Alpha’s Virgin Stripper

Chapter 35


It happened in a flash. One second, I was on my feet, proud that I was finally standing up for myself without needing help and the next second I was being flung against my door like a rag doll. A sharp pain shot through my head and my eyes could no longer focus on a spot. She was talking, but I couldn’t hear her words, the sounds were blurred. Had I really hit my head that hard? I stood up with a slight stagger, struggling to find my stance.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“.. so don’t you ever say that to me again!” She finished and grabbed at the shirt, pulling at it with all her might. My head throbbed so bad, but I wasn’t willing to let the Alpha’s shirt go… just not yet. I pulled it to myself in, against her wishes, ignoring the pain.

“Give it, you bitch!” She yelled, but I dragged it even more. The sound of the shirt ripping was loud in the ghost-quiet corridor. My jaw dropped, and hers followed immediately after. Our eyes rose from the torn piece of clothing and locked on each other.

All hell was about to be let loose.

“Look what you’ve done!” She yelled.

I began to put the torn sides against each other in a haste, as though it would magically fix it. What if the Alpha wanted his shirt back? What would I say then?

He’d term me careless and throw me out of his casino. I was not his favorite person in the world right now and I could tell that was about to get worse.

“I’m taking the shirt.” She stated, matter-of-factly. I had already gotten in stance when she threw her right hand, landing a slap across my cheek. The pain in my head resurged again as I ducked her slap, her palm landed on my neck instead, her sharp artificial nails cutting through my skin.

“Aargh!” My screech echoed through the quiet environment. My skin stung like ants had gathered on it to feast on my flesh.

My eyes were closed tightly to absorb the pain. However, the sound of a door opening and slamming close made me jump. I turned, a weak turn, to find Ashley at her door, her face tightened in a grimace.

“I’m going to need you to get out of here Lowe. And I do not wish to repeat myself.” She said, with a calm voice. But there was nothing calm about her stare. It was enough to shake anyone, but Zita stared down at Ashley, before throwing her head back in hysterical laughter.

“You are way over your head these days, Ash. Kenji’s finally giving you attention, I see. You should be careful, I could drag him to my bed again if I wanted.” Her threat was subtle, yet her words hung in the air, thickening the tension. Ashley’s fists rolled into two tight balls by her side.

“Yeah? Do your worst Lowe. Ever wondered when a woman would drag your man to bed?” Ashley paused, before covering her mouth in mock surprise.

“Sorry, my bad. I forgot all men ever want you for is sex.”

The last statement was a burner, even for me. I knew Zita wouldn’t take it lightly.

Zita Lowe growled lowly in the manner of a bruised opponent in combat, moving closer to Ashley like an angry and hungry predator. I trusted Ashley to stand her ground, and she was unmoved. Zita could do her worst.

“I can’t believe you let this lowlife here ruin the beautiful friendship we once had, Ashley.” Zita spat out in rage.

“She didn’t do anything. I just realized I didn’t need your friendship a little too late.” Ashley retorted.

It was one of the few times I saw hurt flash across Zita Lowe’s brown eyes. She cast me another dirty look before turning her back towards Ashley and me.

I had a weird feeling this was not over.

Ashley rushed to where I stood.

“Are you okay? I had to make sure it wasn’t intruders or something.”

I nodded when I felt warm liquid seep onto the collar of the Alpha’s shirt. I touched the spot on my neck where I felt the burning sensation. I could have passed out on seeing the amount of blood from the scratch. It happened every time I watched my mother expel blood from every part of her body. Until now, I still felt dizzy whenever I saw the bright red, metallic liquid.

“Oh, damn,” Ashley muttered, face masked with terror. She took me into my room and she rushed to hers to get first aid. She helped me bandage the injury on my neck, the strong smell of the disinfectant made me dizzy. I had never treated any of my scars before. They had always healed naturally.

“I’m so sorry.”

She continued to repeat, again and again.

When I was done with the washing up, I set the alpha’s shirt aside, allowing myself to bask in his scent one last time.

“So what’s up with the Alpha?” Ashley drawled while we both tried to fight sleep, facing each other on our bed.

“I don’t know…” I answered, and it was the truth.

“Greetings, Alpha.”

He said, bowing in courtesy to the former Alpha, Lake Rush’s father. The man stayed silent, the back of his chair greeted Neil’s face as he stared at the window. In the dark, Neil could barely see anything. The only evidence of the former ruler’s presence in the room was his uneven breathing and the smell of wax, mixed with the flavored scent of cigarette smoke. “Neil. What is he up to this time around?”

Neil cleared his throat on hearing the Alpha’s orders. He adjusted the tie on his neck and opened his mouth to speak.

“He’s been attending all his meetings. Already closed five multi-million deals this month. Work-related, he’s doing fine.”

Neil heard him heave a sigh, too heavy to be of relief. He turned his chair to face Neil. His face was always as rigid as Lake’s, if not more. Neil was sure he considered it a sin to smile or show any emotion.

“How about the quest for a Luna? Is there any new woman in his life?”

Neil had to think carefully before answering this question. Was the latest development important enough? He thought it wise not to leave any information out.

“He has been seeing someone a little too frequently. A strip dancer in his club.”

Neil did not want to be the snitch, but worse things could happen if Lake’s father found out from another source. Neil saw the man’s gaze harden in displeasure.

“Who is she?” He questioned, in a sharp tone.

“Her name is JoJo Wyatt,” Neil replied in a matter of seconds.

“Wyatt? I do not recognize that last name amongst any high-ranked wolves in the Rush pack.”

“She does not have a scent, Alpha. It seems she lost her wolf.” Neil added. Now that he had begun to talk, he might as well finish what he started.

Neil had never seen him so angry. Despite his height and stature, he sought to cower away from the alpha’s rage. He watched as he rose up with dangerous agility, he was afraid the table would tumble.

The Alpha twisted his neck, the cracking sounds filled the room. He stopped and took a step forward, closer to his window.

“Watch them closely from now on. If you notice anything suspicious, tell me. I’ll deal with that gold digger myself if she has anything to do with my son.”

He paused for a while. Then turned back to Neil.

“I have a new job for you.” He started and Neil stood up straight, awaiting his instructions.

“You do know who Jessika Rells is, don’t you? The daughter of the blue blood pack’s Alpha?”

Neil nodded eagerly. It was impossible not to know any high-ranked wolf from that pack. After the Rush pack, the blue blood pack was another pack not to be messed with.

“I know her, Alpha.” He replied.

“I want you to bring her closer to Lake. I don’t know how you would make it work. She wants him so it should be easy. Get them involved in the same events, same business-related meetings. I want her as Lake’s wife.” He stated.

Neil did not know how he was to create that magic, but Lake’s father didn’t need to know that. He nodded and bowed.

“On it, Alpha.”

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