Babes Stripping For Love

18. Ex be Damned

“Gage, we just went out yesterday, I really need to work. At least let me do something?” Bree asked letting Gage pull her into his arms at the same time.

“I may not be a billionaire, but I do have money, Bree. Put yourself in my shoe. I care about you and Hazel and the last thing I want to do is to put you to work.” Gage was being modest, the man was a self-made multi-millionaire. He was set for life though not many people were aware because his lifestyle was always modest and he never felt the need to flaunt his wealth.

“But what if we break up, I don’t want to end up back in that same place. I literally had nothing Gage. Put yourself in my shoe.” Bree retorted, throwing his words back at him.

Gage sighed heavily and did that, then he finally relent. “Okay, but I want your lawyer’s name, I’m going to get my lawyer to look into your case and see what he can do with your alimony and child support. And… I’m not letting you strip, I’ll ask Jojo to take you under her to help with administration work.”

“Does Jojo has work for me? I mean I want to work for my money.”

Gage grabbed her closer and kissed her forehead. “Jojo handles my other businesses as well, and believe me she will work you to the ground. She had been asking for an assistant for a couple of weeks now, but I haven’t gone through her list of applicants.”

“Yeah? Okay,” Bree smiled and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. She had a degree in business administration, though at her age she was lacking the job experience, that has been the issue with her job hunt before she stumbled into Babes.

They were lying in his bed, still naked, cuddling after their sexy times. “So the shopping trip?”

“You’re spoiling her.”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“That’s my current goal, bribe the little girl so her mom will like me more.” He kissed her hair, not willing to be parted even for an inch.

“I already do like you, you’re really good in bed.” Bree teased as if it was the only thing that she considered him for.

“Hey, I take what I can get.” He teased back rubbing his hand to her sexy back side.

“Okay… okay, just grocery shopping and lunch, now I really need to get some sleep. You’ve exhausted me.”

“It’s a date.” He whispered and kissed her shoulder, wrapping her, tucking both of them under the lush comforter after he set an alarm so that they wake up before Hazel.


The grocery shopping was getting too much for Bree when Gage let Hazel take every kind of snack to their cart. It was supposed to be a simple thing. When she was with Everett she didn’t even do grocery shopping, they had maids for that.

But when even the basic things were ripped off from Bree’s life, her chest tightened from all the emotions. Months back there were times when she must choose between buying a carton of milk or buying eggs or bread. There were times she didn’t eat so Hazel can buy her favorite chocolate chip cookies. She hated Everett, but most of all she hated herself for being put in such a position.

“Bree, are you okay?” Gage asked when he saw her getting all quiet.

“I’m alright, just a bit overwhelming. Thank you for this. She looked so happy.” Bree rests her head on his chest when he wraps an arm over her shoulder and offered her some comfort.

“You’re welcome. I like seeing her happy, but I want you to also be happy. I know things had been rough for you, I couldn’t even begin to imagine.”

Bree sighed and smiled when she saw Hazel skipping her step to the candy and chocolate aisle. “There were times when I sold my bags to buy groceries and meals, even then I needed to ration and was forced to only buy the staple ingredients. I’d get the cheapest brands so I can buy Hazel’s favorite snacks.”

What Bree didn’t tell him were the nights she went to sleep skipping dinner to fit their weekly allowance since her ex was a bastard.

“Luckily I packed a lot of my stuff into a strange unit when I move out. Everything is gone now, even downgraded my car to get by.” She shrugged, but she could feel his hold on her was getting tighter and she smiled when he pecked her cheek chastely.

“Well, you have me now for as long as you wanted me. Come on let’s get out of here I’m getting hungry.” Gage didn’t want Bree to be taken back to her bad situation. It defeated the purpose of him taking them out to be happy and have a good time.

Gage wanted to do more for them, but he was taking things slow not wanting to drive Bree further because he was coming on too strong.

Hazel was all too excited when they reached the restaurant and she was once again being spoiled by Gage when he told her that she can order milkshakes while she waits for her food. Bree let her little sunshine enjoy her order while she squeezes Gage’s fingers, tightening her hold, silently telling him thank you. And he kissed her temple, “it’s my pleasure Bree, you know that.”

She was about to reply when suddenly Bree saw him. Her pale expression made Gage look in the direction she was eyeing. Luckily Everett was just passing through, honestly, she didn’t want Hazel to see her dad with his arm around her old nanny who was also his youngest PA.

“Do you need to go freshen up?” Gage offered knowing the situation rattled her a bit. The man looked at her ex the moment she whispered Everett’s name for his ears only.

Hazel was busy with her new book, looking at the pictures. She was happily ignoring both of them. Bree shook her head then continue, “I’m okay, we’ll talk later.” She put her hand on top of his as the waiter arrived with their drinks.

Hazel’s grin was contagious and they both laughed when the little toddler eagerly drank her chocolate milkshake.

After the impromptu scare with Everett. Their lunchtime was quite enjoyable until it was time for them to get back for Hazel’s nap time.

“Why don’t you go get changed then we will have that talk,” Gage said the moment Bree was done tucking in Hazel for her nap time.

It didn’t take long, Bree walked into the living room in her shorts and well-worn t-shirt and Gage was still in his jeans and shirt telling her that he needs to go out later to take care of some stuff.

“So, spill,” he offered her a smile while giving her a refreshing glass of ice tea and grabbing one himself from the coffee table as Bree sat close to him.

“I don’t want him to see us, and Hazel will have expectations of her daddy and he always let her down. The guy barely even looked at her when we were still together. His eyes were always darted to his assistants, then nanny, by the end of our marriage. The young assistant was staying at our house because he told me that it was easier if Hazel had her nanny in the same house.” Bree sipped her tea, as she pauses her story, she could see Gage was looking irritated from her story already.

“And you leave him after that?” Gage could only hope, though he knew she didn’t when he saw her shoulder slumped.

“I didn’t. I thought if I could get past his infidelity, Hazel will live a full life. I was surrounded by women with this kind of lifestyle, I have my inheritance from my parents but Everett had dug into the fund for one of his projects, so I didn’t have much to start fresh with Hazel.” She paused again to put her glass on the table and wiped her suddenly damp hands on her shorts

“I… I was stupid, I know, but I…”

“A man like him would do that, get their spouse to depend on them, tighten their finance and make them stay. So what happened? How did you finally get a divorce?” Gage didn’t want to be nosy, but he feels like she needs to talk it out. At least for closure.

“I had too many visits to the ER,” she shrugged, “I guess he had it with me. And obviously, because the new girl is younger and prettier.”

“Damn it, Bree you should ask your lawyer to follow up on this, pressure him to give you more. You know, I’m not surprised if your lawyer is being contacted by your ex.”

Bree looked surprised by the revelation. “You think so?”

“Most likely,” Gage shrugged, “I’m talking to my lawyer about this and see if there’s something more that he can dig up. Let me know the previous hospitals you visited, they must have records.”

“But I’m done with all of that, I just want to move on.”

“I know you do, but my lawyer is good enough that he can push without your involvement, without you meeting your ex.”

“I don’t know,”

“Just let my lawyer work it through and see what options you’d have?”

She hesitated, but then replied, “Okay.”

Bree was letting herself go, trying to be selfish though she was scared as hell. Her instinct told her it was okay to lean on Gage, but her insecurities told her otherwise. Trusting someone is harder when you’ve been hurt before, but Bree wants to be selfish, silently hoping that it was her time, that she deserves to be happy.

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