Alpha’s Virgin Stripper

Chapter 60


I needed something, anything to take my mind off all that had happened at the police station. I could not speak to Mel until my mind was settled.From NôvelDrama.Org.

I was on the phone, trying to call Ashley. I had not informed anyone – except Bentley, who I had given a rather vague reason for my sudden need to disappear – so, I needed to let her know I was alright. She was going to be worried about me, but would not bother asking anyone, especially not now that everyone was mad at me.

I looked around, scanning my environs for a taxi. It was already dark, I had to find a cab and return to Rush Empire. I was just about to walk towards the alleyway, where it would be easier for me to cross when I walked past a man. Only, I did not get the chance to walk past him, because he caught my wrist and flung me toward his chest. I wanted to scream, but he spun me around and clasped his palm against my mouth.

Cold sweat broke from my face as my heart pounded in my chest. I felt my chest rise and fall with my heavy breathing. This could not be happening to me, not again. Who was this now? Had Mykel escaped prison? Or Lev?

I opened my mouth to speak, but my speech was muffled against his hold.

“Do not scream, it’s me.”

The voice strolled into my right ear, echoing in the left. I could recognize the voice even in my sleep. Suddenly, I did not feel enraged, scared, or endangered anymore. Now, I was faintly aroused by his presence around me. The sweet minty scent of his aftershave, the rough feeling of his palm against my lips, how close our bodies were to each other, my back pressed against his crotch. All of these things heightened the pleasure I felt, it warmed my stomach from the inside and the butterflies in my belly flapped their small wings and turned my stomach into their playing ground.

“Let’s go.” He growled. With that, he took me by my right hand and led me to a car on the other side of the alley. Had he been here all along? How did he know I was here? I had only told Bentley, and he would not have known unless he asked.

Did he ask about me?

The many thoughts continued to run through my mind. It was hard to assemble my thoughts in one place, not when I sitting in the front passenger seat, barely meters away from where he sat in the driver’s seat. I fought to keep my eyes on the road, but they betrayed me and turned slowly toward him.

He had dropped his sunshades on his thighs, but his hoodie was still worn over his head. I couldn’t stop myself from looking at him. He was casually dressed tonight, but still as handsome as he had ever been. If not more.

“Why were you out here Red?” He snarled.

I did not know when I gulped hard on my saliva. I could not tell what was so erotic about that statement, but something in his voice caused a warm liquid to dampen my panties. I frowned at my hormones, even though I could not see them.

He had not been looking at me before, but this time, he turned around and fixed his gaze on mine.

“I asked a question.”

“I wanted to see my aunt.” I blurted out. He wanted an answer, did he not? Well, there it was.


I turned away from him. He already knew too much of my family’s burden. I was yet to know what his intentions were, I could not risk talking to him about personal and family issues any further.

“Certain family emergencies. Nothing you need to worry about.” I did speak the truth. He did not need to worry about anything that was happening to me.

“I hope you are not thinking of forgiving her, Red.” He spoke. His tone was calm, dangerously calm. I was now aware of how profusely I was sweating, even inside the air-conditioned vehicle.

“I was there Red. When that man tried to force himself on you, that night in the alleyway. You should not let your goodness allow people to walk all over you. There is a thin line between love and stupidity…” He leaned into me.

My eyes widened. Was he coming in for another kiss? Did he want to…

He stretched his hand to my seatbelt and drew it over my waist, locking it at my side.

Well, never mind.

I cleared my throat to hide my embarrassment, but I could tell, from my look in the side mirror, that I was failing at it. It was hard to believe he was the one who had rescued me that night, but everything suddenly made sense!

His familiar scent, the feeling of Deja Vu that washed over me when I stepped foot into his room. Everything was clear now. But, if he had always known it was me, then why did he not say anything?

I could not ask him all of these, of course. I knew what his answer would be.

I was silent, except for the irregular and meaningless words that escaped my lips whenever I got too deep into my thoughts.

He pulled up at Rush Empire and I alighted from the car immediately. I had not still understood myself around him. I was a different Jojo in his presence. I was softer, warmer, and not to forget always aroused.

I closed the door in front of me and looked up at him. His eyes were fixed on the road ahead of me. I knew that he barely said words unless he needed to. There was no need to hope for him to speak.

“Thank you, Alpha,” I said, before turning my back away from him and hurrying into the Empire building. I found my way to my room, but first, I knew I had to see Ashley.

When I knocked on her door at first, I got no response. But, just as I was about to jam my blood-drained knuckles against her metal door again, the hinges creaked open. She stood in front of me with swollen and puffy eyes, filled with tears. When she saw me and recognized who I was, she broke down into tears again.

Fear and confusion gripped my chest with sharp claws that threatened to rip my flesh apart. She flung her arms around me and pulled me into the room with her, she shut the door behind us.

My eyes were laden with fright, while my hands lay frozen by my side. I finally found the courage to raise them and wrap them around her waist.

“Is everything alright, Ash?”

“No!” She sniffed, throwing soft punches at my back. Whatever had caused her to be ridiculously silent all week had finally crossed its boundaries, I could tell.

“I don’t even want to talk about it, Jo. I just want to…” She sniffed. I placed her on her bed and searched her room for tissue or wipes. When I found a handkerchief instead, I handed it over to her and sat by her side. She blew the mucus from her nose into it. Now, she could speak.

“I just want to go away. Just want to have a good fight, Jo. Throw punches at something! Anything.”

My eyes narrowed on her.

Throw fights? Throw punches? What was she talking about?

“Fight? Punches?” I asked. When she turned to look at me with disturbed eyes, I shook my head and sat up straight. I felt like an idiot, like someone who was supposed to know something but didn’t know it.

She appeared thoughtful for a while before she shook her head.

“Oh. They didn’t tell you.”

“Tell me what?” My curiosity was eating at me. She blew her nose into the handkerchief again and shook her head, as a sign for no.

“We are not supposed to talk about it. But, you can’t be with us because no one has… has sensed your wolf. It’s a good thing Jo, believe me. That place is no place for the…”

Her speech was sloppy. She was finding it hard to fix her eyes on one spot for a long time. She was drunk and tired, I could see it.

She fell with her back on her bed and spread her arms out.

“… weak.” She finally muttered.

Before I knew it, her eyes were closed and her lips parted.

Though I did not understand a word of what she had said, it did not stop me from laying her down and covering her with her duvet. I disposed of her handkerchief, before slipping out of her room.

I was surprised to find Neil matching towards my room door. He never came to this part of the building for any reason.

I wanted to smile as he approached me, but there was nothing friendly about his gaze.

“Be ready by 7pm tomorrow, Jojo. The car would be here to pick you up for the party.” He spat out when he stood in front of me.

I blinked twice.

What was even going on today?

“Mister Neil, I don’t understand. What party…?”

He was gone, out of the corridor, before I could finish my statement.

He was probably drunk too. Either that, or there was a party in the club that I would be informed about tomorrow.

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