Arrogant President Dotes on Me

Chapter 65 Baron Made Things Difficult

Chapter 65 Baron Made Things Difficult

“Mr. Howard, why are you here?” This was Queena’s voice.

“Checking progress.” This was Baron’s voice, unconcerned but majestic as usual.

Andrea raised her head by her instinct, her face was a bit shocked.

For real though, she didn’t see him for quite a long time, last time that she saw him was when William

came to get her.

This guy looked like he was thinner than before, his face was looking more angular, but that made

people became more afraid of him.

“Andrea, why are you waiting for? Queena calls you!” Christina’s voice came out of nowhere, then she

realized she was dazing the whole time, until Queena called her and she didn’t notice.

“Queena.” Andrea stood up and walked towards Queena, “Is there anything that I can help?”

Queena didn’t mind Andrea dazing just now, she thought she was just tired, “Mr. Howard wants to hear

about the progress of Autumn, and the concept of designs, and coincidentally you are in charge of this

part, so I want you to tell him.”

Andrea looked around her and realized everyone in here was the designer of this season.

She nodded, “Okay.”

Baron, “Dazing during work, Miss Anderson’s working attitude has to be considered.” He said and

walked in the meeting room.

Andrea didn’t have a chance to explain at all, and she was scolded.

She took a deep breath and told herself it was her fault to daze during work, he was right, then she

held her anger.

But the explanation onwards let her believe that he was here to make her embarrassed.

When the other designer was explaining, even though he had his poker face to make people couldn’t

know if he agreed or not, but at least he didn’t say much.

But until it was her turn, he kept throwing question at her.

And the most important thing that made her even angrier was, every question he asked was too on

point to let her couldn’t dodge it.

Andrea clenched her fists, but her smile was still there. Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

She could handle it no matter what question Baron was asking, until the last part, her explanation was

over, the meeting room was already like an ice room.

Everyone in there was breathing carefully.

“Mr. Howard, do you have any question?” Andrea kept her professional smile and looked at Baron.

Baron tapped the table and didn’t say anything.

Andrea also didn’t speak.

They fell into some weird stalemate.

At last, Baron said, “No.”

Then he got up and said to Queena, “You taught them well, your crews are great.”

Queena smiled forcedly, “It’s all your lead, Mr. Howard.”

Until Baron left, they were all relieved.

Someone directly lay on the table, “Mr. Howard is so scary, I feel like I’m in hell when he’s looking at


The other one was wiping his sweat, “Don’t say that, you will be dead if he heard that.” He said and

looked towards Andrea who was arranging the files, he complemented, “To be honest, Andrea, I

thought you are just good at designing before, but today you are like this.”

He gave Andrea a thumbs up.

The lady that laid on the table also said, “Yeah, Andrea, you’re so good today, I think I will cry if I get

asked like that, how could you just simply answer his questions so well.”

Andrea smiled and shook her head, “Nah, everyone is great, I’m scare of him too. Didn’t know how

many times I pinched myself just now.”

She said and revealed her palms, there’s some crescent shaped red marks in there.

Queena walked in and looked at everybody, she smiled, “Okay, I know you guys’ hard work.”

She stopped for a second and slowed down on purpose, “But I have good news for you guys, do y’all

wanna hear it?”

Everyone was disturbed by her sold off.

“Say it then Queena.”

“Yah, stop selling off, we almost died just now by M. Howard.”

“Just say it Queena!”

Queena lightly coughed, “Mr. Howard said, because the summer and autumn’s new designs are selling

great, so all of your year-end bonuses are doubled!”

She said and they were all cheering.

“Oh my god, really!”

“Mr. Howard, long live the king!”

“I’m so happy, I almost cry, this is the first time I feel like Mr. Howard is so handsome and kind.”

By listening to them saying were getting more and more nonsense, Queena stopped them, “But there’s

a requirement though, winter new design have to be great too, cannot be worse than this!”

“Make sure to get your job done!”

Andrea went back to her seat, looking at her colleagues’ fighting spirit, she couldn’t help smiling, this

smile was much real than the smile she had before.

Maybe it was because of the atmosphere, the following days in the KJ designing department, the crews

were like on steroids.

Andrea was also being affected by it, her working time was extended longer and longer.

Until she didn’t even notice that Andersons’ house’s condition was getting weird.

Especially Cassidy, the amounts of her getting angry was getting many as hell.

Until today, Cassidy was eating, then she suddenly threw the chopsticks on the table, “Are the Reeds

company’s crews insane? Didn’t they know I’m Eason’s girlfriend? They keep messing with me!”

“And, Eason that trash, he keeps saying it’s company’s rules so he can’t bother!”

“Cassidy!” William stopped her, “Look at you! How did we educate you!”

Hazel pulled Cassidy and said to her quietly, “It’s okay, my dear, don’t be mad, mommy will think a

solution for you tonight, okay?”

Cassidy understood her mom’s meaning, she calmed down, “I’m done, I’ll go first, come find me after

you are done eating mom.”

She said and left.

Hazel then comforted William, then she went upstairs.

Until the dining room was only William and Andrea left.

William acted like he was asking randomly, “Andrea, is there any problem on the relationship between

you and Mr. Howard?”

Andrea raised her head and acted like she didn’t know anything, “Nothing much. Didn’t dad say that I

shouldn’t keep finding him since we aren’t married or anything? So I barely contact him.”

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