Baby Daddy Facade

Chapter 27: Food now, sex later.

Chapter 27: Food now, sex later.

"Love is to feel what the other is feeling even if they are far away." - Barak


Angelo Le roux.

"Are you sure this is what you really want ?" My father asked looking concerned. Once again for what seemed like the hundredth time that question was thrown into the air again. Does every engaged couple go though this everyday until their wedding because it's exhausting.

"Yes, I'm certain." I said pursing my lips into a thin line but something was constantly telling me to say no. People get nervous all the time before their wedding day right ? That must be it.

"Then why don't you seem happy ?" My father questioned as I sat on the opposite side of his office. I blinked furiously not sure what he was driving at.

"I'm as happy as I could be, dad." I laughed not sure of how to react to his blunt attitude.

"I know you very well son." He said in a soft hoarse tone.

"Trust me, i really am." I said finding the grey carpet more interesting than anything in the room right now. Suddenly there was a knock saving me from the awkward tension thickening between my father and I. I couldn't help but think that my father didn't like Yaya, maybe that was it.

"Come on in, Raina." My father said with a grimace, i swear he loves her more than anything. Well who wouldn't she is innocent, nice and sweet.

- you don't .

"Mr. Le Roux ?" She walked in with a smile on her face, that was of course the most attractive thing about her. Seeing her in a pencil skirt made my pants tighten and feel constricted. They always shaped each and every meander of her body.

"Nonsense Raina, i told you that you can call me Richard." My dad stood up to hug her. I didn't know why he invited her because this certainly wasn't a coincidence.

"I know, i know but I want to sound as professional as possible." She pouted and my father was just too happy he hugged her again. I don't know why but it bothered me alot, they were too close for comfort.

"Oh yes you remember rule number 234-" My dad giddily smiles.

"234 page 72. Yes I read the whole book." Raina finished his sentence and he seemed so proud.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see you there, Hi Angelo." She didn't give me the same smile which made me feel unwanted but why would I care about what type of smile she gives me. She didn't look at me the way she used to. Her brown hazel eyes didn't glimmer like they used to whenever she saw me...

"It's okay. I was just about to leave." I bluntly replied. I noticed she avoided eye contact but why was I noticing all these small gestures.

"No, you don't have to leave. I just came to get some advise from the best lawyer in Los Angeles." She grinned at my father who seemed to do the same.

"You mean the best lawyer in the world." My dad added and they both laughed. I didn't get it.

"We were just discussing Angelo's engagement, you may take a seat Raina." My dad offered Raina a seat right next to me, taking his seat as well.

"Oh thanks Rich." She smiled showing her pearly whites and her dimples never seeming to glow.?

- Whatever happened to being professional? Rich.

"I actually have to meet Yaya for the dress fitting, it seems the measurements didn't go too well." She said fumbling with her car keys. I knew what she was talking about. Yaya had told me earlier that Raina's voluptuous body was making the other girls feel insecure. Although I think she doesn't know but she is so fucking perfect so beautifully breathtaking. I could fuck her all day.

- that's just lust speaking.

"Right." My dad interrupted. "So the Derrick case ?"

"Here goes the lawyer jargon. I think that's my cue." I stood up only getting a full view of her creamy legs. I gulped down, my other member feeling restrained.

"See were God-sent because both my kids didn't want to study law then you came along." My dad joked.

- then she came along.

"You have amazing kids, Mr. Le- I mean Richard. I hope the twins follow in your footsteps." I knew exactly what she meant, i wasn't a good father figure for Ashton and that my father was. Well I'm getting married to the love of my life, i have a company that is well developed...I'm the perfect father figure for my kids especially my son.

- but you treat his mom like shit.

They didn't even notice me leave because they were so consumed in their discussion. I heard Grayson's name being thrown here and there of course, she would talk about her boyfriend. fucking great if you asked me.


Arriving home after a long day at the office and a visit at my father's law firm. I felt tired and drained.

