Arranged Bratva Love



Cinnamon buns, purchased at a fucking vegan deli, no less. Strong coffee with plant milk, at the same place, and before me lay Adelaide’s cell phone, laptop, and the credit card I’d acquired with my name.

All I waited for was Adelaide to make an appearance.

I’d already told Leo that he wasn’t needed today. Terrance was on guard duty, where he needed to be. There would always be guards nearby waiting to protect.

I sat enjoying my coffee, and sure enough, I didn’t have to wait long before Adelaide stumbled out of our bedroom, still dressed in shorts and a tank top. Her long brown hair was a mess. She looked like she’d been fucked long and hard into the night. All I’d done was kiss her and send her to bed. By the time I joined her, she’d been fast asleep.

Keeping Adelaide in the dark wasn’t bright. I knew that. Last night, the anniversary of my father’s death, I always went to dark places. There was no controlling it. That day was the best of my life-where I could finally release the chains he had on me and become my own man.

I was a man who prided myself that I feared nothing, and yet, when it came to my father, my biggest fear of all was that I’d turn out to be exactly like him. It’s why I wasn’t in a rush to father children. Like always, I’d make sure to do my duty for Ivan, but that didn’t mean I was in a rush.

I had two years. Two years of having Adelaide all to myself. I was a selfish man, and if that was all I had, I would enjoy every single moment.

“You’re still here?” she asked.

“Sit,” I said. “A vegan cinnamon bun and a coffee.”

“You’re amazing.” She pulled out her chair, took a chunk of the bun, and shoved it in her mouth. She chewed for a few seconds before she moaned. The sound was deep and went straight to my cock. Next she had a sip of her coffee.

“I’ve gone to Heaven.”

Good for her, because I was in Hell.

She licked her lips, lifted the cinnamon bun to her mouth, and then her gaze was back on me. “Is everything okay?”

“As you can see, I’ve got your cell phone, your laptop, and your credit card in front of me.”

“You had these with you the whole time?” Adelaide asked.

“Today you’ve earned the chance to leave this penthouse. I will take you wherever you want to go.”

“Wait? You’re coming with me?” she asked.

I nod.

“How can that be freedom?”

“It’s nonnegotiable.” It was either me or one of my men and I didn’t appreciate anyone else being near my wife.

She put the bun down. “You knew this even before the kiss. You changed the rules.”

“I was the one who kissed you last night. I’m being nice to you. The least you can do is not be a brat.”

“Oh, my … you think I’m being a brat.”

“You will not be leaving this penthouse alone. I’ll be by your side.”

“Ugh, you know what? Fine.” She slammed her coffee down on the table and marched away, only she didn’t go far. I watched her ass that was far too covered in the shorts she wore. She stopped and turned back toward me, and this time her hands went to my face. I grabbed her wrists, but she slammed her lips down on mine, and I held her there, enjoying the soft feel of her mouth on mine.

To test how far she was willing to go, I stick my tongue out and trace across her lip, waiting for her to either tell me to leave her alone, or jerk back. She did neither, and kissed me a little harder. Running my thumb across the pulse at her inner palm, I waited to see what she was going to do, but it wasn’t long before she jerked back. “I earned that!” She went for the cell phone, but I picked it up before she could. “What are you doing?”

“You’ll get this when I find out why you want it so bad.”



“It’s my cell phone. I had a whole life before I was married to you. I had friends,” she said.

“Get rid of them.”


I pocketed her cell phone. “I suggest you go and get dressed before my good mood disappears.”

“You’re an asshole.”

I smiled to which she glared. Her hand turned into a fist, and I expected her to hit me, but instead she rounded on her heel and marched away. Her ass was a temptation. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it, to explore her beautiful body. I’d have Adelaide come apart within seconds if she gave me the chance.

My dick ached. I wanted her so badly. So, so bad.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I craved her.

Hungered for her.

Was desperate for her.

But, I controlled myself, and waited. Adelaide wasn’t ready for me.

I expected her to take a long time, but she surprised me again by being ready within a matter of ten minutes. Her long brown locks were pinned atop her head in a messy bun. She wore a shirt that had seen better days, looked heavily washed, and torn jeans.

This made Adelaide different from other women. No one else would have allowed me to see her looking anything but perfect. Adelaide had no makeup and no jewelry other than the garish wedding ring that was a statement to the world and to her family. She wore clothes that didn’t even have a designer label. She looked perfect to me-the complete opposite of the women I normally went for.

