Babysitting The Billionaire’s Adult Son


The drive back to the company is a hush. Mr Gordon keeps quiet throughout the ride from the restaurant. Melanie didn’t know what the issue is. She thought he is just thinking about work not knowing that she is the reason behind his quiet state.

Melanie steps down from the car when he pulls to a halt in front of the company. She grabs her purse from the seat, her eyes not leaving Mr Gordon as she shut the car door.

“Drive safely.” She waves to him. She watches his expression through the window and she let out a soft sigh.

Melanie clutch her purse tightly. She turns around and starts walking towards the entrance. She didn’t wait for him to drive off before walking out of him.

Mr Gordon watches her until she enters the company before driving off.

Archie closes the door behind him as he walks out of the principal’s office. He has his face glued to the piece of paper in his hand.

He sighs umpteen times. He sneaks his hand inside his backpack and brings out his phone. He put a call across to his personal Uber driver.

After making the phone calls, he drops his phone and enters the elevator. He hasn’t seen Skye anywhere in the elementary section after she visited the school clinic. He didn’t know where she lives nor did he have her parent’s contact.

He went to the school principal and collected the little girl’s home address from the principal. It wasn’t an easy task to collect such a thing from the principal but after much pleas, she gave in and wrote down the address for him.

Archie gets to the first floor and sights the familiar cab park at the front of the building. He smiles and jogs towards the car.

Class is still going on but he doesn’t care about the day’s lesson. He needs to know how the little girl is fairing.

“Hi, sir.” He greets the man as he enters the car.

The driver turns his head to have a good look at his face. “Where are you headed? Shouldn’t you be in class by now?” The man asks, he arches his brows which makes Archie laugh at him.

“I’m not running from the lecture if that’s what you’re thinking. I just need to go somewhere and it’s very important.” Archie says amidst his laughter.

The driver shakes his head not believing what the young lad is saying. “I’m not taking you to a bar this time.” The middle aged man glares at him.

“Ahh, goodness!” Archie groans, not believing that the man could be Judging him for his one-time mistake.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“Check this address,” Archie shifted on his seat, and he stretched out the piece of paper to the driver. “Does it look like a bar address?” He rolls his eyes before sitting back on the seat.

“So, that is where you are heading to?” The driver asks to be sure. Archie nods and the driver moves his gaze to the steering wheel.

“Okay!” He mumbles and starts the engine.

Some moments later.

Archie stands in front of a rented apartment. His fist on the gate, he knock for the second time and yet, he didn’t hear any sounds coming from the inside.

He wonders if the address his principal wrote for him is valid. He has been standing at the entrance gate for about ten minutes now.

He sighs and moves back from the gate. He looks around the area hoping he will see anyone from the neighbourhood that he could ask about the souls that live in the apartment.

He gets tired of standing so he puts his backpack on the floor and sits on it. He sighs in distress. “What could be wrong with Skye?” He questions himself and gazes at his watch only to behold that it is lunchtime already.

He stands up from the floor, he bends down to pick up his backpack when he hears footsteps behind him followed by a smooth voice of an elderly woman.

“You there, are you okay?”

The worried voice of an old woman asking if he is okay is what ginger Archie to lift his gaze from the bag he is about to pick.

He turns around to have a look at the woman, perhaps, he could seize the opportunity to ask about the people that live in the apartment.

“Do you by any chance… Skye!” He gasps when his eyes meet with the little girl that has her hold on the older woman’s hand.

“Brother!” Skye smiles in surprise. She releases her hold on the woman and runs to embrace Archie.

Archie falls to his knees and welcomes the sweet little girl in his embrace. “What happened to you? I was worried.” Archie whines. He runs his palm on the girl’s head. “Did you fall ill again?” He asks, releasing the girl from the hug. He stares at her face to see that she’s looking healthy.

“My abuela asked me to stay at home for a week. You see brother, I’m sound but she didn’t want me to resume school yet.” Skye says pouting.

Archie grins at her. “Hey, it’s okay. You can stay at home for a little while. I will be coming to check on you.” He smiles, hugging the little girl again.

“Skye dear, who is this sweet kid?” The elderly woman asks her little girl.

“Ahh, sorry abuela.” Skye apologises to the woman. “This is my brother… I don’t know his name.” Skye pouts sadly.


“Oh, thanks, brother. Grandmama, this is my brother from school, Archie.” She grins loudly.

