Awake At Dawn (Wildflower Series Book 2)

Awake At Dawn: Chapter 35

TODAY HAD TO be the best day of my life.

Ironically, it had to be the best day of my brother and best friend’s life, too. Or the best night, rather. The inky sky bled through the glass greenhouse ceiling as dusk turned to night, and the moon popped out, full and bright.

Regardless, paying attention to the nuptials was incredibly hard when my mind was racing from my conversation with Noah. I kept replaying everything he said, still struggling to fully believe it all.

Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I watched my brother and best friend exchange their wedding vows. I knew we’d be here one day, but that didn’t make it any less astounding to see it actually happen, and I was so unbelievably happy for them.

When the newlywed couple took off down the aisle for the recessional, I linked arms with Grayson before following them. A second later, I felt Noah’s eyes on my back as he and Sofia followed us.

How? How was I supposed to make it through the rest of the night feeling his hot gaze like that?

I shook my head, knowing I needed to focus on Juniper and Julian. For crying out loud, my brother just married my best friend. I shouldn’t be thinking about Noah or anything that wasn’t making this wedding the best one ever.

But then again, the couple in question didn’t bother to slow their pace on their way down the aisle, instead immediately disappearing back into the hotel.

Of course.

“Did we already lose the bride and groom?” Noah asked, pulling up next to me with Sofia in tow.

“Where did they go?” Gianna questioned as soon as she walked up with Cameron.

“I don’t think we want to know,” I laughed as I felt Noah’s arm wrap around me. His fingers danced across my back until settling on my hip, causing heat to hurtle through my body. We hadn’t talked about whether or not we would be public with our relationship tonight, but apparently, Noah had made his mind up about that.

Not that I minded.

Gianna clapped a hand over her mouth when she realized what Noah had done. Very non-discreet, too. Then Genevieve did the same when she walked up, and then the rest of my sisters surrounded us a moment later. And all of them, every single one, were looking at Noah and me, passing intuitive looks between them.

They hadn’t been entirely surprised when I told them about Noah and our situation. I guess Noah and I had not been subtle at the bachelorette party, and Julian was the only person who really didn’t notice anything. And that was only because he’d been glued to Juniper all night.

My sisters had been surprised about the pregnancy, though. But instead of pity, shock, or disgrace like I’d worried, the surprise was filled with a happiness I hadn’t expected. Joy. Excitement. Gushing. Definitely some swearing at Silas Taylor, but also this all-encompassing love for their future niece or nephew. We still weren’t sure which it would be because, as it turned out, I just…hadn’t been ready to know yet. There had been something missing at my last appointment.

Or someone.

Ultimately, my sisters knew I wanted to be a mom, and while this wasn’t the traditional way to go about it, they were still happy for me. And I’d needed that. I really had.

Meanwhile, Noah didn’t back down from the sudden attention. His hand remained on my hip, and I could feel it inching toward my stomach, which filled with butterflies at his touch. This man really did want to lay claim to this baby, didn’t he? It was hard to wrap my head around it, but it was true, and my heart felt like it would thump right out of my chest.

I smiled at my sisters, a confirmation smile, and then let Noah lead me into the hotel before the crush of guests filed out of the greenhouse.

“I’m sorry,” Noah muttered as we made our way to the reception hall on the hotel’s main level. “I’m just so done hiding the fact that you’re mine. God, I’m so excited that I get to hold you in public now. And spoil you whenever I fucking want.”

I gave him a warning look. “Noah, you already spoil me.”

He threw his head back and laughed before opening the door to the reception hall for me. “No, I’ve taken care of you, and I think I’ve treated you well, but I have not spoiled you.” I walked through the door, and he followed, raising a brow in curiosity. “Your old apartment was in the suburbs, and you liked it better than living in the city, didn’t you?”

I shook my head, even though he was partly right. I’d never loved city life, but it had grown on me recently. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but stop.”

“A house in the suburbs would have room for Winnie to play,” Noah continued. “And Baby.”

My heart flew into my throat, but I knew this conversation was ridiculous. We’d been dating for all of a few hours.

“Noah, I know you love your apartment. We do not have to move.

“I do love it,” he replied honestly. “Which is why I’m not really proposing moving.”

My brows furrowed. “What are you proposing, then?”

“Buying you a house. Us a house. A second residence,” he said flippantly. “Thought that was obvious.”

“Oh my God,” I started before I saw my dad walking toward us and immediately zipped my lips. I’d deal with Noah and his excessive spoiling later.

My parents’ reaction to the news about the pregnancy had been different from anyone else’s. John Briggs was quiet after I spilled the truth. So was my mom. Too shocked for words. Eventually, my dad nodded, cleared his throat, and asked a few calm, logistical questions. One of which was if I wanted to move home.

