you would fall along with me.”

“Why would you suddenly pull in myclotges? Do I perhaps know you?” he asked brows furrowing in confusion.

Alyssa finally remembered what she had seen and her fuse went off.

“You just reminded me! I tried to pull you back because you wanted to take your life.”

He was shocked by her accusation. When was he trying to take his life? He was just enjoying the view.

Oh! She seems to have seen him standing so close to the edge of the ledge and assumed he wanted to kill himself.

He wanted to correct her misunderstanding but he changed his mind when he saw her puffed up cheeks and red face.

He wanted to see where this was heading.

“What’s your business, miss because I do remember that we aren’t familiar so whatever I do with my life has nothing to do with you.” he rebutted, a tinge playfulness that she failed to detect in his voice.

“Well, I couldn’t just stand by and watch someone kill himself. Why would you do that anyway? You have something much to live for and so much to see.  No matter how hard life gets, ending it all is never the option. Imagine how the friends or family you have would feel after your demise. They would blame themselves for not being there for you and wishes they had done more. They would ask themselves if they were never enough to make you stay.” she rambled on, already peeved at his nonchalance towards life.

“But… ” he started hoping to clear up the misunderstanding as he felt bad that she really cared about him yet he was toying with her.

“Enough! You can’t say it’s because you are alone either. Even if you are,  you can make friends with people so that you would never feel alone. There are good people out there that are willing to care and look after you so far you give them a chance. You need to start to trust people in order for them to trust you back. Death is just filled with emptiness and more loneliness than you experienced while you were still alive. It’s not worth it at all” she ranted, face getting redder by the minute due to overexertion.

He wanted to tell her to slow down but she glared at him so hard he couldn’t help but hold his tongue.

“I have also face quite a lot in my life but you don’t see me jumping off a bridge or dangling from a rope. I pushed and I’m still pushing to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I do have a beautiful soul I met on my journey recently that is helping me so much in my journey. She is a blessing to me and i wouldn’t want to lose that. Find someone like that and  assure you that even if you don’t feel super happy,  you’ll feel fufiiled.” she said concluding her advise.

“Would you perhaps be that person for me?” he suddenly asked while staring intensely into her heart.

Time stopped and Alyssa froze as she processed his words.

After a while,  they suddenly both burst into fits if laughter.

“God! That was so corny and cringe.” Alyssa squeezed out between fits of laughter as she held on to her belly and doubled over.

“I can’t believe I said that!” the guy said laughing along with her.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Those were his thoughts at that time but he didn’t know that he would say it out loud. It sounded so weird and corny when it came out of his mouth.

After laughing till a few tears came out of their eyes,  they finally calmed down and sat on the grass below them.

Alyssa turned to face him with a smile on her face.

Asides Tiffany, no one had made him laugh so much before. The same went for the man as he hadn’t laughed at all in years.

“I have to be on my way now. It was juice meeting you” Alyssa announced before making to stand.

Time was already passing by fast and she needed to get up very early the next day.

A hand grabbed hers and that made her freeze.

She looked down to see the guy staring at her with hopeful eyes.

“Can you please stay with me awhile?” he suddenly asked.

Alyssa was stuck on what to do as she had duties she couldn’t shirk.

She bit her lip in contemplation of what to do.

After much contemplation she finally decided to settle down beside him. She knew that his mental state was not yet stable so leaving him like that was a danger to himself.

She could rely on Tiffany to wake her up on time so she wants really worried. Besides, she wanted to get to know this handsome stranger. Also, she still needed to clear her head and mind so a conversation with a stranger would do her good rather than bad.

“So what do you want to talk about?” she asked him.

“Well how about we start off with introductions?” he replied.

She smiled.

“Well my name is Alyssa and I’m part if the recent maids that were recruited. I’m part of those maiden that didn’t chores around the main castle. What’s about you?”

He wanted to talk but remembered something and then cleared his throat

“I’m Micheal! I’m the attendant to the first prince.” he said keeping his introductions short.

Alyssa was visibly shocked when she heard about the eldest prince.

“You are the eldest prince’s attendant? Is he perhaps the reason you want to end your life?” she questioned with widened eyes as she gasped.

She looked like she had come to a big realization.

Micheal’s eyes widened in surprise at her accusation.

“Why would you come to such a conclusion?” he asked hurriedly.

She saw his reaction and thought he was scared if the eldest prince’s wrath so she shook her head and tutted.

“I heard rumors from around that the eldest prince is an filing duckling who hires only handsome men just to torture them all. It was said that he hates ghetto sight if his own face so he hides away in his own room everyday without coming out. It is said that a peerless beauty just sneezed beside him one day and he immediately had the boy whipped. There are so many rumors about him that ibfannit count them by hand. I don’t particularly believe in rumors but I believe that there is a semblance of truth in those words. At least one of it has to be true!” Alyssa rambled with a sneer on her face.

“I now understand that the one that was true was about him being ugly and torturing beauties. He must have tortured you right?” she questioned looking at him with pity.

Without waiting for him to answer she just rambled on  and on about all the vile things the prince had done.

Meanwhile, the ugly prince just sat there watching her call him both ugly and beautiful in the same sentence.

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