“Oh, dear, you are the boy?” The woman says more in a questioning manner.

Archie smiles nodding his head. He stands up to his feet, holding the little girl’s hand in his.

“Good afternoon, ma” Archie greet her with a beautiful smile on his face.

“Thank you for watching out for my little Skye. I’m her grandmother and you can call me Vera.” The woman smiles. Her wrinkles popped out as she laughed. “Please come in.” She smiles as she walks up to the entrance gate. She opens the door widely for them to go in.

“Come with me, brother.” Skye smiles pulling Archie inside the compound.

They unlock the door and get inside the house. “Welcome boy.” Granny Vera smiles, she walks up to the switch and turns on the light.

“Thanks for taking care of Skye, ma’am Vera,” Archie says while smiling at Skye who wouldn’t release his hand. “She takes her beauty from you, you are so beautiful, ma’am,” Archie says, the little girl holding her cheeks, grinning hard at his compliment.

Granny Vera laughs beautifully. “Dear, my beauty is nothing compared to my daughter’s beauty. You should see her mother.” She says loudly.

“Please sit down dear. Let me get us something from the fridge.” She lets out, walking away from the mini living room.

Skye pulls Archie to sit on the sofa, she jumps letting her pigtails bounce in the air.

“I practice the drawing you taught me. I’m coming let me bring it for you.” She grins running to her room.

“Watch your step, Skye!” Granny Vera yells from the kitchen.

“Yes, Abuela!” Skye yells back to her Granny.

Archie smiles at the two. He moves his gaze up and his sight catches a familiar face on the frame of the wall. A light gasp escapes his mouth not believing his eyes.

“Archie dear,” Granny Vera says walking out of the kitchen with a tray filled with dessert.

Archie hastily stands up from his seat and helps the elderly woman with the tray. He places it gently on the table and sits down back on the sofa.

“Sorry, I want to ask you a question ma.” Archie clears his throat. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “Who is that lady in that picture? Is she your daughter?” He asks pointing at the framework on the wall.

Granny Vera smiles brightly. “Yes, she is my daughter. She is Skye’s mother.” She says, sitting down on the sofa opposite Archie.

Archie mouthed an ‘oh’, he hitches the side of his neck as he couldn’t lift his gaze off the frame.

“Are there any problems, dear?” Granny Vera asks, handing him a cup of fruit juice.

“Everything is fine, she looks like your younger self.” Archie praises her beauty, making the woman smile shyly.

“Brother…” Skye shouts as she rushes up to Archie. “See, I drew a bird.” She grins, showing her sketchbook to him.

Granny Vera couldn’t help but smile at the two. She appreciates how Skye is free around the young lad.

Archie drops his drink and collects the book from her. “Why is your bird not flying higher?” He moves his gaze from the sketch to her face.

“Why is it flying at the branch’s length?” He asks, surprised at her drawing.

“It’s because it broke its arm.” She shrugs, laughing at her drawing.

Archie chuckles. “Is it here?” He asks, pointing at the sagged arm.

“Yes, there.” She grins. “Abuela, which is my drink?” She asks, pointing at the two cups on the tray.

“Just take one dear.” Granny Vera smiles warmly, yawning tiredly as she rests her head on the backrest.

“Thank you Grandmama.” She thanks her grandmother and picks up a glass using her both hands.

Minutes later,

Archie walks out of the kitchen. He had insisted on rinsing the used cups after they were done with their drinks.

He walks up to Granny Vera and tells her that he would be going home. It is evening time already and he needs to head home for him to continue his drawing.

“I will be going now, ma’am. Thanks for the hospitality.” Archie says with a slight bow.

“Oh, dear,” Granny Vera smiles, standing up from her seat. “Do come back next time. It is nice to have you here.” She says, tapping the young lad on his shoulder.

“Skye dear, come and bid your brother goodbye.” She says, taking her gaze towards her room.

She left to drop the sketchbook inside after she promised Archie that she would amend the little bird’s arm. She rushes back to the living room after hearing her grandmother call out to her.

“Brother, are you leaving?” She asks as she sees Archie standing on his feet.

He nods his head. “Yes, I will come back again.” He assures her with a charming smile.

“I will miss you, brother.” She cries out, hugging him to her body.

“Make sure you get well soon so we can see each other every day at school.” He crackles as he hugs her back. His eyes unconsciously drift to the frame on the wall and he let out a devilish smirk.

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