It had been tempting; I couldn’t lie. More tempting than living with Julian and Juniper or any of my sisters when they’d asked. My parents knew how to care for a baby and raise a child. They’d done it six times. But returning home felt like stepping backward just when I’d started to feel more comfortable moving forward. Besides, it would mean finding yet another new job.

“Now I know why I saw my daughter in the stands of a Minnesota game on TV.”

My dad sauntered the rest of the way toward us, one hand in his pocket as he grew a half-smile. He put his other hand out to greet Noah, and my new boyfriend took it with ease, all while keeping his grip on me intact.

I should have known my dad would have seen me on TV, too.

“Considering we destroyed Minnesota in the endzone, I’d call that game a Knights’ game, sir.”

“You’re right,” my dad chuckled before releasing Noah’s hand. “And I’ve told you before to call me John. That doesn’t change now that you’re dating my daughter.” I lifted my brow in surprise, and my dad noticed, adding, “That is what’s happening, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, Dad,” I said with a light laugh. “That’s what’s happening.”

My dad nodded, satisfaction coating his features. “Good.

I glanced over at Noah, and I could see his expression relax. I hadn’t even considered that he might be nervous about my dad’s reaction. Maybe he’d thought my dad would disapprove, considering his reputation.

But my dad had always liked Noah. He talked about him all the time when we watched Knights games together, about how, out of all of Julian’s friends, Noah was one of his favorites. I assumed it was just because Noah played for my dad’s favorite NFL team or because Noah liked to talk shop about his motorcycle with my dad, but either way, he’d never said a bad thing about him.

And I suspected Noah needed to hear my dad say that. Needed to hear him say good.

“She doesn’t want to move home,” my dad continued, “so take care of her when she’s being stubborn, okay?”

I started to roll my eyes, but Noah’s smooth voice stopped me.

“I’ll take care of both of them, John.”

Both of them.

“Good.” If my dad sounded satisfied before, it was nothing compared to how assured he sounded now. “Now, I think you kids have to get lined up for that grand entrance or whatever they call it.”

Noah glanced at his watch and nodded, a smile playing on his lips. “You’re right. Let’s go, Em.”

He started to tug me back toward the reception hall entrance, but before I turned around completely, I caught my dad’s eye and smiled. Wordlessly, he grinned back.

I walked out of the elegantly decorated, floral-covered reception hall to run straight into Juniper.

Juniper looking like she’d been freshly fucked.

By my brother.

“Oh my God, Juni,” I groaned.

“What?” Juniper looked alarmed as she faced me, like she really had no idea what I was talking about.

I glared at Julian, whose satisfied smirk made me want to gag. “Really? You couldn’t have waited until after dinner?”

He shrugged. “My wife was asking for it.”

“Julian!” Both Juniper and Janie hissed his name simultaneously.

I shook my head, struggling not to smile, even though my brother was absolutely ridiculous. “Come on, Junes,” I said, grabbing her hand. “Let’s go fix your hair.”

Julian tried to intervene. “I can do that⁠—”

“No.” I whirled on him, shaking a finger in his face. “You’re not allowed alone with your wife again until at least after dinner. Otherwise, we’ll never make it to the first dance.”

My scowl did nothing to Julian’s grin. Which I supposed was good. I was happy he was happy.

“Hurry up,” Noah whispered in my ear before brushing a soft kiss against my skin. A delicious shiver wracked my body. “I’ll go tell the DJ to wait a few minutes.”

Noah’s proximity made my stomach flip, but my attention was on my brother, watching as his expression morphed, his brows lifting straight into his hairline. And if I wasn’t mistaken, his smile widened just a hair.

“London,” Julian called before Noah could leave on his errand. I felt him still behind me.

“Anything you’re about to say, I already know. The threats aren’t necessary. Trust me,” Noah said over my shoulder.

Julian cocked his head to the side. “I was just going to say I’m proud of you.”

Noah was silent except for a quick intake of breath. Then, he cleared his throat. But before he could reply, Julian added lightly, “But also, I’m going to kick your ass if you hurt her.”

“Oh, shut up.” I could hear Noah roll his eyes. But I also heard amusement. Happiness. “I’m not going to, and you know it. Now, excuse me while I go tell the DJ to wait for my girlfriend to fix your wife’s hair.”

Noah disappeared back into the reception hall, and I started tugging Juniper away, ready to answer her million questions about what had happened in the last few hours.

As we passed Julian, I saw him mouthing the word Noah had just said.


Meanwhile, I was stuck on the other word.


Yeah, tonight really was the very best night.

And the best part was that it was far from over.

The feeling of Noah’s touch lingering on my skin and his promises from earlier were a hot, heart-thumping reminder of that.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

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