“Ready?” she asked.

“You’re sure you want to go out like that?”


“Okay.” I wondered if she would take me shopping and force me to sit through hours of her trying on new clothes. She had an entire closet I’d chosen for her. This had to be one of her old outfits that she’d brought along with her. Her parents had gotten rid of most of her stuff, but it would seem Adelaide knew what to do.

We left my penthouse. I nodded at Terrance. He’d be following behind us in the second car. So that Adelaide didn’t feel so aware of her position, I was driving us wherever she wanted to go. I still had her cell phone in my pocket. I’d not switched it on, but I knew her whole life was there. She wasn’t on social media of any kind. Her cell phone was just used for calls, texts, and very rarely for emails. She kept to herself mostly.

“Where would you like to go?” I asked, expecting her to tell me the name of a mall.

She tells me the location but not the name. I’ve never heard of it before and have no choice but to type it into the navigator to be pointed in the general direction.

“I could have told you where to go,” she said.

“It’s fine.”

“Aren’t all guys against getting directions?”

“This is not getting directions. I’ve never had to talk to anyone to get what I want.”

She chuckled and I chanced a glance at her.

“Is this some exclusive boutique?” I asked.

“Please, I hate shopping.”

“I find that hard to believe…”

“Why? Because that was all my sister told you to do?” She snorted. “Bethany and I are nothing alike. If you wanted a wife who liked to shop, then you should have married her.”

I gripped the steering wheel, annoyed with her.

Bethany bored me. She always tried too hard. I know she made everyone believe we were fucking, and we weren’t. She never aroused me. Her voice always had that edge of whining to it. I hated hearing her talk. To be honest, the only reason I took her with me on business trips, apart from the fact she was supposed to be with me, was the distraction she provided. I knew she slept with everything that had a dick. She tried to get a rise out of me, but I just didn’t care. Her pussy was already well-used before I came along.

“You owe me my cell phone.”

After last night, I expected her to be scared, or at the very least worried about being in the same room as me. This woman made no sense. Rather than act scared, she seemed to be talking back. When had Adelaide grown a spine? The shaken, panic-stricken woman of our wedding was long gone. In her place sat a very beautiful and determined female.

She reached for the window and pressed the button, letting in the fresh air. Adelaide tilted her head toward it. This was the first time during the day she’d been outside. The only other time I’d taken her out was during our dinner with Ivan and Slavik.

“I don’t owe you anything.”

“That means you’re not a man of your word, and you lied.”

Irritated, I reached into my pants pocket and handed her the cell phone she was so anxious about.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m a man of my word. That means I tell you the truth, and I expect the same in return.”

“I have no reason to lie to you.”

“There is always a reason to lie.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched her press the power button. “It’s dead.”

It would be. I didn’t waste time charging it. That was the other reason I hadn’t given her the cell phone. She would need time to charge it, even when we made it home. She pulled down the glove box, shoved her phone inside, and closed it. I expected her to be angry.

She stared out the window. Her hand was cruising out of the window, sliding up and down.

“We’re nearly there,” she said, suddenly sitting forward.

I slowed down as she started to point to where she wanted to go. When we arrived at an animal shelter, I couldn’t have been more shocked. When she lived with her parents, she’d volunteered at a shelter, but I figured that was to look good to the press.

She clapped her hands, looking excited. I had no choice but to follow her as she’d climbed out of the car and rushed toward the main reception. I wasn’t dressed to be at a shelter.

I watched as my wife talked to an elderly woman behind the counter. The two shook hands, and then Adelaide saw I’d arrived.

“Er, this is my husband, Andrei. Would you mind if I showed him around?” Adelaide asked.

“No, of course not, dear. You go right ahead.”

Adelaide turned toward me, her hands clasped together. “Would you like a tour?”

I noticed she didn’t introduce me to the woman on the counter, whom she clearly knew.

“Yes,” I said, surprising her.

“Right, let’s go then.” Adelaide took a step toward a set of double doors, leading toward the back of the shelter.

I grabbed her hand, locking our fingers together. I wasn’t going to let her out of my sight. This was a surprise. I guess Adelaide hadn’t been using the experience to look good to the press, and I was now even more intrigued.

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