"Hey you are home ?" Yaya was on the phone dressed in tiny shorts and a tiny top. She would fit to be a model, she does look anorexic at times. She was on the phone pacing back and fourth.

"Yes there will be over five hundred guests. two hundred are family and the rest are potential clients from the celebrity world." She explained. I laid my car keys on the counter, feeling exhausted. That's all she has been doing since the day I proposed; planning the perfect wedding.?

"I thought we discussed this." I mouthed removing my Armani blazer.

"Make sure ??news is there, MTV and any other useless shows. Just make sure ?? is there okay. People magazine has to make us the front cover of September issue." She continued.

After making several calls, she finally hanged up. "Babe, i thought I told you. I want a private intimate wedding with a few family and friends." I laid a kiss on her lips.

"I know but honey, I have been planning my wedding since I was a little girl and I really want this. I want the world to witness our profound love." She said euphoria evident in her voice.

"I just-" i was cut off.

"I love you Angelo and I want this to be perfect, please allow me?" She pouted and I couldn't deny her of her perfect wedding.

"Fine." I summoned earning multiple kisses everywhere, i didn't feel anything. I never did, no one's lips affected me the way-

- you are fucking engaged get it together Angelo.

"So today my designer finally fixed Raina's dress... Goodness if I had known she would give me such problems I would never have made her my bridesmaid." She stood up waving her slim arms out of frustration. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

"She has such a big ass and huge tits then the tiniest waist, how does that happen ? Now my dresses are giving each problems." She grumbled.

"But why would you tell your designer to design one size for all your bridesmaids." I asked clearly amused. It wasn't entirely true Raina had a body of a Goddess, it's just that my fianc??e is really skinny so she see's anyone whose above her weight as fat. Raina has the body of an fucking deliciously perfect.

- you are engaged.

"My friends and I are all the same size so I just assumed-" she sighed running her hands through her hair. "Raina has a perfect body." She mumbled. "She will steal my shine on my own wedding day and it's not just her body even her face." Yaya was now sulking and I hated when she did that.

"You are more perfect babe, that's why I am marrying you not her." I pulled her to sit on my lap.

"Really ?" She asked unsure.

"Really babe. You are a freaking Goddess." I kissed her earning a moan.

"You should remind me everyday sometimes I forget." She hugged me.

"I will." i assured her with a kiss on the cheek.

"For the rest of our lives ?"

- now that scared the shit out of me.

"What's for dinner ?" I asked avoiding the question.

"I was thinking we could order Chinese or pizza but you will have to eat that alone. I am on a diet, i wouldn't want to have problems with my wedding dress later on." She said tugging her blonde hair into a ponytail.

"Right." I mumbled.


"Angelo don't do that, I'm cooking." She giggled. I couldn't help admiring her petite curvy figure, God I was so blessed to be eating this everyday.

"We can always order out while I fuck you in the shower." I whispered in her ear.

"No, Angelo. We can't have take outs everyday although that sounds very pleasing." She said in a serious tone.

"I don't mind not eating, i want to eat you."

"Nope, if you keep doing that you won't eat at all." She warned and I smirked.

"Look at you being sassy at me, are those your Puerto Rican genes kicking in?" I spanked her ass making her squirm.

"Don't push me Angelo." She grinned tasting the food she was cooking.

"Let's taste what you have been cooking for the past Fourty-five minutes." I questioned.

"Okay let me grab a plate." She said innocently.

"No that's fine I want the one from your mouth."

"Gosh, Angelo you are disgusting."

"Fine, let's get the plates." I sighed as I watched her flipping her beautiful black hair to the other side.

"What?" She asked.

"You are pretty." I said like I was talking to my crush and caught in a trance. She just smiled and shrugged.

"How about food now, sex later." She suggested looking at my bulge.

"Great." the thought of having a boner while eating sounds really great.

*End of flashback*?

"Cooking is boring anyways right ?" Yasmine snapped me out of my thoughts. "Takes a lot of time and effort."

"Yep." I faked a smile.

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