Alpha’s Tormented Seductress


Hurried footsteps echoed through the hall as Ella ran towards a direction.

She didn’t halt nor pause as she briskly walked.

Her face was contorted with menace and anger.

Soon she arrived at a door at the end of the hallway.

She stopped at the door and breathed in and out continuously to calm herself. She arranged her facial expression till it exuded what she thought was her most pitiful yet seductive side.

She stretched her hand forward to knock but stopped short when the door was suddenly swung open. She startled but soon composed herself.

How was she expecting him not to know of her arrival seeing as he had a wolf who was born to lead and had enhanced senses?

Wolves were not all born with healing,  enhanced senses or fast reflexes like it is written in so many fantasy books by humans.

They have to train from young age to hone their skills, gifts and combat prowess.

This gifts be it speed, agility, enhanced hearing and the likes would be home further while they trained as they grew.

Even with all that, there were some who still didn’t unlock any gifts.

Those ones were thrown into the hustle and bustle that came with normal life. They were deemed non special and assigned strenuous jobs especially if they were bred by peasants.

For the ones who were bred by high society, they were bestowed a part of their family’s inheritance to either live an hedonistic lifestyle or build a business and become a merchant.

It might seem very good but in a land of werewolves that was ruled by power and might,  it was basically being thrown to the bottom of the food chain be it rich or not.

Any trained or talented warrior with gifts could attack the merchant and snatch his empire away by force.

The merchants then had to stick to hiring wolves with gifts to safeguard their business.

So, it was an endless cycle where the non gifted wolves had to be at the mercy of the gifted.

“What do you want?” Lucas said dryly after he opened the door.

Ella studied his face carefully and what she saw made her clench her knuckles till they turned white.

He looked haggard and worn out.

An empty shell of the valiant man that once walked these halls.

She had rushed down here because she had heard that Lucas had drank himself to stupor the day before and had to be carried all the way to the room.

This has been his routine for days on end now.

Ever since Alyssa had disappeared, Lucas had moved to the palace guest house in case she ever showed there again. He had drunk himself to sleep every night at the local pub near the palace.

She wasn’t truly worried for him as she felt like she could do better with her looks but she had to settle because there was currently no better option.

Especially since he only wanted that bitchy stepsister of hers!

Her goal was to acquire him an make him worship her like he did her stepsister. She wanted to make the Almighty Lucas of Sylvia worship her like nothing more than a dog before she eventually discarded him. That idiot dog of a sister of hers was always looming in the shadows though so she never had the chance to actualize her dreams.

That was why she was so happy when Alyssa disappeared and wished nothing more than that she should die wherever she was.

She wished Alyssa would never come back because to Ella, she was a stain that her perfect family could never wash off.

Asides that, Ella wasn’t blinded to the fact that Alyssa was more than her in a lot of aspects. She wasn’t stupid not see see the facts. The mere thought of Alyssa always surpassing her irked her down to the core.

She was more beautiful, talented and intelligent than Ella and no matter how much she tried to deny it by abusing her, she just couldn’t shirk off that fact.

She was very happy by the news of the disappearance of that twat.

Still she was suspicious that her father and mother had an hand in it since they didn’t say anything or use any manpower to look for Alyssa but she couldn’t prove it.

Her mother had urged her to try and win the heart of Lucas and to not care about trivial matters such as Alyssa.

And honestly, she didn’t really care.

She was just trying to make sure that the thorn in her side was permanently gone and would not show up later in the nearest future.

“I said, What the hell do you want?” Lucas barked already impatient from being woken by Ella who was now lost in thought.

He could see her sizing him up and that irked him. He remembered the intense gaze of adoration she had given him when he first came. Now he could see disdain and a tinge of disgust hidden in her eyes as she took in his disheveled state.

Ella snapped out of her thoughts and flashed him her most seductive smile.

“I heard that you drank again yesterday and it had me worried. You can’t keep doing this to yourself Luce.” Ella said as she neared him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

To outsiders who heard her words and saw her actions, she was a nice person who was just concerned for her sister’s fiance but to Lucas who had seen how she slowly bit and licked her lip while gazing intently at him, she was just a whore who wanted him.

He normally wouldn’t have touched her ‘dirty body’ but now he needed an outlet to vent out his frustrations on and she was currently offering herself up.

Besides, anytime he remembered the contempt she had a for him a second ago, he so badly wanted to put her in her place. So, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the room.

Inside the room, and after making sure that the door was tightly closed, he grabbed Ella’s hair and dragged her towards the bed where he tossed her on.

“Bitch!” He yelled as she leaned down and gave her a smack on her butt which her had exposed after lifting her skirt up.

She squealed at his brutality but didn’t ask him to stop as wetness pulled between her legs.

He smacked her a few more times to punish her.

Soon, she was a sobbing less as her ass stung from the pain. Seeing this, Lucas slowed down and rubbed soothing circles on her ass.

“Well then, since you were begging for a fuck like the whore you are, I’ll give it to you” he said before proceeding to rip the thin layer of fabric that was covering Ella’s twat.

After that, moans, sobs and cries of pleasure Gould be heard from the room for hours on end.

Later, Lucas could be seen lying on the bed with Ella laying in his chest while she traced circles on it.

“That was really good! I loved it so much I would like to do it another time.” Ella said while smiling.

Not receiving any response from Lucas, she looked up to see what he what he was doing. Her brows furrowed when she noticed the reason for his silence.

He had taken, Alyssa’s letter from the dresser and was currently reading it.

“Lucas! You have to forget my sister! She is not worth your time nor your obsession!” Ella’s voice rang out as she was already annoyed that he was still thinking of Alyssa after just fucking her.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Shut your mouth!” Luce ordered gruffly as he continuously stared at the letter in his hand.

He crumpled the letter and threw it in the bin before standing up from the bed.

“Get out! Your services aren’t needed anymore” he ordered offhandedly.

Ella was shocked at his way of addressing her. Did she look like a harlot that he was telling her that her services were no longer required? She was a princess for crying out loud!

Anger swept through her but she knew not to let it show as she clenched her knuckles till they turned white and put on a shocked and pitiful face.

She hoped to draw in his sympathy and will to protect.

“Why though? I just don’t want to see you this way as you have been…” She started but was sharply interrupted.

“Did you not hear me whore? Get the fuck out!” He barked turning to glare at her with a vicious glare.

She flinched and backed up.

With gritted teeth, she hopped off the bed and briskly put on her clothes.

“Fuck you! I hope Alyssa ends up with someone else and you die here from both loneliness and obsession. You’ll regret what you did to me today, I promised you! Also, the sex with you wasn’t that good. I just lied in order to feed your massive ego, scumbag!” she cursed viciously already dropping the facade she tried to put on.

Lucas growled but she was already out of the door before he could do anything.

“Fuck!” He shouted before sweeping away all the items on his dresser in anger.

Ella’s words had gotten to him and had affected his state of mind.

She wasn’t going to keep trying to win over a man that was in over his head. To her, she was way more than that!

“Liam!” Lucas screamed.

Soon, a bulky guard with a stern face appeared out of nowhere.

“Yes my prince?”

“Assign some of our bests elites to look for Alyssa! Make sure they are aware not to come back unless Alyssa is found. I want her brought to me at all costs.” He ordered.

Liam paused for a second but still answered either way.

“Noted, my prince” Liam answered before exiting the room as silently as he entered.

Lucas glared at the crumpled piece of paper now lying on the floor.

I’ll find you Alyssa and then I’ll make you pay for the humiliation you made me face. This i swear to you!

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